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Cash Register Software (Russian Market)
Main Article: Cash Register Software (Russian Market)
2023-2024: Production of cash registers for the year decreased by 39.2% to 395 thousand units
In 2024, about 395 thousand cash registers were produced in Russia. This is 39.2% less compared to 2023, when the volume of production of such equipment was estimated at 649.7 thousand units. Such data are provided in the Rosstat report, which TAdviser got acquainted with at the end of February 2025.
The analytical company Tebiz Group notes that the Russian market for cash registers is at the stage of transformation. Against the background of active digitalization and tightening of tax control, there is a steady increase in the need for modern devices that support the functions of online cash registers and integration with accounting ecosystems. The development of new methods of payment for goods (through QR codes or through the SBP) entails the need to update cash registers or replace them. At the same time, there are a number of restraining factors, including a lack of highly qualified specialists and uncertainty about further regulatory changes. Significant players in the market in question include:
- LLC Evotor"";
- JSC "Shtrikh-M";
- Multisoft Systems LLC;
- JSC SKB VT Iskra;
- JSC "Accounts";
- NPK Incotex LLC;
- JSC "Kaluga Telegraph Equipment Plant";
- LLC "Drimkas";
- Crystal Service Integration LLC;
- LLC "RR-Electro";
- NTC Alpha-Proyekt LLC;
- "Yarus Ltd" LLC;
- Astor Trade LLC;
- RP Sistema LLC;
- LLC "Firm Pilot";
- Service Plus LLC;
- Dibold Nixdorf LLC;
- LLC "SAM."
The leader in the production of cash registers as of the beginning of 2024 is the Central Federal District with a share of 88.2% of the total Russian market. Next come the North-Western Federal District and the Volga Federal District with indicators of 8.5% and 3.3%, respectively.[1]