Computers (Russian market)
Main article: Computers (Russian market)
Computer and electronics manufacturers increased their annual profit by 16.6% to 392.4 billion rubles
At the end of 2024, Russian manufacturers of computers, electronic and optical products received a net profit of 392.4 billion rubles. This is 16.6% more compared to 2023, when the figure was estimated at 336.5 billion rubles. Such data are given in the materials of Rosstat, published in early March 2025.
According to published statistics, in 2024, computer and electronics manufacturers in the Russian Federation, which showed positive dynamics, recorded a total profit of 426.4 billion rubles - plus 16% on an annualized basis. At the same time, unprofitable enterprises suffered total losses of 34 billion rubles, which is 9.8% more compared to 2023. Thus, the profit and loss balance amounted to the indicated 392.4 billion rubles.
The share of profitable Russian organizations in the production of computers, electronic and optical products in 2024 amounted to 84% against 84.3% a year earlier. Accordingly, the share of unprofitable enterprises increased from 15.7% to 16%.
In 2024, the production of radar and radio navigation equipment, as well as radio remote control equipment, reached 493 billion rubles, which is 66% more than in the previous year. Lamps and electronic vacuum or gas-filled tubes with a thermocathode, cold cathode and photocathode (including cathode ray tubes) brought in 70.7 billion rubles - plus 34.8% year-on-year. The production of computers, their parts and accessories rose by 17.7%, reaching 181 billion rubles. The volume of production of communication, radio and television transmitting equipment, as well as television cameras amounted to 338 billion rubles with an increase of 37.7% compared to 2023. Equipment and devices for radiation and rehabilitation used for medical purposes provided 49.4 billion rubles (minus 1.1%).[1]
Computer production in Russia increased by 17.7% and reached ₽181 billion
On February 5, 2025, the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) presented data on the volume of production of computers, their parts and accessories in Russia. At the end of 2024, the figure increased by 17.7% compared to 2023. The volume of production reached ₽181 billion.
According to TASS, in December 2024, the production of computer equipment showed an increase of 23.8% compared to December 2023, reaching a volume of ₽40,8 billion. This figure was twice the results of November 2024.
The Institute for Statistical Research and Knowledge Economics of the Higher School of Economics indicates that high production indicators have been achieved mainly due to assembly on a foreign component base and components, especially in the microelectronics and chips sector.
The production of semiconductor devices and their parts in 2024 amounted to 54.5 million units, showing a slight decrease of 0.4%. At the same time, in December 2024, the production of these components increased by 32.8% compared to the same period in 2023, reaching 7.2 million units.
Ekaterina Mozharova, head of the ACRA corporate ratings group, notes that laptops, desktop computers, servers and storage systems based on Intel processors are being assembled in Russia. According to her, the sales market is still insufficient for the development of its own developments.
ISIEZ analysts record a tendency to increase the level of localization of production. The process takes place pointwise in certain types of ICT equipment, mainly due to embedded software in servers and storage systems. Experts predict a further increase in the share of localization and the contribution of their own developments to the production of computer equipment.[2]
In 2024, Russia saw an increase in production in many segments of computer, electronic and optical products. According to Rosstat, the production of radar, radio navigation and radio remote control equipment in 2024 reached 493 billion rubles, an increase of 16.6% compared to 2023. A noticeable increase was noted in the production of communication, radio transmission equipment, as well as television cameras - the volume reached 338 billion rubles, which is 37.7% higher than in 2023. At the same time, the production of magnetic cards amounted to 6.2 billion rubles, an increase of 8.2% on an annualized basis.
Production of television receivers decreased by 33.5%, amounting to 2.5 million units. The production of integrated circuits in 2024 increased by 1.7% and reached 514 million units.
It also follows from the materials of Rosstat that the total turnover of Russian manufacturers of computers, electronic and optical products in 2024 reached 3.73 trillion rubles, which is 52.7% more than a year earlier.
Growth in the production of computer equipment in Moscow by 2.4 times
In the first quarter of 2024, the volume of computer equipment production in Moscow increased by more than 2.4 times compared to the same period in 2023. This was announced on June 14, 2024 by the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of Moscow. Read more here.
Russian manufacturers of power supplies and PC cases lack orders
In early June 2024, it became known that the Russian capacity for the production of power supplies and cases for computer equipment (personal computers, servers, data storage systems, etc.) was loaded only by about 20%. Market participants believe that in this situation, some of these enterprises may cease their activities.
According to the Kommersant newspaper, the weak demand for these products made in the Russian Federation is explained by two main reasons. One of them is that domestic customers prefer to purchase Chinese products, since this reduces the final cost of equipment: components from the PRC are cheaper due to the volume of production, as they are supplied to the whole world. In addition, to get into the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, buildings and power supplies made in the Russian Federation are actually not required, since they bring few points.
To enter the register, it is enough to have printed circuit boards and other Russian-made electronics inside the device, says the director of the consortium of data storage systems developers (RosSHD, includes MCST, Norsi-Trans, Aerodisk, etc.) Oleg Emeraludov. |
Norsi-Trans also talks about weak demand for Russian power supplies and cases. According to the director of this company, Sergei Ovchinnikov, ignoring the situation may lead to the fact that Russian computer developers will continue to purchase Chinese products, and "domestic manufacturers will go bankrupt." As a measure to support domestic enterprises, it is proposed to double the number of points awarded for Russian buildings and power supplies as part of final equipment. The Ministry of Industry and Trade reported that they are ready to "consider the position of industry participants."[3]
Computer production growth by a third
The production Russia of computers, electronic and optical products in 2023 increased by almost a third (32.8%) compared to the previous year. This is evidenced by the data Rosstat released in February 2024.
It also follows from the materials of the department that in December 2023 the production of computers, electronic and optical products increased by 24% and 31.8% compared to the indicators of one year and a month ago, respectively. Prices for these products in 2023 increased by 5% compared to 2022, and in December the growth was even stronger.
The Ministry of Economic Development predicted an increase in the production of computers, electronic and optical devices in Russia by 34.1% at the end of 2023 compared to 2022. As noted in the ministry, the production of these products increases due to the implementation of the state program for the development of the radio-electronic industry in Russia, support for the purchase of domestic products, as well as the state defense order.
The compilers of the forecast note that there was an increase in 2022 in relation to 2021 - by 9.3%. At the end of 2024, growth will slow down to 6.9%. Further growth will continue to decline, in 2025 it is predicted at 5.1%, in 2026 - 4.8%. In relation to 2022, in 2026, the production of computers, electronic and optical devices will grow by 57.9%, the Ministry of Economic Development expects.
According to experts from the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (CMASP), the production of computers, electronic and optical products is among the outsiders in terms of profitability in industry - the profit from investments here rarely exceeds 5-10%. This is largely due to the increased costs and violation of supply chains due to the imposition of sanctions against Russia, analysts explain.[4]
In Russia, the production of computers and electronics has grown sharply
The production Russia of computers, electronic and optical products in January-July 2023 reached 170.3 billion, rubles which is 42.9% more than a year earlier. This is evidenced by data Rosstat published at the end of August 2023.
The production of computers and accessories for them in July 2023 increased by 8.8% compared to a year ago - up to 6.3 billion rubles. In January-July 2023, the growth amounted to 36.9%, and the volume of production - 41.8 billion rubles.
The production of semiconductor devices and their parts in the first half of 2023 amounted to 26.6 million units - compared to the same period last year, output decreased by 1.9%. Compared to July 2022 in July 2023, the production of elements decreased by 19.5%.
In the section "activities in the field of information and communications" at the end of July 2023, the most impressive dynamics for the year was noted in the segment "activities in the field of information technology." According to Rosstat, the turnover of structures operating in the relevant profile increased on an annualized basis by 37.1% to 94.8 billion rubles. In the relevant area, approximately 20.4 thousand companies and various enterprises operate in the Russian Federation, it follows from the materials of the department.
It is noted that in the Moscow region in January-July 2023, the production of computers, electronic and optical products increased by 55%.
The production of computers, electronic and optical products is among the outsiders in terms of profitability in industry, experts from the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (CMASP) said at the end of July 2023. According to experts, the profit from investments rarely exceeds 5-10%. This is due, among other things, to the increased costs and disruption of supply chains in 2022.
Computer production in January-May increased by 21.6%
The production Russia of computers, electronic and optical products in January-May 2023 increased by 21.6% compared to the same period in 2022. This is evidenced by data Rosstat published at the end of June 2023.
The agency estimated the production of computers, as well as from parts and accessories from January to May 2023 by 26.2 billion rubles. The figure is 78.4% more than for the same period in 2022, the Prime agency reports, citing Rosstat materials.
It also follows from them that semiconductor devices and their parts in the first five months of 2023 decreased by 6% in annual terms - to 18.8 million units. The production of television and radio receivers for the same reporting period decreased by 19.9%, to 1.6 million units.
The turnover of organizations engaged in the production of computers, electronic and optical products in May 2023 reached 167.4 billion rubles, which is 38.2% more than a year ago, and also 5% higher than revenue for April 2023. The turnover of organizations engaged in software development, consulting and other related services in this area in May 2023 amounted to 197 billion rubles, an increase of 5.4% compared to May 2022 and 0.7% compared to April 2023.
The production of computers, electronic and optical products in May 2023 increased by 31.5% compared to May 2022. Compared to April 2023, the production of computers, electronic and optical products showed an increase of 5.5%, according to Rosstat.
Oleg Buklemishev, director of the Center for Economic Policy Research at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, linked the growth in computer production to the establishment of Russian assembly plants that import components from abroad. Setting up full-fledged import substitution in such a short time is not possible, Buklemishev believes.[5]
Sales of domestic PCs will grow by 20-30%
According to the forecast of Delta Computers analysts, customer confidence in domestic personal computers in Russia will grow, the scale of their implementation will increase significantly. Already in 2023, sales of Russian computers will grow by 20-30%, amounting to about 1.2 million units. One of the factors determining the trend will be the further expansion of the production of domestic PCs, representatives of Delta Computers said on March 15, 2023.
The market for PCs produced in Russia is actively developing: new models appear, and the periodic shortage is quickly eliminated. The market for domestic desktops by March 2023 is already quite large, and laptops are constantly growing, "said Nikita Pashkovsky, leading product manager at Delta Computers. |
In 2022, according to the company's estimates, sales of domestically produced PCs exceeded 900 thousand units. At the same time, commercial organizations began to actively show interest in them. The number of companies using Russian computers doubled in 2022. The increase in business demand was caused by the departure of international vendors that followed the sanctions and the depletion of warehouse stocks of foreign PCs. In addition, the process of forming parallel import schemes took a long time.
Domestic PCs for March 2023 are comparable in quality to foreign ones. However, we often encounter a stereotypical perception by customers of Russian computers as products of fairly low quality. It can be overcome, among other things, through practice, providing the opportunity for free testing. The issue of customer confidence in domestic PCs is a matter of time, - said Nikita Pashkovsky. |
The main customer of Russian computers remains state-owned companies and institutions. Thus, according to the analytical center of the electronic trading platform "TEK-Torg," for the nine months of 2022, government spending on the purchase of computers and peripheral equipment increased by 9.5% compared to 2021. The volume of purchases amounted to 117.6 billion rubles.
However, not all state customers were able to resolve the issue of import substitution of iron in 2022 - their budgets were formed in the fall of 2021. In this regard, it is in 2023 that the peak of demand for domestic PCs is expected.
A more active import substitution process encourages manufacturers to localize products. This leads to the emergence of new equipment and components of Russian origin. Moreover, the requirements for localization will be tightened annually. As a result, the dependence of the Russian IT industry on foreign technologies will continue to systematically decline.
Growth in computer production by 1.6 times
The volume of production of computers and accessories, as well as accessories, increased in Russia in 2022 by 59.6% compared to 2021 and amounted to 74.8 billion rubles in monetary terms. Such data were published in the materials of Rosstat.
According to Interfax, citing materials from the department, in December 2022, compared to the same month of 2021, the growth in computer production amounted to 99.6%, and compared to November 2022, it was doubled. The production of semiconductor devices and their parts in 2022 increased by 9% and amounted to 43.2 million units. Growth in December 2022 compared to the same period in 2021 amounted to 23.3%, and compared to November 2022 - 16.3%.
According to the results of the last [2022] year, we can confidently talk about an increase in the production of domestic computer and peripheral equipment. The main driver of this process was the withdrawal from the market of foreign manufacturers with preserved, and sometimes increased demand. The growth in general occurred in the segment of systems both assembled in Russia and assembled in contract production outside the country, - said Alexander Sysoev, head of Infrastructure Solutions at CROC IT company. |
According to him, the main obstacle was sanctions that affected both manufacturers directly (for example, complicating the purchase of finished components or equipment for their production) and sanctions on related industries (for example, logistics companies that had to look for new delivery routes for components and finished products).
In monetary terms, the market grew, primarily due to the rise in the cost of finished products, since at each stage there were significant changes - both in terms of logistics and in terms of the cost of components and assembly, Sysoev added.[6]
Plan to increase state subsidies for the production of civilian electronics to 210 billion rubles in 2023
In October 2022, it became known that the Russian government intends to launch a subsidy for the production of serial production of civilian electronics. Thus, the authorities intend to increase the production of laptops, computers, tablets. The Ministry of Industry and Trade intends to increase the amount of funds allocated to support the industry in 2023 from 144 billion rubles. up to 210 billion rubles.
2020: A consortium of computer manufacturers has been created in Russia
On April 9, 2020, Yadro informed TAdviser that leading Russian companies, developers and manufacturers of computer technology announced the creation of the ANO Consortium Computing Technology (ANO VT) with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The activities of ANO "VT" will be aimed at the development of the industry, the formation of conditions for the formation of national champions - companies that have already been able to prove in real market conditions the ability to independently create competitive products and represent the country at the global level. Read more here.
- ↑ On the financial results of organizations in 2024
- ↑ Computer production in the Russian Federation in 2024 increased by 17.7%
- ↑ Keep Points Wider
- ↑ Last year, computer production in the Russian Federation increased by a third - Rosstat
- ↑ Rosstat recorded an increase in the level of computer production
- ↑ The volume of computer production in the Russian Federation in 2022 increased 1.6 times