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2018/05/21 11:03:11

Engine start button



Besklyucheva access to a car

2018: Danger of death of cars with ignition buttons

As a number of editions knew in May, 2018, cars with buttons of engine start have a dangerous shortcoming as a result of which dozens of people died already. 

So, according to the New York Times newspaper, since 2006, 28 owners of the cars equipped with such system died in the USA, and harm to health was done to 45 more people.

Cars kill with remote engine start people

Drivers of remotely operated cars use wireless brelki-controllers instead of a normal key which allow them to close/open doors or to start engines. If the charm is rather close to the machine, the driver will be able to start the engine. However existence of a wireless key gives the chance to the driver to go out of the car, without switching-off the engine. If the driver leaves the car with the running engine in a garage, the carbon monoxide gas which does not have color or a smell which can lead of people to death is selected if the garage is located in the house.

According to Business Insider, more than a half of the cars which are annually sold in the USA have besklyuchevy ignition.

Car makers voluntarily install alerting systems on the cars with ignition without key, but among the similar systems there is no universal standard. Ford Remotely operated cars are disconnected if the charm is not detected in the car within 30 minutes while in cars Fiat Chrysler and Mazda warning appears if the charm is absent in the moving car, but ignition will not be turned off automatically.

In 2011 Society of engineers of automotive industry recommended to car makers to use visual or sound warnings for drivers who forget to switch off the engine. According to the edition, The Times, National administration of traffic safety offered the relevant federal law, but the initiative did not get approval of automotive industry.[1]
