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2025/02/21 15:22:38

Financial indicators Postgres Professional

This article is about Postgres Professional's financial performance. The main article about this organization is here.



2023: Postgres Professional summed up the preliminary results of the year. Revenue is projected to grow by 48%, to 5.5 billion rubles

Postgres Professional at the end of December summed up the preliminary results of 2023 and reported on the work done. According to estimates, the company's turnover for the reporting period will amount to about 5.5 billion rubles. As a result, the growth rate of revenue for the financial year may be lower than last year: 48% in 2023 against 148% in 2022.

According to our methodology for calculating the results of the financial year, we analyze the period from February 1 to January 31, - explained for TAdviser in the company. - Thus, revenue in 2022 amounted to about 3.7 billion rubles. In 2023, we predict about 5.5 billion rubles - 48% of growth.

The company invested 1.7 billion rubles in the construction of the PostgreSQL DBMS development and distribution system, received from a strategic investor to create an industrial, reliable and high-performance DBMS for large businesses. As a result, Postgres Professional managed to reach self-sufficiency and bring income in 3 years.

The growth rate is slightly less than last year, but still quite significant, "explained Ivan Panchenko, Deputy General Director of Postgres Pro. - According to the research of the Center for Strategic Research, we were in the first place in the DBMS market - this is an independent third-party confirmation.

Results of the company's operations for 2023

At the same time, the company also increased the number of employees by 50%, reached an indicator of 250 people. Moreover, about 90 engineers are actually developing the software, of which half are working to improve the basis of the PostgreSQL version. Postgres Pro's contribution to open database development was also noted by EnterpriseDB, which is developing the main version of the PostgreSQL kernel. She put Postgres Professional in second place after herself in the ranking of participants in the development community of this open DBMS.

In addition to Postgres Professional, there are also other domestic companies in the ranking: Kontur and Arenadata.

It is very difficult for a high-tech team to grow by 50% because people need to be trained and brought into the course of business, - said Ivan Panchenko. - You can't just give a person a textbook and say: "read and get to the machine." People should do things that no one has done before, and there are no textbooks for this case. We learned how to make onbourding live in the team. And we are not as bad as others, things are with personnel hunger. Due to the fact that we have interesting tasks, they go to us willingly. The spirit of the technology startup in the company is still alive, although we already have 250 people, and they are coming to us, because we are interested and we solve interesting problems, and we have good relationships between people.

Ivan Panchenko voices the results of Postgres Professional (photo TAdviser)

Postgres Professional has built its own commercial version of PostgreSQL, which has at least 40 additional features and uses secure development technologies. The company's production pipeline is configured so that after the release of a new version of the basic PostgreSQL, which is called Standard in the Postgres Pro delivery, it takes several months before the commercial features of Postgres Pro Enterprise are updated. Thus, PostgreSQL 16, released in September, is now becoming the main version for the Postgres Pro Enterprise 16 version, the release of which the company announced at the end of December 2023.

In the new version of the commercial distribution, previously developed functions of the commercial version will be available, but several new ones will be added. In particular, in the Enterprise 16 version, a failover cluster management system will be available out of the box, which is called BiHA (Build-in High Availability).

To meet the FSTEC requirements for DBMS, the Postgres Professional team divided the DBMS superuser into two roles: an administrator without data access and a data protection administrator. In addition, the new version of the DBMS will use an adaptive query scheduler (AQO 2.0), which uses elements of artificial intelligence to optimize work.

To simplify the migration of applications from Oracle DBMS, Postgres Pro Enterprise 16 will also implement feature packages that are similar to those used in Oracle. Such packages allow you to automate the migration process, including stored procedures. In particular, in version 16, packets appear for networking UTL_SMTP, UTL_MAIL and UTL_HTTP, as well as for working with DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO and DBMS_LOB metadata.

In addition, Postgres Pro developers plan to launch features for working with external files up to 4 GBa, which will reduce labor costs when migrating from Oracle.

According to the company's experts, in 2024 the demand for DBMS solutions will grow, but slightly. The drivers include data growth, the introduction of automation systems, the transition to fast development methods and cloud solutions.

Number of products in the domestic software register (left axis for the gray curve of all products, right - for operating systems and DBMS)

In general, according to the company's forecasts, in 2024-2025. the growth of the DBMS market should stabilize after falling in 2022 due to the departure of foreign manufacturers, and, as a result, should reach the indicators of 2021, but already on mainly domestic products.

2022: Revenue growth 3.3 times in 2022

In 2022, Postgres Professional generated 4.39 billion rubles, which is 3.3 times more than a year earlier (1.33 billion rubles). Such data on Russian accounting standards (RAS) were published by the company in April 2023. In the ranking "TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2023," such an indicator allowed the company to take 108 lines (8th line of the list of applicants for inclusion in the number of the largest IT companies in Russia).

Net profit of Postgres Professional LLC for 2022 reached 3.78 billion rubles, almost 4 times the profit of a year ago, which was 910.7 million rubles. In comparison with 2020, net profit increased 1.66 times, notes the publication CNews.

Postgres Professional raised 4.39 billion rubles

According to the Kontur. Focus system, by the end of 2022, the official number of Postgres Professional personnel increased 1.5 times compared to the same period in 2021 - from 75 to 111 people.

In Postgres Professional LLC, 27.9% belongs to Anton Sushkevich, 21.5% - to the general director of the company Oleg Bartunov, another 21.5% - to Ivan Panchenko, the same, 21.5% - to technical director Fedor Sigaev, 7.6% - to Andrei Fleyta ( data from "Kontur. Focus" by April 2023).

In April 2022, Ivan Panchenko, Deputy General Director of Postgres Professional, said that the company continues to recruit production personnel and is preparing to launch new products.

Of course, we continue our development the DBMS and increase our contribution to the international PostgreSQL, "Panchenko noted. - We are noticeably investing in the education and development of the Russian ecosystem Postgres. The training courses developed by us are taught at several universities, including MSU and, and in HSE 10 training centers, we hold annual conferences attended by hundreds of people.

In addition, Postgres Professional at that time created a professional certification system for PostgreSQL. With the participation of company employees, books on professional topics are written.

In particular, Yegor Rogov's monograph "PostgreSQL 14 from the inside" was recently published, which has no analogues in the world in terms of details and quality of presentation, Panchenko noted.[1]

2021: Revenue increased by 45% and for the first time overcame 1 billion rubles

Postgres Professional's revenue, according to the Kontur. Focus service, grew by 45.1% in 2021 and reached 1.33 billion rubles, which allowed it to take 185th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022. At the same time, the company's profit increased by almost 60%, from 570.7 million rubles in 2020 to 910.7 million rubles in 2021.

In 2020, the company's financial growth rate was significantly higher: over the year, revenue increased by more than 170%, from 338.6 to 916.5 million rubles. And net income is more than 166%.

The company was able to achieve such financial indicators for only 7 years of its existence. Five years ago in 2017, the company's revenue was 75.8 million rubles, and a net loss of more than 40 million.

Andrei Fleyta, Deputy General Director of Postgres Professional, did not comment on the financial results, but answering TAdviser's questions, admitted that now the entire Russian business is in a situation of uncertainty, so it is premature to make forecasts for 2022.

On the one hand, we see increased interest in the company's products. On the other hand, while all this remains at the level of conversations, the number of real orders does not increase. Moreover, some orders cannot be fulfilled due to disruptions in the supply of equipment. Therefore, now it makes no sense to make forecasts, - Andrei Fleyta shared with TAdviser.

At the same time, real interest in Postgres Professional is growing, the company's products are increasingly acquired by large state-owned corporations. So, in March 2022, the vendor signed a three-year contract for the supply of DBMS to Russian Railways for 1.08 billion rubles. [1] (more)

2020: Revenue - 916 million rubles

At the end of 2020, the revenue of Postgres Professional amounted to 916 million rubles.