Basic concepts
- Gold is found in the nature of the Earth almost everywhere. So, only in the world ocean (only in water) contains several billion tons of this precious metal, but its concentration is so small that it does not allow to recoup the costs of its industrial production.
- The share of gold in earth, stone, sand, ore is so small that to obtain 1 gram of gold, a minimum of 1 ton of ore has to be processed.
- As of 2015, gold is mined from ores of copper, zinc, silver, lead, while gold is not the main mineral in mining. As a result of the development of silver deposits, a significant part of gold is mined. This source is the most reliable, as the demand for silver is steadily growing.
- By 2015, in the entire history of mankind, the accumulated gold production amounted to 175 thousand tons, of which over 35 thousand tons in reserves from governments, about 90 thousand tons in jewelry, over 35 thousand tons in ingots and non-speculative coins. The rest is "dangling" somewhere.
Reserves in countries of the world
2020: Polyus is the largest gold reserves company in the world (104 million ounces)
Polyus became the largest in terms of gold reserves in the world at the end of 2020. The Russian company itself announced this at the end of April 2021. Read more here.
Gold refining
Gold refining is a complex of technological processes for deep purification of gold from impurities.
For 2022 Switzerland , there are four large refineries located in, which collectively process two-thirds of the world's gold.
Gold production in the world
Russia ranked second in gold production in the world
At the end of 2024, Russia became the second largest gold producer in the world, producing about 330 tons of metal. This was reported in February 2025 by RIA Novosti with reference to data from national ministries and services.
In 2024 China , he retained his leadership in global gold production, increasing production by 0.6% to 377 tons. Australia took third place, continuing to reduce production for USA the third year in a row: according to the Geological Survey, in 2024 production decreased by 2%, amounting to 290 tons. The top five manufacturers also included Canada and the United States. Canada increased production by 1%, reaching 200 tons, while the United States reduced production by 5.9%, to 160 tons.
Global gold production in 2024 increased by 0.5%, amounting to 3267 tons. In 2022, the United States, the EU, Switzerland and, Great Britain which have traditionally been one of the largest buyers of gold, imposed an embargo on its imports, which affected the market.
Thus, despite the challenges associated with the global economic situation and sanctions, Russia continues to strengthen its position in world gold mining, occupying a leading position against the background of changing market conditions, the publication says.
According to Rosstat, in 2024 the volume of production increased by 5.3% compared to the previous year. Thus, gold production in Russia returned to growth and amounted to about 330 tons, fully compensating for the reduction in 2023.[1]
Increase in gold mining by 1% to 3,644 tons. Top 10 Producers
According to the World Gold Council, world gold mining in 2023 increased by 1% and amounted to 3,644 tons. The ten largest companies included two Russian ones - Polyus and Polymetal, which took fourth and tenth places, respectively. The full list is as follows:
- Newmont (USA) - 172.45 t
- Barrick Gold (Canada) - 126.08 t
- Agnico Eagle Mines (Canada) - 106.97 t
- Pole (Russia) - 90.29 tons
- AngloGold Ashanti (South Africa) - 80.64 tons
- Gold Fields (South Africa) - 71.65 t
- Zijin Mining (China) - 67.73 t
- Kinross Gold (Canada) - 66.96 t
- Freeport-McMoRan (USA) - 61.98 tons
- Polymetal (Russia) - 53.31 tons
The American company Newmont retained its leadership in the ranking, mining 172.45 tons of gold in 2023. The bulk of production was provided by Nevada Gold Mines (USA) - 36.39 tons, Boddington (Australia) - 23.17 tons and Ahafo (Ghana) - 18.07 tons.
The second place was taken by the Canadian Barrick Gold with a production volume of 126.08 tons. The company's largest enterprises were Nevada Gold Mines (USA) - 58 tons, Loulo-Gounkoto (Mali) - 17.01 tons and Kibali (Democratic Republic of the Congo) - 10.67 tons.
In third place is also the Canadian company Agnico Eagle Mines, which mined 106.97 tons of gold. All of the company's largest mines are located in Canada: Detour Lake - 21.07 tons, Canadian Malartic - 18.78 tons and Meadowbank - 13.42 tons.
The Russian company Polyus took fourth place, increasing production by 13% to 90.29 tons. The main production volume was provided by the Olympiad fields - 46.70 tons, Blagodatnoye - 12.51 tons and Natalka - 12.18 tons. The increase in indicators is associated with an increase in production at the Olympiadinsky and Blagodatny fields.
The Russian company Polymetal closes the top ten largest gold miners with a production volume of 53.31 tons. More than 70% (38.19 tons) were provided by Russian assets - the Vorontsovskoye, Mayskoye, Svetloye and Nezhdaninskoye deposits. The rest of the volume was obtained at Kazakhstani enterprises: Kyzyl - 9.83 tons and Varvarinsky hub - 5.26 tons.
The ten largest companies account for 25% of global gold production, which is 898.06 tons. Compared to 2022, their combined share increased by 1 percentage point.[2]
Russia retains second place among the largest gold producers in the world
At the end of 2023, Russia retained its second position among the world's largest gold producers, despite the current sanctions restrictions. The volume of production of the precious metal in the country amounted to 322 tons. This result confirms the stability of the Russian gold mining industry in the face of global economic challenges. Such data were released in June 2024.
According to the data, RIA Novosti information on the production of gold in absolute terms has not been disclosed by the Russian side since 2022. However, based on statistics, Rosstat we can conclude that in 2023 production decreased by 2.5% compared to the previous year.
According to the agency, estimates of gold production in Russia vary depending on the source. Thus, the World Gold Council cites a figure of 330.7 tons, while the Australian relevant ministry estimates the figure at 332 tons. The U.S. Geological Survey provides a more conservative estimate of 310 tons.
China retained its global leadership in gold production in 2023, producing 370 tons of the precious metal. The third place was taken by Australia at 294 tons, which is 3% lower than the result of the previous year.
The agency notes that the top five gold producers also included Canada and the United States, producing 200 and 170 tons, respectively. Global gold production in 2023 reached 3,039 tons, an increase of 1.3% compared to the previous year.
The agency recalls that in 2022, the United States, the European Union, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, which were previously among the main buyers of Russian gold, imposed an embargo on its imports. Despite this, Russia was able to maintain its position in the world market for the production of precious metal.[3]
2021: China and Russia lead gold production
2020: China and Russia lead gold production
2017: China the leader, Russia in third place
2016: Reuters expects 3% decline in gold production
In January 2016, Reuters experts expect a 3% drop in global gold production in 2016, which will end the seven-year period of production growth.
2015:1% production growth to record 3.155 tonnes
According to Reuters data, gold mining in 2015 increased by 1% to a record 3.155 tons[4].
2014: Russia enters second place in the world in gold production
Russian gold producers occupy the second place in the world in terms of production.
In first place in the list of miners is China (465 tons of gold in 2014). During the same period, Russia mined 272 tons[5].
The third place with a slight lag is occupied by Australia, which previously overtook Russia. Australians mined 269 tonnes of gold in 2014.
2012: Canada and China buy up assets
January 2013: Although Canadian companies topped the list of the most active buyers in the gold mining sector in 2012 (243 deals worth $4.8 billion), Chinese companies are also keeping their finger on the pulse, showing activity in the market. In M&A 2011, the four largest transactions in the gold mining industry were made by Chinese buyers. China In 2012, it again accounted for four of the top ten deals announced in the gold mining industry.
As Alexei Smirnov, head of consulting practice for PwC mining companies in Russia, points out, Chinese state-owned companies remain interested in expanding their gold mining assets outside the country in order to ensure stable access to gold reserves in the future.
Over the past few years, China has been actively investing in the mining industry of African countries, emphasizes A. Smirnov. "There are several examples when Chinese and Indian companies invest in projects with commodities such as platinum, gold and coal in African countries. Chinese investors provide significant financial support, contributing to the development of capital-intensive mining projects, "the[6] notes[6].
Gold production in Russia
2025: Pavlik gold mining company opened a deposit with reserves of 43 tons of gold worth hundreds of billions of rubles
The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia announced the discovery by the Pavlik gold mining company of a new Zolotaya Rechka deposit in the Magadan Region with reserves of 43 tons of gold and obtaining a mining license. This became known on January 21, 2025. Read more here.
Discovery of 229 gold deposits in Russia
In 2024, 229 new gold deposits were opened in Russia. This was announced on March 6, 2025 at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology. The total increase in precious metal reserves, including additional exploration of known areas, amounted to 804.6 tons. The largest discovery was the Ancient deposit in the Magadan region, where gold reserves are estimated at 104 tons.
According to RBC, the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia Alexander Kozlov noted that the high demand for gold attracts private investments in geological exploration. In 2022, subsoil users invested ₽48,4 billion, in 2023 - more than ₽50 billion, and in 2024 - over ₽80 billion according to preliminary estimates.
Despite the fact that federal investments in geological exploration amount to about ₽1 -2 billion per year, at the expense of state funds in 2024, the Yuzhno-Podolskoye field in Bashkiria and Shameyskoye in the Sverdlovsk region were discovered with total reserves of 19.1 tons of gold.
The increase in precious metal reserves in Russia over the past five years amounted to 4.56 thousand tons, which significantly exceeded the production volumes - 2.21 thousand tons for the same period. This indicates the effectiveness of geological exploration and the prospects for the development of the gold mining industry.
Currently (March 2025), more than two-thirds of the country's gold reserves are concentrated in only five regions: Irkutsk and Magadan regions, Krasnoyarsk and Trans-Baikal Territories, as well as in Yakutia. The state balance sheet of Russia contains 6.5 thousand deposits with total gold reserves of 16.7 thousand tons.
The largest gold ore deposit in Russia is Sukhoi Log in the Irkutsk region with reserves of more than 2.77 thousand tons. The second place is occupied by the Natalkinskoye deposit in the Magadan region with reserves of 1,385 thousand tons, and the third - Olympiadinskoye in the Krasnoyarsk Territory with 949.4 tons of gold. In total, these three deposits account for over 30% of all Russian gold reserves.[7]
Annual gold production in Russia increased by 5.3%. Leading regions
Gold production Russia in 2024 increased by 5.3%. Such data were presented on February 5, 2025 by the Federal state Statistics Service (). Rosstat The growth was recorded in the production of untreated, semi-processed gold, as well as gold in the form of powder. The leading regions in gold mining were:
According to Interfax, in December 2024, gold production increased by 5.9% compared to December 2023, although a decrease of 3.3% was observed compared to November 2024.
According to the Analytical Credit Rating Agency, gold production in Russia in 2024 reached 328 tons, which is 2% higher than in 2023. Since 2019, the volume of precious metal production has consistently exceeded 300 tons.
The main gold deposits are concentrated in the bowels of Siberia and the Far East, which account for about 86% of all reserves of precious metal in the country. ACRA analysts predict an increase in the investment attractiveness of gold due to high global inflation and geopolitical instability.
The agency's experts expect that if the value of the precious metal remains in the range of $2600-2800, the operating cash flow of the sector's enterprises will continue to increase, which will compensate for the possible increase in debt in 2025.
In 2024, there was a steady development of the gold mining industry, which is confirmed both by an increase in production volumes and by the preservation of stable indicators in key production regions. Rosstat data do not include absolute indicators for gold production in public statistics.[8]
Rosatom opened the largest gold reserves in Russia since 1991
Rosatom has opened the largest gold reserves in Russia since 1991. We are talking about the Sovinoye deposit in Chukotka, where more than 100 tons of precious metal are located. This was reported in the state corporation in mid-January 2024. Read more here.
The increase in gold reserves in the Russian Federation for the year exceeded production - 700 tons against 421.8 tons
Russian geological exploration services recorded a replenishment of national gold reserves in 2023 by 700 tons, significantly exceeding the indicator of extracted gold in the amount of 421.8 tons for 2023. Ministries of Natural Resources TAdviser I got acquainted with the official data in November 2024.
According to TASS, the positive dynamics of the excess of proven volumes over operational ones has been observed since 2021. Geological exploration revealed 574 tons with the extraction of 438.37 tons in 2021. The subsequent period showed even more impressive results - 1.38 thousand tons against 421.7 tons of mined metal.
Minister of Natural Resources Alexander Kozlov presented total statistics: the accumulated increase in the mineral resource base since 2020 reached 4 thousand tons, while the total extraction of the precious metal amounted to 1.7 thousand tons.
The federal project "Geology: the revival of legend" provides for a large-scale study of the eastern territories of Russia until 2030. The budget financing for the search work of the initial stages amounted to ₽2,86 billion in 2023, with an adjustment to ₽2,5 billion for the next period.
Geological exploration costs have been steadily increasing over the past ten years, driven by the need to explore poorly understood regions and economic factors. The effectiveness of prospecting activities is confirmed by the inclusion in the state register of 142 new gold-bearing sites out of a total of 168 solid deposits.
The intensification of exploration activities contributed to a significant expansion of the country's mineral resource potential. The prevailing growth rate of reserves over the volumes of industrial development forms a stable basis for the prospective development of the gold mining sector of the economy. Industry experts note a steady trend towards increasing explored reserves of strategically important metal.[9]
Khabarovsk Territory updated the record for gold mining and doubled silver mining
Khabarovsk Territory updated the record for annual gold production and doubled silver production. The head of the region, Mikhail Diaghterev, wrote about this in early February 2024 in his Telegram channel. Read more here.
Gold trading from Russia moved from banks JPMorgan and HSBC to small traders
After leaving Russia banksJPMorgan HSBC and trading in Russian gold passed into the hands of little-known firms. Dozens of logistics firms and traders, who are small players in the gold sector, have taken over the precious metals trade.
As of May 2023, gold imports from Russia are prohibited in the G7 and EU countries, but are allowed in other countries. Instead of sending huge shipments to London, where they settle in the vaults of top banks such as JPMorgan Chase & Co. and HSBC Holdings Plc, Russian supplies are sent piecemeal to places such as the UAE, Hong Kong and Turkey where there are no restrictions.
Among the new companies, Hong Kong-based VPower Finance Security Ltd. Its representatives say they are transporting cash and gold for some of China's largest banks. According to ImportGenius, from March to August 2022, the company transported Russian gold worth $300 million (for comparison, in the first two months of 2022, JPMorgan delivered $1.2 billion in precious metal).
The UAE became the main direction for gold: from March to August, precious metal worth $500 million was exported there.
Most of the buyers are in Dubai. Paloma Precious DMCC trader imported gold for $109 million, Al Bahrain Jewellers - $50 million.
ImportGenius calls Turkey another key destination for Russian gold - a precious metal worth $305 million passed through Istanbul airport.
Russia successfully reoriented gold exports to Asia after the outbreak of conflict in Ukraine
Russian gold mining companies have successfully reoriented metal exports to Asia amid US and EU sanctions during the conflict in Ukraine, albeit with rising costs, follows from the Kept review in January 2023. The reorientation of exports is facilitated by record demand for gold from world central banks.
At the same time, Kept notes that Russian manufacturers retain the possibility of supplying to unfriendly countries by rebounding gold at enterprises in Kazakhstan or the UAE that have good delivery status.
Growth in gold exports to China by 67%
PRC customs reported an increase in gold supplies from Russia in 2022 by 67%. According to China's main customs authority, Russian companies delivered 3.7 tons of unprocessed gold and 2.96 tons in semi-processed form over the year.
Gold mining company Kinross Gold sold Russian assets and left the Russian Federation
As it became known on April 5, 2022, the Canadian gold mining company Kinross Gold sold Russian assets at a large discount and left the Russian Federation. The buyer of the business for $680 million was Highland Gold Vladislav Sviblov. The perimeter of the transaction includes the Kupol and Dvoyny mines in Chukotka, the Chulbatkan project in the Khabarovsk Territory, a number of exploration areas and industrial infrastructure facilities. Read more here.
Production growth by 1.84% to 346.42 tons - Ministry of Finance
In 2021, Russia produced 346.42 tons of gold, which is 1.84% more than a year earlier, when the indicator was measured 340.17 tons. Such data were released by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on March 16, 2022.
According to the statistics of the department, in 2021, the production of mined gold in Russia decreased from 438.35 in 2020 to 429.26 tons, associated gold - from 319.05 to 288.12 tons. At the same time, the production of secondary gold increased slightly - from 208.33 tons to 228.32 tons.
19.9% of the gold produced was in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 17.5% in the Magadan Region, 13.7% in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
In the first half of 2021, gold production in Russia decreased. The Union of Gold Miners of Russia explained this by preventive measures to combat the COVID-19 coronavirus, seasonal suspensions of work due to climatic conditions at heap leaching facilities and placers, a temporary decrease in the contents of processed ores, as well as other reasons. " Production growth in the second half of the year was able to compensate for the decline in the first half of the year, as a result of which gold production for the entire 2021 increased.
The Ministry of Finance has been publishing statistics on the production of precious metals in the Russian Federation since 2014. The agency does not provide data on gold-bearing concentrates that are exported for processing and are not returned to Russian refining plants.
In 2021, according to World Gold Council estimates, the demand for ingots and coins among Russians amounted to 5.3 tons, said Vasily Karpunin, head of the information and analytical content department of BCS World of Investments. According to him, in 2021 this figure may grow by a factor after the abolition of VAT in the Russian Federation for the purchase of gold bars for investment purposes. Until March 9, 2022, this tax was 20% of the purchase price.[10]
Share of gold exports from Russia - 9.2% of the world market
Reduction in gold production by 1%, to 340.17 tons
At the end of 2020, 340.17 tons of gold were produced in Russia, which is about 1% less than a year earlier. Such data are provided by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation with reference to statistics on the supply of raw materials to Russian refining plants.
Production of mined gold in 2020 increased by 2% compared to 2019 and reached 291.21 tons. At the same time, the output of secondary gold decreased by 18%, to 31.61 tons, the associated - by 9%, to 17.35 tons.
The Ministry of Finance has been publishing statistics on the production of precious metals in the Russian Federation since 2014. The agency does not disclose data on gold-bearing concentrates that are exported for processing and are not returned to Russian refineries.
The decline in gold production is largely a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the spring of 2020, it became known about the outbreak of coronavirus at the Olympiadinsky mining and processing plant of Polyus Krasnoyarsk JSC, one of the largest gold ore deposits in Russia. Olympiadinsky GOK (owned by PJSC Polyus) in the Krasnoyarsk Territory produces more than 70% of the total gold in Siberia (in 2019 - 76%). In May 2020, the media reported that the number of cases at the Olympiadinsky GOK was about 1.3 thousand people (the total number of employees at the mine - 3.4 thousand).
The volume of gold production at the Olympics at the end of 2020 amounted to 1.2 million ounces (34 tons), which is 14% less than in 2019, the company said in January. At the same time, the volume of ore production here in 2020 fell by 21% compared to 2019 and amounted to 16 million tons.
In general, 2020 turned out to be good for the gold market: prices for it in January-December increased by more than 20%, which coincides with the difference between an increase in the money supply of dollars and an increase in the mass of gold. At some point, the price of the metal was above $2 thousand per ounce.[11]
Exports of 300 tons exceeded production
In 2020, 300 tons of gold worth $18.5 billion were exported from Russia. The volume of exported metal exceeded the volume of produced.
Forecast of strong production growth in Russia
The risks of the introduction of new sanctions by the United States stimulate Russia to increase gold production in 2020-2021 more intensively, since in these conditions the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will be forced to increase its gold reserves.
By 2029, Russia may become the largest global gold producer, overtaking China and Australia, follows from the forecast of the consulting company Fitch Solutions from August 2020.
According to Fitch Solutions forecasts, gold production in Russia will grow on average by 3.7% year-on-year and increase from the current 11.3 million ounces to 15.5 million ounces by 2029.
2019: Production growth of 9.26% to 343.54 tonnes
In 2019, 343.54 tons of gold were produced in Russia, which is 9.26%. This is evidenced by the data of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In 2018, production volume was measured at 314.42 tons.
Production of mined gold in 2019 increased by 8.18%, to 286.05 tons, associated - by 23.1%, to 19 tons. The output of secondary gold increased by 11.34% and amounted to 38.49 tons.
The Ministry of Finance has been publishing statistics on the extraction of precious metals in Russia since 2014. The agency does not give data on gold-bearing concentrates, which are exported for processing and are not returned to the refining plants of the Russian Federation.
According to the Union of gold industry entrepreneurs, following the results of 2019 in comparison with previous year the production of gold in Russia grew by 12% up to 367,952 kg, including: from mineral raw materials - for 12% up to 329,465 kg, from them: the affined gold in ingots from mining raw materials - for 10% up to 286,563 kg; of the poputnogo, 17.5% to 18,134 kg and zoloto in the tovarnykh kontsentratakh - 46% to 24,768 kg. Proizvodstvo zolota from vtorichnogo syrya uvelichilos by 12% to 38,487 kg.
Prirost proizvodstva zolota in 2019 godu in osnovnom obespechili:
- PJSC Polyus - at the expense of an exit of Natalkinsky GOKa (Magadan region) on design capacity and also development of other ore assets of the leading Russian company;
- Petropavlovsk - due to input of capacities for processing of persistent concentrates on an autoclave complex in the Amur region which became a new hub on processing of persistent gold-bearing concentrates not only for the Petropavlovsk company, but also for some other the companies;
According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, monetary gold reserves in the international reserves of Russia (MRR) by May 1, 2020 amount to 73.9 million ounces (2298.6 tons). The value of reserves increased by 5.2% to 126.1 billion, and the share of gold in the MRR rose to a record 22.3%.[12]
2018:328 tonnes produced. From the bottom 285 tons mined (+ 5.3 %)
According to the forecast of the Union of Gold Miners, the total gold production in Russia in 2018 is expected to be 328 tons (+ 3.3%), including 285 tons (+ 5.3%) will be the primary metal - mining and associated extraction. Data for January 2019[13]%.
2017:306 tons of gold 999.9 samples produced
According to data voiced by Eduard Utkin, General Director of the Guild of Jewelers of Russia, a total of 999.9 gold samples of 306 tons were produced in Russia in 2017. Of these, from mining, mine gold - 254 tons. Another 16 tons were produced from associated gold. From secondary raw materials - this is all kinds of scrap and industrial waste - 36 tons. I.e. 12% in the total volume of gold production is gold from secondary sources: pawnshops, purchases.
They consumed 319 tons, of which the Central Bank purchased almost 224 tons, 57 tons were exported, about 3 tons for ingots and coins, and 35 tons for jewelry.
"Based on this, we believe that today jewelry is made of gold, which came as a result from gold bought from the population, since these figures correspond to each other. The plants operate mainly on secondary raw materials. Although in practice, gold from pawnshops can go to the Central Bank's repository, to the jewelry factory, and to export, "said Eduard Utkin.
It turns out that new gold jewelry is at least 12% melted down old, and maybe 100%. It all depends on which batches were selected for cleaning at a specific plant at a specific time[14].
2016: Forecast of production growth in Russia by 1.2% to 297 tons
According to the forecast of the Union of Gold Producers, in 2016 the total gold production in Russia will increase by 1.2% to 297 tons (+ 1.2%), including the production of precious metal from mineral raw materials (excluding the processing of scrap and waste) will grow to 259 tons (+ 1.6%), RIA[15] reported[15]3[15]
2015: Russia produced 294 tonnes (+ 2 %)
Gold production in Russia increased in 2015 by 2% in annual terms to 294 tons of 257 kg, according to the Union of Gold Miners of Russia[16]
- production of mined gold ingots increased by 2% to 235 tons 52 kg,
- production of associated gold - by 3% to 16 tons 731 kg,
- secondary gold - by 5% to 37 tons 725 kg.
Gold production in concentrates with subsequent sale outside Russia decreased by 17% to 4 tons 749 kg.
The forecast of the Union of Gold Miners of Russia for 2016 is "cautiously optimistic," it assumes an increase in gold production and production by about 1%. In the pessimistic scenario, the indicator is kept at the same level.
1936: Stalin increases production by 4 times in 4 years to 138 tons
Despite the fact that individual prospecting for Soviet consciousness was an alien element, the need for gold was paramount. The practical Stalin understood this perfectly well, endowing enthusiasts-gold diggers with all kinds of benefits. The country desperately needed funds for industrialization.
Any obstacles to free occupation of the gold trade were removed. Gold mining was allowed to engage in almost any category of the population, with the exception of former criminals. In a short time, the number of prospectors in the USSR reached 120 thousand people.
In 1927, Stalin set the Soyuz Gold trust the task of coming out on top in the world in gold mining, ahead of even the richest South African mines. The matter, however, was neither shaky nor valko. The plan for the extraction of foreign currency metal - 258.9 tons - for the first five-year plan (1929-1933) was not fulfilled. However, the mistakes were eliminated. By 1936, compared to 1932, gold production increased 4.4 times - from 31.9 to 138.8 tons.
In the future, the pace of gold mining reached a record 320 tons per year. Unfortunately, it was not possible to overtake the gold mines of South Africa, since the leader - Transvaal - increased gold mining to 400 tons per annum. However, this helped bring industrialization to life. The authorities managed not only to invest in industry, but also to save for a rainy day. By the beginning of World War II, the state treasury totaled about 2,800 tons of gold. It was this gold reserve multiplied by human resources that laid the foundation for the successes of industry during the war and contributed to the rapid restoration of the country from the ruins.
Production in China
On March 29, 2017, it became known that Shandong Gold Group, which ranks second in China in terms of gold production, discovered a deposit in the east of the country, which could become the largest in China, Bloomberg reported.
382.58 tons of gold were found in the Xilin mine in Shandong province. The stockpile could reach more than 550 tons after exploration work is completed in two years. Read more here.
See also
- ↑ Russia retains second place in the world in gold production
- ↑ The largest gold mining companies in the world at the end of 2023
- ↑ Russia retains second place among the largest gold producers in the world
- ↑ Gold production peaked, prices are expected to rise
- ↑ Russia took second place in the world in gold mining
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 [ PwC expert
- ↑ During the year, 229 gold deposits were opened in Russia
- ↑ Russia increased gold production in 2024 by 5.3%
- ↑ The increase in gold reserves in the Russian Federation in 2023 exceeded production
- ↑ On the production of gold and silver for 2021
- ↑ Gold production in the Russian Federation in 2020 decreased by 1%, despite the increase in production
- ↑ On the extraction and production of gold and silver in 2019
- ↑ Banks of the Russian Federation in 2018 reduced the purchase of gold from subsoil users by 4.5
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ 15,0 15,1 15,2 [ Novosti
- ↑ Gold production in the Russian Federation in January increased by 7.6%.