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2020/08/10 17:02:21

How Russian companies are involved in the fight against COVID-19



Main articles:

2022: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation revealed how pharmaceutical companies earn on COVID-19

In mid-January 2022, it became known how pharmaceutical companies earn on COVID-19 coronavirus in Russia. The corresponding analysis of the register of permits for clinical studies of the Ministry of Health for 2021 was conducted by Vedomosti.

According to the publication, at least two companies in 2021 tested the effectiveness of their drugs in combating the symptoms of posterior syndrome, which, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), include fatigue, shortness of breath, cognitive dysfunction, etc. For example, the Scientific and Production Company (NPF) Materia Medica Holding is testing the Prospectus nootrope used for cognitive impairment in the treatment of asthenia (fatigue, weakness) in patients after acute coronavirus, indicated in the registry. Phase three studies began at the end of September 2021, for which 680 patients from 46 hospitals were involved.

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation revealed how pharmaceutical companies earn on coronavirus

According to DSM Group CEO Sergei Shulyak, whether the company, if approved by new indications, will be able to increase the revenue of this drug, released in 2021, will depend on investments in the advertising campaign and the quality of its implementation. The DSM Group estimated the sales of Prospectus for January-November 2021 at 9929 packages in the amount of 6.32 million rubles.

By the end of 2021, six drugs were being investigated for the therapy of postcovid syndrome and disease prevention.

According to experts, the demand for products related to the topic of preventing coronavirus infection and treating its consequences has increased sharply. This happened both in retail and in the state segment. In the public sector, purchases of drugs with a price above average, including expensive items, were mainly growing.[1]


Launch of the program "Response to epidemic diseases"

At the end of November 2020, it became known that Industrial Development Fund (EPF) it allocated 27.58 billion rubles for the production of drugs and medical products to combat coronavirus. A COVID-19 total of 95 projects were funded, the report said. Ministry of Industry and Trade More. here

Roselektronika supplied more than 500 valves for IVL to medical institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Roselectronika Holding of Rostec State Corporation on November 11, 2020 announced the establishment of the release of valves for oxygen-respiratory therapy, including for IVL devices. Since the beginning of the pandemic of coronavirus infection, more than 500 products have been delivered to hospitals in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In particular, the Krasnoyarsk Ophthalmological Clinical Hospital and the Krasnoyarsk Regional Clinical Oncology Clinic, where additional infectious beds are deployed to receive patients with COVID-19. More details here.

"Ribbon" as part of a charity event transferred 12 million rubles to the "Russian Red Cross"

On October 28, 2020, Lenta, one of Russia's retail chains, summed up a charity event in support of the Russian Red Cross.

In July 2020, the company transferred to the organization more than 12 million rubles received from the sale of goods of its own brand "Lenta." More details here.

Johnson & Johnson transferred more than 150 million rubles to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS

October 8, 2020 became known. that Johnson & Johnson, one of the multidisciplinary corporations in the health sector, has allocated more than 150 million rubles to support the fight against coronavirus infection in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries. More details here.

Foundation Association 'What to Do' helped doctors and hospitals for four months

On August 6, 2020, the Cancer Prevention Foundation announced that despite international experience in combating COVID-19 and awareness of the virus, Russia was not ready for the rapid spread of infection, and the vast majority of medical workers met with it without protection. Ineffective, bureaucratized by the federal law on public procurement of FZ-44 public procurement mechanisms and delays in the supply of methodological materials for the protection of medical workers, the shortage of PPE in the Russian market and the lack of funds for them in hospitals and regions, as well as the lack of methodological recommendations by the Ministry of Health on the calculation of needs for PPE and the procedure for their procurement - these and many other factors have caused outbreaks of the epidemic in medical institutions and mass infections among medical workers.

In these conditions, in March 2020, the charitable foundations "Not in vain," "Tradition," AdVita, "Living," "Pravmir," "Good City Petersburg" and "Shop of Joy" united in the movement "What to do" to provide medical personnel with PPE and consumables medical , as well as help them in the fight against coronavirus and stop the spread of infection inside hospitals. For 4 months, the Funds supported more than 180 Russian hospitals in the amount of 325.909.070.54. rubles

Entrepreneurs, companies and industries, individuals, sports clubs, theaters and actors joined the movement. Participating funds aggregated up-to-date information about the needs of hospitals and clinics and advised donors - it is much more effective to direct funds, were engaged in the purchase of PPE and consumables and provided logistics from the manufacturer to a specific medical institution. In addition, the funds provided doctors of various specializations with up-to-date information on the diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus infection. So, the Foundation "Not in Vain" in a short time gathered a team of doctors and volunteers who provided translation of the latest foreign studies about COVID-19 and access to high-quality information, and also lectured for doctors from the regions.

In addition to PPE and medical consumables, doctors working in the red zone needed water, hot food and a safe (for themselves and others) road to the workplace, as well as disposable dishes for quarantined departments, etc. They wrote about all this when filling out an application for help on the website of the What to Do movement. These requests were distributed within the community according to the capabilities and resources of each organization.

As of August 2020, our task has been completed: by July 2020, the number of requests for help from hospitals has decreased, the pandemic of coronavirus infection in Russia is on the decline, and the state managed to include its resources and provide PPE doctors. This means that each of our organizations can fully return to the fulfillment of its specialized tasks. We sincerely hope that the second wave of the epidemic, if it comes, will make medical organizations and the medical administration prepared. However, the Not in Vain Foundation will continue to provide expert support to hospitals and doctors: the team is ready to accept applications for consultations, lectures and assistance in organizing the fight against COVID in medical institutions.

"Ribbon" transferred to the Russian Red Cross more than 12 million rubles for the fight against coronavirus

On July 13, 2020, Lenta, one of the retail chains in Russia, announced the transfer of 12.5 million rubles to the charity's account following the results of the action "In Support of the Russian Red Cross." More details here. will help conduct research in patients with blood system diseases and COVID-19

Энроллми.ру, a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation Biomedical Technology Cluster, provided its technology platform for conducting an observational study in Russia in patients with blood system diseases and COVID-19 coronavirus infection. This was announced on June 22, 2020 by the Skolkovo Foundation. More details here.

Rambler Group provides three-day meals to two medical centers during pandemic period

As part of the online-to-offline O2O platform, Help the Doctor, Rambler Group raised over 2,000,000 rubles. The company announced this on June 19, 2020. More details here.

Tele2 customers will be consulted online for free on COVID-19

On May 14, 2020, Tele2 an alternative mobile operator communications announced that his clients were given the opportunity to visit a doctor remotely. The company provided free access to online consultations of doctors in the service "" Telehoney on colds and. During the coronavirus period of self-isolation, the number of accesses to the system increased by 34% compared to ordinary days. More. here

Marvel-Distribution transferred medical equipment for the treatment of patients with coronavirus infection to St. Petersburg hospital No. 20

On April 28, 2020, Marvel-Distribution announced the transfer of St. Petersburg medical equipment to the city hospital No. 20 as part of the# MiTogether campaign, which ONF conducts in different cities of the country, supporting medical institutions, doctors, and elderly people. More details here.

Rostec's decision automates the work of operational headquarters to combat coronavirus

Roselectronika Holding of Rostec State Corporation announced on April 24, 2020 that it had developed an information system to automate the activities of regional operational headquarters to combat coronavirus. The solution aggregates all hotlines in a single contact center and ensures the exchange of information between different departments. On April 24, elements of the system have already been deployed on the basis of the MFC of the Voronezh region. More details here.

ITMO University scientists have created an application that predicts the risk of contracting COVID-19

On April 13, 2020, ITMO University announced the creation of an Internet application that allows predicting the spread of coronavirus infection in different countries. The application is based on an epidemiological model combined with a model of society behavior; they are tuned to up-to-date data on the number of cases. More details here.

Norilsk Nickel gives 10.5 billion rubles to fight coronavirus

On April 13, 2020, Norilsk Nickel announced the allocation of 10.5 billion rubles to combat the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 The money provided by the Russian mining and metallurgical giant will be used to buy medical equipment, medicines and personal protective equipment for medical institutions, enterprises and company employees. More. here

Sberbank launches free information service for coronavirus doctors

On April 6, 2020, the company Sberbank announced that, together with the service telemedicine DocDoc , it opened a specialized free project for medical employees on Russia issues related to it. It coronavirus will appear as part of a free hotline launched by Sberbank and DocDoc for all residents of the country on the spread of coronavirus infection. More. here

Usmanov donated 2 billion rubles to Russia to fight COVID-19

On April 6, 2020, USMAlisher Usmanov holding announced the allocation of 2 billion rubles for the fight against a new type of coronavirus in Russia. Funds are provided free of charge "for use in the priority areas of headquarters work" to combat the spread of COVID-19. More details here.

Sberbank launched a free job marketplace to quickly find work in a crisis

On April 2, 2020, Sberbank told TAdviser that together with a service for job search and recruitment, Работа.ру launched a free service for quick job search - will help to take care of temporary employment of employees to companies that are forced to suspend their activities due to measures taken to isolate citizens and restrict the activities of enterprises. More details here.

Supercomputer in Russia attracted to fight coronavirus

March 26, 2020 Interdepartmental Supercomputer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (JSCC RAS) announced the allocation  of computational resources of a modernized cluster system PROFIT CENTER-10P  for research to combat coronavirus infection. COVID-19

This updated supercomputer based on the 2nd generation Intel Xeon Scalable server processors began to be used by Russian scientists and their foreign colleagues as part of a project to develop medicines for the diagnosis and therapy of this infectious disease.

Supercomputer JSCC RAS will help Russian scientists in the fight against COVID-19

Using supercomputer modeling, the interaction of the Spike protein on the surface of a coronavirus with its target in the human body - the APF2 protein (ACE2, Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) is studied in detail. APF2 serves as an inlet for coronaviruses of the SARS and SARS-2 types, so blocking the interaction of this protein with the virus is one promising way to reduce viral activity in the human body.

To assess the binding energies of these proteins, large-scale molecular-dynamic and quantum-chemical calculations of complexes of virus and human proteins are carried out.  The results of theoretical calculations and computer simulations will then be tested experimentally on proteins, viruses and cells

The supercomputer will also be used for computer modeling, which allows you to study processes at the level of individual molecules, as well as based on the knowledge obtained to predict the effectiveness of the use of various drugs.  It is noted that by modeling biochemical processes on high-performance computing systems, you can quickly obtain the necessary data for subsequent full-scale experiments of significantly smaller volumes. 

Doctor Smart launches free online coronavirus consultation

On March 26, 2020, Smart Medicina announced that the Doctor Smart Blockchain platform for remote health consultations launched free online consultations on coronavirus. More details here.