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Information Security Software (Global Market)



This article is about information protection software. Data on the entire information security market here:

Market size

2023: Global cybersecurity consumer software market grew 9% to $19.86 billion over the year

In 2023, the global consumer software market for information security amounted to $19.86 billion. For comparison, a year earlier, costs in this area were estimated at $18.25 billion. Thus, an increase of about 9% was recorded. This is stated in a study by Market Research Future, the results of which were published in early September 2024.

One of the key drivers of the market in question, analysts call the increasing prevalence of cyber threats. The digital landscape is constantly transforming, and attackers are introducing new attack methods and sophisticated fraudulent schemes. At the same time, ordinary users are becoming more and more vulnerable, as they rely on connected devices and online services. The industry is influenced by advanced technology, including machine learning and artificial intelligence. On the one hand, such tools help attackers automate many processes, including phishing and malicious code generation. On the other hand, AI significantly increases the effectiveness of threat detection.

It is noted that the surface of cyber attacks is expanding due to the widespread use of cloud services and portable devices. This is because cloud and mobile technologies can create new entry points for cybercriminals. For example, cloud platforms often store data in centralized sites, which can make it attractive targets for hackers. Another factor contributing to the growing demand for cybersecurity software is increasing citizens' awareness of risks in cyberspace.

Analysts divide the market into cloud and local segments. The first of these took the largest share in 2023, with this type of deployment offering numerous advantages over local solutions, including lower initial costs, increased flexibility and scalability. In turn, local software provides a higher level of control, as well as the ability to configure for specific requirements. By threat type, the market is segmented into malware, phishing, ransomware, and spam. Among them, solutions to counter malware provided the largest share of revenue in 2023.

The key players in the industry are named, BitdefenderKaspersky Lab AVG Technologies",,,, Symantec Avast Malwarebytes,,,,,, etc Eset McAfee Sophos. F-Secure Trend Micro These Norton companies offer a wide range of products that protect consumers from malware, viruses, and other online threats. They also provide additional features such as parental controls and identity theft protection. From a geographical point of view, he is North America a leader, which is due to the presence of well-known companies in the field of cybersecurity and high consumer awareness. What follows is strict Europe data protection rules and a growing focus on digital privacy. At the same time, in the Asia-Pacific region there is a rapid growth associated, among other things, with an increase in the penetration of Internet access. South America, the Middle East and are Africa emerging markets with significant potential.

Analysts believe that in the future the industry will steadily expand. The CAGR (compound percentage CAGR) is expected to be 8.87%. As a result, by 2032, the volume of the global consumer cybersecurity software market will rise to $42.69 billion[1]

2019: Who leads the antivirus market

In mid-November 2019, OPSWAT, a company specializing in information security technologies, published a rating of the largest manufacturers of antivirus software for Windows.

Symantec is named the leader of this market with a share of 13.56%. The top three also included Eset (12.84%) and McAfee (12.21%). Kaspersky Lab is in fifth place with a score of 7.66%.

Rating of the largest manufacturers of antivirus software for Windows

Judging by the published data, the antivirus market is characterized by a high degree of consolidation, in which it does not have a pronounced leader by a wide margin from competitors. This picture can be seen throughout the information security industry, where in many niche markets (for example, firewalls, VPN services, email gateways) there is an extensive leading group in which there is no absolutely dominant player, the ZDNet portal notes.

A high level of fragmentation is a good indicator, since a diverse ecosystem of producers is an obvious sign of a healthy and competitive market.

According to experts, another sign of a healthy market is the fact that it never stands still. Over the years, the ecosystem of Windows anti-malware tools has been constantly changing. The leaders changed: the shares of companies either fell much or grew significantly. This is confirmed by the rise and fall of Avast over a four-year period of time.

At the beginning of 2014, OPSWAT specialists counted Avast's 13.2 percent share in the global antivirus market, which was significantly more than the closest pursuers. Two years later, the company's share rose to 15%, and after the same period - to 20.48%, which was largely facilitated by the acquisition of AVG.

Windows Malware Protection Ecosystem Is Constantly Changing

However, Avast subsequently began to lose ground for unknown reasons. By the end of 2018, the company accounted for 17.42% of the Antivirus softwares market, and in October 2019, the figure dropped below 7%, and the company was in sixth place on the list. Throughout 2019, the market leader has changed three times: first McAfee became it, then Eset, then Symantec.

The OPSWAT study also shows that there is still room for innovation and new products in the antivirus market. An example is Cylance, which became a newcomer to the ranking and immediately took seventh place with an almost 6 percent share. Cylance's breakthrough is explained by the creation of solutions using artificial intelligence and predictive analytics.

OPSWAT experts collect information from more than 30 thousand corporate and home computers on which antiviruses are installed. The report does not include "Windows Defender," since it is installed by default on almost all modern Windows systems.

OPSWAT notes that the company's report should not be used to determine "which anti-malware vendors are the best or to compare these vendors in terms of quality or performance." Experts recommend using this data only for informational purposes.

2015: Gartner Data

On July 14, 2016, analysts Gartner published brief results of a study of the global software products market for collateral. information security (IS) The largest manufacturer of these solutions, Symantec, has been in decline for three years.

According to Gartner estimates, in 2015, information security software sales globally reached $22.1 billion, an increase of 3.7% compared to 2014.

The fastest growing segment remains Security Information and Event Management platforms, which have risen by 15.8%. The consumer solutions sector contracted by 5.9%.

Major Information Security Software Manufacturers, 2015

Company Sales volume (billion dollars), 2015 Market share (%), 2015 Growth (%),


Symantec 3,35 15,2 -6,2
Intel 1,75 7,9 -4,1
IBM 1,45 6,6 2,5
Trend Micro 0,99 4,5 -5,9
EMC 0,76 3,4 -5,3
Другие 13,77 62,4 9,2
Всего 22,07 100 3,7

Source: Gartner, 2016

In 2015, the five largest information security software manufacturers (Symantec, Intel, IBM, Trend Micro, EMC) took 37.6% of the global market, down 3.1 percentage points from a year earlier. These companies in total reduced sales by 4.2%, while the rest of the vendors (in the table above indicated in the column "Others") increased total revenue by 9.2%.

Leaders with complex product portfolios show below-market performance, while the business of smaller specialty players is growing and putting pressure on larger competitors, said Sid Deshpande, senior analyst at Gartner.

Symantec remains the largest manufacturer of information security software, but in 2015 the company's revenue from sales of these products fell for the third time in a row. In addition, the 6.2% decline was the strongest in a three-year period of time. Symantec's market share has been steadily declining since 2011.

Approximately three quarters of Symantec's revenue in the market comes from Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP), but their sales in 2015 fell by 7%, which was the main reason for the regression of the American vendor.

A more detailed balance of power among information security software manufacturers at the end of 2015 is presented in the table above.[2]


In the spring of 2015, Gartner published a report indicating that in 2014 the global information security market grew by 5%. Analysts state that the growth was more noticeable than in 2013. The volume of sales of information security software in 2014 reached $21.4 billion. It is noted that there was a decline in the segment of consumer-level programs. At the same time, the segment of endpoint security platforms has hardly grown.

This dynamics of these segments, which together account for 39% SIEM of the market, was offset by the confident growth of the Security Information and Event Management (SWG), Secure Web Gateway (SWG), Identity Governance and Administration (IGA), and enterprise content-dependent Data Leak Prevention (Data Leak Prevention,) segments. DLP

The largest manufacturers of information security software, 2014

Company Sales volume, (billion dollars),, 2014 Market share (%), 2014 Growth (%),


Symantec 3,69 17,2 -1,3
Intel 1,83 8,5 4,6
IBM 1,49 6,9 17,0
Trend Micro 1,05 4,9 -5,2
EMC 0,80 3,7 5,0
Другие 12,57 58,8 -3,2
Всего 21,42 100,0 5,3

Source: Gartner, 2015

Thus, the SIEM segment grew by 11% and reached $1.6 billion, and the DLP segment - by 15.8% ($643 million). This rise was largely due to Symantec, which controls about half of the revenue in the segment. At the same time, the total revenue of the American company in the information security industry fell by 1.3% (to $3.69 billion), and this decline in annual terms turned out to be the second in a row.

Analysts attribute the main reason for the fall in Symantec sales to the consumer information security software sector, the volume of which decreased by 6.2% in 2014. These products form about 53% of Symantec's revenue in the market in question.

In 2014, information security software sales increased by 5.3%

In 2014, information security software sales increased by 5.3%

Despite all the difficulties, Symantec ended 2014 as a leader, recording 17.2% of software sales in the field of information security. The share of the following Intel amounted to 8.5%, and revenue - $1.8 billion, an increase of 4.6% on an annualized basis. The increase could have been higher if not for the weakening demand for consumer products and platforms for protecting end devices - they bring Intel about 75% of revenue in the market.

The highest growth rates were demonstrated by IBM whose sales of software information security tools in 2014 increased by 17%, and the market share - to 6.9%. The top five also included companies (Trend Micro 4.9%) and (EMC 3.7%).[3]

Microsoft and Avast leaders in the number of antivirus installations

According to a study by OPSWAT (February 2014), Avast Antivirus ranks second in the PC security software market with a 15.9% share. The first place in this rating belongs to Microsoft with a share of 23%, the third - AVG (9%), the fourth - Eset (8.1%), the fifth - Symantec (8%).

The peculiarity of the OPSWAT study is that analysts consider not sales of security programs, but PCs with real-time protection enabled. Therefore, free solutions from Microsoft, Avast and AVG are leading in it.

LC revenue in the information security solutions market for SMB fell by 4%

On March 19, 2015, the research company Canalys talked about how things are in the market for information protection tools for small and medium-sized businesses. Sales of solutions are growing, but Kaspersky Lab cannot boast of the same, whose revenue decline was the largest among leading vendors.[4]

According to Canalys estimates for 2014, the global spending of small companies on information security (IS) solutions that provide encryption of IT systems and protect against viruses, data leaks and hacking of corporate messaging services amounted to $2.6 billion, which is 9.6% more than a year earlier. The share of this segment in the entire market for solutions for protecting corporate content during this period increased to 28% from 27%.

"Although small businesses are increasing their purchases of information security solutions, the overall level of protection for companies remains below the effective level," says Canalys senior analyst Nushin Vaiani. - Some small organizations remain convinced that the targets for cyber threats are only large corporations, which are heard in news reports. This is a misconception and, unless these companies change their positions soon, they themselves will be the victims of assaults. "

According to the expert, SMB representatives need to be aware of the consequences of hacker hacks for their reputation, income and customers. Robust IT protection should be a priority for all companies, Wayani said.

Trend Micro remains the largest manufacturer of information protection tools in the small and medium-sized business segment, which in 2014 earned about $413 million on these products, which corresponds to 16% of the total market under consideration.

Largest Small Business Information Security Manufacturers in 2014, Data from Canalys

Largest Small Business Information Protection Manufacturers by Revenue in 2014, Canalys Data

Symantec remained in second position, but did not show sales growth. This allowed Intel Security, which recorded a 2 percent rise, to come close to Symantec. Each of these companies ended 2014 with a 14% share.

Kaspersky Lab suffered the greatest losses among the leaders. If in 2013 the company significantly increased sales of information security solutions for small enterprises and organizations, then in 2014 it faced a decline of 4.2% (up to $117 million). It was the result of increased discounting of final solutions to attract customers and maintain the company's position in the market. In addition, the difficult economic situation in Russia affected, which may complicate the growth of Kaspersky Lab in 2015, Canalys employees suggest.

2012: Information security software market reaches $19.2 billion

The volume of the global information security (information security) systems market in 2012 reached $19.2 billion, which is 7.9% more than in 2011, when it was $17.7 billion, according to a report by Gartner[5] in May 2013. The experts of the research company then believed that the growth of spending on information security systems is driven by new IT market paradigms, such as, for example, bring your own device (BYOD) - the growth of the penetration of personal portable devices in the corporate environment.

In 2012, analysts noted a steady growth in information security systems at both the user and enterprise levels. Among the regions of the world, the growth of the information security system market was not uniform: some countries managed to achieve double-digit growth. For example, in Western Europe, due to difficult economic circumstances, the situation in the information security market was quite depressed.

Market leaders of information security systems in the world, 2011-2012, $ million

Vendor Revenue 2012 Market Share 2012 Revenue 2011


3747,1 19,6% 3652


1680 8,8% 1226

|Trend Micro

1172 6,1% 1205,1


953,6 5% 931,3


717,6 3,7% 716,1
Others 10865,2 56,8% 10008,7
Total 19135,5 100% 17739,2

Gartner, 2013

Among vendors in 2012, the company was the leader in terms of revenue in the global information security systems market, Symantec although its business growth was only 2.6% - up to $3.75 billion. In second place in terms of revenue: McAfee the company demonstrated a business growth of 37% to $1.7 billion in comparison with 2011. This was partly due to organic growth, partly to a deal to buy the company by the corporation. Intel

Third place in the market in 2012 went to Trend Micro, which showed negative dynamics: its revenues fell by 2.7% to $1.17 billion.

Also, the five largest vendors in 2012 included IBM ($953.6 million) and (EMC $717.6 million).

Gartner noted that the use of information security systems remains a key priority for medium and small businesses. Moreover, the increase in demand in the middle market segment poses a challenge for software suppliers, since the needs for data protection for medium and large companies differ in a serious way.

Many companies in the medium and small business segment regarded SaaS information security services as a worthy alternative to traditional models of buying software, especially in the areas of email protection and web security. Analysts believed that this would lead to increased price competition in this market segment, as well as purchases of cloud players by larger vendors.

Spending on information security software also increased due to the emergence of new threats. For example, as the use of mobile technologies increases, businesses have the corresponding problems and the need to protect corporate data in a mobile environment. Also, the increasing penetration of virtualization solutions is driving the demand for solutions to protect virtual environments.

According to Gartner data for 2012, Symantec is the leader in terms of revenue in the global antivirus market with a share of 19.6%, McAfee - 8.8%, Trend Micro - 6.1%).



According to Gartner, the global IT security software market grew 7.5% in 2011 to $17.7 billion. The main prerequisites for growth were steady demand from representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, an increase in the number and sophistication of threats, the need to bring IP companies in line with security policies.

According to Ruggero Contu, Research Director at Gartner, the growth of the market in 2011 is a direct consequence of the demand for security tools in the corporate segment and from ordinary consumers. Despite the general trend of growth, some regions failed to demonstrate an increase in sales volumes at the level of double-digit indicators following the example of Asia, the Pacific Ocean and Eurasia. Unlike mature markets, the economies of many developing countries are experiencing an upsurge, and many projects are naturally being implemented from scratch. The opposite example is the extremely sluggish performance of Western Europe, provoked by the uncertainty of the economic situation.

The security software market has shown resilience even in the face of tight IT budgets. And if some of McAfee's revenue had not gone to Intel's offset, the market could have shown growth even at double-digit levels. Recall that on February 28, 2011, Intel absorbed McAfee, and according to accounting rules, in this case, Intel is obliged to write off about 30% of McAfee's deferred revenues to its own income. It is for this reason that formally the income of the developer of IT security solutions decreased markedly in 2011.

The leading position in the corporate and consumer segments is occupied by Symantec, the company's sales grew by 17% and reached $3.7 billion. Symantec is committed to moving beyond traditional endpoint security products. The portfolio of the North American vendor includes solutions for backup and recovery of data, leakage prevention (DLP - Data Loss Prevention), information encryption.

Estimated Global Safety Software Market Share by Revenue in 2011 ($ M)

Company Income in 2011 Market share in 2011,% Revenue in 2010 Year-over-year growth,%
Symantec 3 652,0 20,6 3 121,6 17,0
McAfee 1 226,0 6,9 1 691,6 -27,5
Trend Micro 1 205,1 6,8 1 082,5 11,3
IBM 930,1 5,3 814,7 14,2
EMC 716,1 4,0 626,6 14,3
Другие 9 985,8 56,4 9 137,2 9,3
Всего 17 715,1 100,0 16 474,2 7,5

Source: Gartner, April 2012

Region of CEMA

The information security applications market in the region of Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEMA) showed healthy double-digit growth of 22.5% in 2011 and reached $532.9 million, according to IDC. The main driver of the market, analysts believed, was the growth in demand for applications for ensuring network security.

In the CEMA region, in 2011, manufacturers' profits in the segment of network security solutions increased by 24.8%, while the most popular were systems of the unified threat management (UTM) class. End users then preferred all-in-one platforms, such solutions are easily deployed and imply low operating costs. In general, the situation on the information security software market in the CEMA region remained "optimistic," according to IDC. The outlook for the market in the short term is positive.


The volume of the global market ON for information protection 2010 grew by 12% to $16.5 billion - this marked the recovery of the industry after a slowdown in the crisis of 2009, which was the result of a widespread reduction in IT budgets, reported in. Gartner

Analysts noted several major trends in the data protection software market. Firstly, this area continued to demonstrate a rapid pace of technological development. Secondly, increasingly, data protection is offered in the form of cloud services - mainly such a model is preached by young firms. Third, major market players, including Symantec, McAfee, Trend Micro, and others, continued to expand into emerging regions, including through acquisitions.

Experts also pointed to a significant difference in the growth rates of various market segments. Thus, solutions for protecting workstations and file servers and managing Internet access demonstrated a lower growth rate (within single digits), while solutions for managing data and events and organizing network gateways - within two-digit growth values.

In addition, analysts emphasized a significant difference in the growth indicators of vendors. In the Top 5, it only EMC showed a growth rate exceeding the market average, and immediately 2 times. Leadership has survived for. Symantec The company increased sales slightly - by only 5.8%, taking 18.9% of the market at the end of the year in monetary terms.

Company Revenue, 2010, in million $ Market share in 2010, in%% Revenue, 2009, in million $ Dynamics, in%%
Intel Security (McAfee)1711,810,41595,67,3
Trend Micro1036,96,3981,45,7
Всего16500,4100 14713,512

Top 5 Global Data Protection Software Developers by Revenue

Source: Gartner

By the way, all the companies of the top five are American, with the exception of the Japanese Trend Micro. We also note that the second largest market player, McAfee, was acquired by Intel in March 2011 for $7.7 billion. McAfee security technologies are planned to be used directly in Intel hardware. Together with Symantec, the company controlled almost 30% of the global information security software market.

Analysts Gartner did not report market shares (Kaspersky Lab revenue in 2010 amounted to $538 million) and Eset, but included these two companies in the category of vendors specializing in profitable narrow areas of protection, for example, protection of user PCs. In addition to this category, according to the Gartner classification, there were three more: companies that occupy a significant part of both the corporate and consumer segments (Symantec, McAfee); companies with a wider range of products (e.g., IBM EMC and) CA Technologies and companies with a minimum portfolio of solutions covering no more than one or two areas.


Global revenue from the sale of information security software in 2010 will grow to $16.5 billion, which will be 11.3% more than in 2009, equal to $14.8 billion, Gartner reported.

The largest part of revenue belongs to the consumer segment of the market. It was expected that in 2010 it will account for $4.2 billion against $3.9 billion in 2009. The second largest segment is corporate: according to Gartner's forecast, in 2010 it will account for $3 billion of all revenue, $100 million more than in 2009.

According to analysts, security software in the next few years will continue to be one of the fastest growing types of software solutions in the corporate segment. Moreover, products for authorization and access control, which then occupied 8% of the market in monetary terms, in 2014 will bring more than $12 billion.


Market volume - $14.8 billion. ( Gartner ). In 2009, under the influence of the global crisis, the expansion of the market in monetary terms slowed down: growth amounted to 7% year-on-year.

  • Retail segment - $3.9 billion.
  • Endpoint protection (PC, file servers) segment - $2.9 billion.

At the end of 2009, according to Gartner, Symantec, McAfee, Trend Micro, IBM and EMC formed the top five market leaders.

Global End User Product Security Market

Company Revenue, 2009, million $ Revenue, 2008, million $ Market Share, 2009 Dynamics in%%
Symantec 2359,8 2309,2 35,8 2,2
Intel Security (McAfee) 1191,1 1130 18,1 5,4
Trend Micro 596 574,2 9 3,8
Kaspersky Lab 380,1 263 5,8 44,5
Sophos 203,1 209 3,1 -2,8
AVG Technologies 190,1 154 2,9 23,4
ESET 155 128,7 2,3 20,4
F-Secure Corp. 148,7 141,3 2,3 5,2
BitDefender 139,1 135 2,1 3
Panda Software 132,1 131,1 2 0,8
Webroot 124,5 119,9 1,9 3,9
Check Point 122,8 129 1,9 -4,8
CA 99,8 91,2 1,5 9,5
IBM 99,1 88 1,5 12,6
Cisco 95,1 100 1,4 -4,9
PGP (bought by Symantec) 45 51,5 0,7 -12,6
SafeNet Inc. 42,2 41 0,6 2,8

Source: IDC (Worldwide Endpoint Security 2010-2014 Forecast and 2009 Vendor Shares, December 2010)
