Main article: Internet Search (Global Market)
Internet search
2024: Yandex's share in the Russian Internet search market for the year increased to 66.4%
At the end of 2024, Yandex's share in the Russian search market increased by 2.6 percentage points, amounting to 66.4%. This growth was driven by improvements in search technologies, including artificial intelligence. The share of requests from Android rose to 66.1%, and on iOS - to 56.2%. Search's monthly audience reached 110 million active users. This is stated in the reports that Yandex published in February 2025.
2023: The most popular search engines in Russia named
As of the end of 2023, Yandex controls almost two-thirds of the search segment in Russia. Moreover, the share of this service is growing both on the domestic market and on a global scale. This is stated in a study by the Institute for Internet Development (ANO IRI) and Rostelecom, the results of which were published on June 19, 2024.
According to estimates, in December 2022, Yandex's share in the search market of the Russian Federation was approximately 60.21%. A year later, that rose to 64.19%. In second place in the ranking of the largest search engines in Russia is Google, whose indicator for the year decreased from 38.11% to 35.32%. Thus, these two companies together control approximately 99.5% of the Russian industry. Another 0.09% at the end of 2023 was accounted for by, 0.04% - by Rambler. The total share of all other search engines is estimated at 0.36% against 0.7% at the end of 2022.
Globally, Yandex's share in the number of requests in December 2023 amounted to 1.65%, and year-on-year growth was recorded at around 65%. This is due to the fact that Russian-speaking users located abroad switch to Yandex due to more relevant issuance when requesting in Russian. In February 2023, Yandex announced plans to introduce a new language model YaLM 2.0 into search algorithms. In general, it is said about the demand for artificial intelligence technologies in search services.
In Russia, the share of search queries to Yandex on devices under control Android by the end of 2023 amounted to 63.5%, which is 1.5% more compared to 2022, when the figure was 62%. In addition, the number of calls to Yandex increased by: the IOS-GADGETS share of the search engine on this platform on an annualized basis rose from 48% to 51.2%.[1]
2017: Yandex responded to FAS claims to the slogan "Search No. 1 in Russia "
In Yandex"" they do not see violations of antitrust laws in the use of the slogan "Search No. 1 in Russia," which has been posted on the main page of the portal since July 26 RBC , a company representative said. According to him, the company "will refrain from commenting" on reports of possible claims from (Federal Antimonopoly Service FAS)[2] the[3]
On July 26, 2017, a FAS representative told the Moscow agency that the agency was considering the possibility of applying "antitrust measures" to Yandex, since the new slogan "may indicate signs of violation of antitrust laws."
The legislation in force in Russia contains a ban on "unfair competition by incorrect comparison," including a description of its goods and services using epithets like "best" or "number 1," except when specific characteristics for which the comparison is carried out are simultaneously indicated. In this case, primacy or uniqueness should have "objective confirmation."
The representative of Yandex explained to RBC that the new slogan has such confirmation and is based on the data of all authoritative metrics of search shares (Liveinternet, Comscore, etc.), the indicators of which confirm that Yandex is indeed search No. 1 in Russia. In particular, according to the interlocutor of RBC, in June 2017, Yandex's search share amounted to 51.3%.
As a result, Yandex added a footnote to the new slogan "Search No. 1 in Russia" on the main page of the service. Now in the signature at the bottom of the main part of the page it is specified: by the number of transitions to sites from search results. LiveInternet, June 2017.
2012: The number of searches in Russia is growing avalanche-like
The number of searches in Russia from August 2010 to August 2012 almost doubled.
Yandex remained the dominant search engine for August 2012.
2009: Yandex and Google squeeze Rambler out
For a year and a half - from February 2008 to August 2009 - the leading search engines of Runet strengthened their positions, and the laggards lagged further behind. This follows from the data of the research company comScore. The most popular search engine for Runet - Yandex in February 2008 processed 47.4% of search queries from Russia, and in August 2009 - already 54.5%. Google's share increased from 31.2% to 34.5% over the same period. But Rambler slipped from 3rd to 4th place (9.7% and 1.9% of requests, respectively).
According to Liveinternet (first indicator) and comScore - (second indicator) in August 2009.
- Yandex - 57.2% of requests, 54.5%
- Google - 23% in August 2009 and 22.4% in December 2009; 34,5%
- - 10.3%, n/a
- Rambler - 4.2% in August and 3.4 in December 2009, 1.9%
- Altaba (formerly Yahoo) - 0.1% (source:
According to comScore in August 2009, 63.4% of Russian users over 15 years old - 21.5 million people used Internet search. According to Zaretsky, more intensively visitors to the Runet are looking for information in Yandex: on average, a user makes 19.6 requests per month. Google searches 13 times a month, 7.4 times, Rambler 5.9 times.
comScore data concerns requests from only Russian users. The comScore data differs from the statistics service Zaretsky explains that comScore measures the number of search queries set by 20,000 Russian users who have installed a special program on computers - the comScore measurement panel; then their behavior is extrapolated to the total number of Runet users over 15 years old. And Liveinternet measures the number of transitions from search engines to more than 1 million Russian sites with counters, says German Klimenko, co-owner of Liveinternet.
- ↑ IRI and Rostelecom presented a study on trends in the development of consumer communication technologies
- ↑ [ Yandex responded to
- ↑ FAS claims to the slogan "Search No. 1 in Russia."]