Main article: Countries of the world
Main article: Climate in Europe
2020: Population growth of 64% over 30 years
2024: Number of Ukrainian refugees - less than 50,000
2021: Net population inflow in 4 years
Marriages and divorces
2018: Divorce rate - 64.8%
2021: Proportion of young people living with their parents - 25.1%
2018: Proportion of residents under 14 - 16.4%
Number of children per woman
Main article: Vision
2014: 66.4% of the population wear glasses or lenses
Fertility and mortality
2023: The average age of a woman at the birth of her first child is 31.4 years
2022: Excess mortality due to COVID-19 - 5.4%
2019: Average age of women at birth of first child is 29 years or older
Number of drug deaths per million residents
Number of road deaths per 100,000 vehicles
The annual number of suicides per 100 thousand inhabitants
2016: Number of deaths from opioid use disorders
2012: Male-female suicide ratio
National composition
Male-to-female ratio
Share of the population living in the capital
The number of cars per 1000 people of the population
Citizenship and residence permit
2019: Number of residence permits per 1000 Luxembourg residents
Passport strength
2022: Proportion of women in Parliament
Armed Forces
2025: 1,000 troops
2023: Defence spending - 0.7% of GDP
2022: Industry's share of GDP - less than 12.5%
The third place in the world in terms of GDP per capita - $140 thousand
Agriculture's share of GDP is less than 2%
2020: GDP per capita - $117,500
According to the World Bank for 2020, Luxembourg remains the richest country in the world - there GDP per capita amounted to $117,500.
Non-financial debt
2022: Aggregate non-financial debt
National debt
2023: State debt - 24% of GDP
2018: State debt $32,000 per capita
2017: The ratio of the national debt to the country's GDP - 23%
2022: Inflation in July - 6.7%
2023: Reduced foreign investment
Key rate
2019: $0.3 trillion in accounts of foreign individuals
Share of solar and wind power - 43.4%
Rise in electricity prices due to pressure on Russia
2021: Oil is the main source of energy in the country
2020: Energy consumption per capita
andForeign trade
2022: China trade deficit
Welfare of citizens
2023: $8 million - the threshold for entering the number of the 1% richest people in the country
Monaco retains the first place in the world at the highest threshold for getting into the number of 1% of the most wealthy citizens - $12.8 million, which is 3.2% more than a year earlier, while in Luxembourg and Switzerland more than $8 million is needed to enter the echelon.
2020: 4th in the EU in terms of financial assets of citizens
Labour market
2019: Average labor productivity - $80.33 per hour
2025: Average pay after taxes - $6,050 (for March)
Average wages after taxes, according to data available for March 2025:[1]
1️⃣ Switzerland: $6,704
2️⃣ Luxembourg: $6050
3️⃣ USA : $4,338
4️⃣ Iceland: $4,182
5️⃣ Singapore: $3,818
6️⃣ Qatar: $3,800
7️⃣ Denmark: $3,729
8️⃣ Hong Kong: $3,619
9️⃣ Netherlands: $3,555
Norway: $3,489
2024: Maximum personal income tax rate - 45.8%
2023: Minimum wage - $2,140
2021: Average net income per employee - 37.8 thousand euros per year
2017: Average monthly salary
2016: Salary level
2023: Youth unemployment 19.6%
2022: Unemployment rate - 4.2%
2020: Unemployment rate - 6.5%
Real estate
2021: Average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in central Luxembourg - $1,819
2020: 13.6% rise in property prices
2022: Minimum age to drive - 17
2021: Driving penalty with phone in hand €79
2019: Pork is the most consumed type of meat
2019: Beer consumption in litres per year per person
2018: Milk consumption in litres per year per person
Alcohol market
2018: Minimum age to purchase alcoholic beverages
2019: More than 70% of the population went on tourist trips. France is the most popular country
Tourism revenues
Number of foreign tourists
2021: 0.7% of workers are employed in agriculture
2020: R&D expenses - $715 million
Health care
Disease statistics
2019:10% of the population suffer from chronic depression
Maternity leave
in2018: 19.8% of women smoke tobacco
Science and Research
2020: More than 5,000 animals used for scientific purposes
Almost 8 million animals are used for scientific purposes in Europe and half of them are laboratory mice and rats.
Information Technology
IT market
2020: European tech companies attracting the most investment in 5 years
2018: Largest IT companies
Luxembourg National Domain.LU
2019: The number of names in the.LU domain has exceeded 100 thousand
On June 21, 2019, the national domain Luxembourg.LU crossed the milestone of 100 thousand registrations. This was stated by the organization RESTENA Foundation, which manages this domain. As of the end of June, there were 100056 registered names in the domain zone. This indicator can be considered very modest, but only if you do not take into account the population of Luxembourg. It is about 600 thousand people, and in comparison with this figure, the figure of 100 thousand names looks very impressive, according to the. "Coordination Center for Domains.RU/.РФ"
According to the calculations of representatives of the center, theoretically such an indicator means that every sixth resident of Luxembourg has registered a domain name in the national domain of his country. This compares, for example, with the level of the UK, where 66 million residents account for about 12 million registered names in the national.UK domain. There are, however, countries where this proportion is even more impressive: for example, in Germany, one domain name in the national domain falls on 5 inhabitants, and in the Netherlands - even 3.
However, the Domain Incite resource in this regard reminds that such an estimate of the number of domains "per capita" should not be taken very seriously. If only because, according to the information of the same RESTENA Foundation, 75% of all names in the national domain of Luxembourg are registered not by individuals, but by companies. This is easily explained by the preferential tax conditions that force many entrepreneurs to register their business in Luxembourg.