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2024/01/31 10:59:01

Population of Ukraine



Main article: Ukraine


2023: The population of Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict with Russia has decreased from 37.6 million to 29 million people

By May 2023, the permanent population of Ukraine was 29 million people against 37.6 million at the beginning of 2022. Such data in June 2023 was published by the analytical center "Ukrainian Institute of the Future" (UIB).

The population of Ukraine since the beginning of the SVO has decreased to 29 million people

By May 2023, 9.1 million - 9.5 million residents worked in Ukraine, and if you subtract from this number of state employees, there are about 6-7 million people employed in the extra-budgetary sector.

They are a team that carries others - 22-23 million people, including pensioners, children, students, unemployed, dependents, the same public sector workers, - say UIB analysts, whose data are provided by TASS on June 6, 2023.

According to the researchers' forecasts, if nothing changes, then in a few years there will be twice as many pensioners in Ukraine as working citizens. The UIB explains that the announced estimate of the country's population is based on data from the Ukrainian Institute of Demography and Social Sciences named after Mikhail Ptukha, data from the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, as well as on the organization's own estimates.

I believe that the figure of 29 million inhabitants announced by the UIB is still a very large advance to the current Ukraine. I am sure that in reality its population today is much smaller. We remember that at the time of the collapse of the USSR, the population of the republic was estimated at 52 million people. But since then, over the years of independence, the number of people living in Ukraine has been steadily falling. In addition, several densely populated regions fell away from Ukraine. But the strongest influence on the decline in the number of Ukrainians was mass migration - these are people who are looking for a better life in other countries, as well as those who do not want to participate in hostilities against Russian troops, military analyst Yuriy Kotenok told the Federal News Agency.[1]

2020:15% population decline in 30 years

2018: Population decline since 1989 by 14% to 43.9 million


2023: Over two years of armed conflict, more than 17 thousand citizens of the country were detained while trying to illegally cross the border

According to the Border Service of Ukraine, in 2023, 7,708 Ukrainian citizens were detained in 11 months while trying to illegally cross the border.

In 2022 - 9,435 citizens. Total - more than 17 thousand people.

Ukrainian border guards did not catch 4,399 citizens in 2023, 4,630 in 2022. They were detained already in Moldova and neighboring EU countries. Total=9,029.

3,613 criminal cases were opened.

2022: Wave of refugees returning to Ukraine during conflict

2021: Net outflow over 4 years

Citizens abroad

2024: Millions of Ukrainian refugees live in Europe


2023: 8.2 million Ukrainian refugees in Europe

According to the estimates of the "Ukrainian Institute of the Future" (UIB), announced in June 2023, from the moment the military special operation of the Russian Federation began, 20.7 million people left Ukraine, but subsequently 12.1 million returned.

According to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees as of May 23, 2023, there are more than 8.2 million refugees from Ukraine in European countries. Of these, only slightly more than 5.1 million people have official status in European countries.

2020: More than 7,000 Ukrainians received a "Pole card"

In 2020, 7094 citizens of Ukraine received the so-called "Pole card," which confirms the person's belonging to the Polish people. Such a card can be obtained by persons living outside Poland.

2018: Labour migrants surge

The number of labor migrants from Ukraine to European countries in 2016-2018

2015:13% of those born in Ukraine permanently reside abroad

In 2015, 13% of people born in Ukraine permanently live outside of Ukraine.

Proportion of citizens born in and living outside the country, 2015

Share of the population living in the capital

2018: Only 7% of the population lives in Kyiv

The share of the country's population living in the capital. Data at the end of 2018

Male-to-female ratio

According to 2018 data, Ukraine has one of the highest shares of women in the population in the world
The ratio of men to women in Europe, according to the CIA for 2016


Proportion of residents under 14 years of age in Europe, 2018

Marriages and divorces

2018: Divorce rate - 67.4%

Процент разводов в countries of Europe in 2016-2018

Fertility and mortality

Main article: Birth and mortality in Ukraine

Children out of wedlock

As of 2018

Dominant haplogroup

Data for 2019

See also:

National and racial composition

Share of people born in Russia in the population of European countries, 2018


Data for 2020


Data for 2020
The country of birth of the largest group of foreigners in each of the countries of Europe. Data for 2018


The number of Jews in Europe in 1933 and 2015.
The number of Jews in the countries of the world, 2010


2020: Black population share 0.01%

Data for 2020


Распространение антисемитизма в countries Eastern Europe, 2017-2018 data

Billionaires in Ukraine

Main article: Billionaires in Ukraine

Poverty in Ukraine

2020:22% of Ukrainians are malnourished

See also
