Main article: World War II
Country losses
US seeks use of dollar as global currency
Main article: US Dollar
British John Maynard Keynes, often described as the most influential economist of the 20th century, sought to create a monetary system after World War II that would limit US influence. America emerged from the conflict as the planet's undeniable financial power, and Britain's role was greatly weakened.
Keynes envisioned an International Clearing Union in which each central bank member would open its own account, Carter writes in "The Price of Peace: Money, Democracy, and the Life of John Maynard Keynes." This ICU could at its discretion issue a new world currency, as well as punish or reward countries with permanent trade surplus or negative balances.
Keynes didn't get his way, though. The lenders that emerged after the decisive meeting in Bretton Woods (New Hampshire) in 1944 - the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank - were heavily influenced by the US.
As a result, Keynes had to come to terms with the fact that the basis of international calculations will be the dollar and the institution of salvation, funded mainly by the United States. "The partnership is over, and with it Britain's time as a great power," Carter wrote[1].
The dollar has gained a foothold as a driving force in the foreign exchange market.
Formation of the socialist bloc of countries in Eastern Europe
Establishment of the Berlin Flight Safety Centre
The Unified Flight Safety Center in Berlin (BASC) operated continuously from 1945 to 1990, i.e. until Germany gained full sovereignty in accordance with the provisions of the Two Plus Four Treaty.
In the building of the Allied Control Council, where the Center was located (later the building of the Berlin Court of Appeal), all this time officers of the Air Force of the countries - former allies in the anti-Hitler coalition - were jointly on duty.
Czechoslovakia takes away Liechtenstein lands
In August 2020, the authorities of the Principality of Liechtenstein filed a complaint with the ECHR demanding the return of land confiscated by Czechoslovakia after World War II.
The area confiscated is ten times larger than the territory of the current principality. These lands include the residence of Waltice and the castle of Lednice, listed on the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List.
After the war, Czechoslovak President Eduard Benes one of the decrees declared the princes of Liechtenstein accomplices of Nazi Germany. On the basis of which land and castles were confiscated. In Liechtenstein, this is considered unfair and requires compensation.
Britain loses its colonies in Asia
On August 15, 1947, Indian independence was proclaimed.
In January 1948, the British were forced to grant independence to Burma.
For more than a decade, England waged a senseless colonial war, trying to maintain its dominance over Malaysia and Singapore, but in 1957-1963. left there.
Dividing Korea into South and North
The division of Korea into the DPRK and the Republic of Korea occurred in 1945 after the defeat of Japan, which had previously ruled Korea, in World War II. The United States and the USSR signed an agreement on joint management of the country. The line of division of the zones of influence of the two superpowers passed along the 38th parallel.
Japan loses Kuril Islands and part of Sakhalin
Parts of the territories of Estonia and Latvia go to Russia
Agreement of the USSR with Finland on neutral status and mutual assistance
In 1947, a whole series of peace treaties were concluded in Paris with countries that fought against the USSR on the side of Nazi Germany, including Finland. She committed herself to maintaining neutral status. The result of this diplomatic rout was the "Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the USSR and Finland" concluded a year later in 1948.
If we convey the meaning of this document in two sentences, it will look like this: Finland and the Soviet Union jointly defend the territory of Finland, in the event of an attack on Finland or on the Soviet Union through its territory. In the event of a threat to the USSR, Finland "will fight to repel aggression," "shall direct all forces at its disposal to protect the inviolability of its territory on land, at sea and in the air, acting within its borders, pursuant to its obligations hereunder, by, if necessary, the Soviet Union or with it, "in the event of" military aggression by Germany or any state allied with it. "
Obviously, with such an agreement, there could be no talk of Finland joining NATO. Thus, the USSR guaranteed the neutral status of Finland and the impossibility of attacking itself through its territory.
Concluded in 1948, the contract was extended several times. The last time this was done was in 1983, for 20 years. But in 1992, the agreement terminated due to the destruction of the USSR.
Falsification of the history of the Second World War
Main article: Falsification of history
Booklet. History falsifications 5.0
The history of the exploits and valor of Russian soldiers is an integral part of national identity Russia and today is increasingly subjected to attempts to discredit and revise. Within the framework of researches 2020, the company "" Kribrum made an attempt to trace the process of disseminating unreliable (or completely falsified) information about (World War II to a greater extent about the Great Patriotic War) in social media. The [2]
At the same time, the information in the disseminated information, at first glance, may seem reliable, but there are clear signs of manipulation. For more accurate work, various specialists were involved in the study, including historians.
"Ruusiente" - Russian wartime prisoners in the north
Property Damage Assessments
2022: The prosecutor's office estimated the damage from the blockade of Leningrad at 35.3 trillion rubles
The damage to Leningrad from the Nazi blockade during the Great Patriotic War is estimated at 35.3 trillion rubles at the current exchange rate. This was announced on October 3, 2022 by the prosecutor of St. Petersburg Victor Melnik at the first meeting of the St. Petersburg City Court at the suit of the prosecutor's office to recognize the blockade as genocide of the Soviet people and a crime against humanity, the joint press service of the courts (OPS) of St. Petersburg reported.
Führer decided to erase the city from the face of the Earth. After the defeat of Soviet Russia, there is no interest for the further existence of this large settlement. Finland similarly declared its disinterest in the existence of the city directly at its borders, - read the prosecutor's directive of the command of the German naval forces of September 20, 1941, which authorized the complete destruction of Leningrad and its inhabitants. |
On October 3, 2022, the St. Petersburg City Court began consideration of the merits of the prosecutor's statement on the establishment of a fact of legal significance - the recognition of the blockade of Leningrad as genocide. As part of the trial, experts will be questioned, as well as veterans who survived the blockade of Leningrad.
The prosecutor's office filed a lawsuit to recognize the blockade of Leningrad as a war crime, genocide of national and ethnic groups, namely the Soviet people. During the meeting, the state prosecution clarified that in addition to the troops of Nazi Germany, armed units formed in Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Norway and Finland took part in the blockade of the city.
The prosecutor's office recalled that during the blockade, the Nazi invaders subjected the population of Leningrad, the city infrastructure to systematic shelling and bombing, and also deliberately created conditions for hunger in the city. As a result, over 1 million Soviet citizens were exterminated.[3]
Poland says no documents have been preserved about its refusal of reparations in 1953
In Berlin, Warsaw was repeatedly reminded that they actually signed a refusal of reparations in 1953. And in general: within the framework of the EU community, the Germans deduct money the most, and their recipient is also the Poles.
Warsaw claims that the agreement was signed under pressure from the USSR and concerned only the defunct German Democratic Republic and the Polish People's Republic, which, according to local analysts, was not a sovereign state.
And in general, after the publication of a report with claims against Germany for $1.3 trillion, the Poles said: yes, and there are no pieces of paper from 1953 anywhere. The Polish authorities indicated that the government analyzed all the arguments of the German side and no government decree was found regarding Poland's decision to refuse compensation for losses.
In addition, under the Polish Constitution adopted in 1952, the then Council of Ministers "was not authorized to make such a resolution." It could be accepted by either the Council of State or the Sejm, but neither of the two institutions issued such a document. And this is further evidence that the Poles did not give up military reparations.
Anyway: the only evidence (according to Warsaw) that the refusal took place is an article in the communist daily Trybuna Ludu, published on August 24, 1953.
In November 2023, a parliamentary group on reparations from Germany and the Russian Federation was formed in Poland. Participants will deal with compensation allegedly due to Poland for damage caused during the Second World War. Among the members of the group is the head of the Law and Justice party, Yaroslav Kaczynski. At the same time, the Germans emphasize that hysteria is being escalated to please the US plans to weaken Germany and deprive the EU of the remnants of independence.
Poland submitted to the Council of Europe a draft resolution on the right of its citizens to seek individual compensation from Germany
Poland submitted to the Council of Europe a draft resolution on granting its citizens the right through the court to seek individual compensation from Germany for damage during World War II.
"We want to create a serious document that will become in the future the basis for the German government to pay compensation in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights."
Poland plans to demand compensation from Russia for damage and military losses suffered from the actions of the USSR during the war
On October 28, 2022, it became known that Poland intends to calculate and demand from Russia compensation for damage and military losses suffered from the actions of the USSR during the Second World War.
"The calculation of the military losses suffered due to the USSR will be prepared on the basis of studies similar to those that led to the compilation of a report on the damage caused to Poland as a result of German aggression and occupation during the Second World War of 1939-1945."
Greece expects reparations from Germany
"The issue of paying Germany Greece reparations for war crimes during the years of two world wars remains open, its decision is fundamental for Greek society," Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias said in Warsaw after meeting with his Polish counterpart Zbigniew Rau in October 2022.
Greece demands from Germany 309.5 billion euros for World War II and 9.2 billion for World War I. Berlin refuses to pay.
Poland demands reparations from Germany in the amount of $1.3 trillion
In July 2022, the head of the ruling party of Poland "Law and Justice" (PiS) Yaroslav Kaczynski said that he might not live to receive military reparations from Germany. Kaczynski recalled that on September 1, 2022, Poland will present a report on losses during World War II and will name the amount of reparations that Germany requires. The amount has been adjusted more than once and it has grown from $48.8 billion to $850 billion. They want to increase it again. Germany believes that the issue is closed.
On October 3, 2022, the Polish Foreign Ministry signed a note to Germany demanding reparations for damage in World War II.
Poland demands $1.3 trillion from Germany for damage from World War II.
On October 27, 2022, the Polish Foreign Ministry published a list of requirements for Germany to compensate for damage caused during World War II: the total amount was 6,220,609,000,000 zlotys (about 1.3-1.5 trillion dollars).
Among these requirements are:
- Compensation of material and intangible losses in the amount of 6 trillion 220 billion 609 million zlotys.
- Reparation to victims of aggression and German occupation and their family members of the damage and harm caused to them.
- Systemic actions of Germany, leading to the return of cultural property stolen from Poland, located in Germany.
- Return of assets and liabilities of Polish state banks and credit institutions stolen by the German state in 1939-1945.
The German government refused to negotiate with Poland to pay it compensation for damage caused during World War II, the Polish Foreign Ministry said in January 2023. The Polish authorities asked the US Congress to assist in receiving compensation from Germany in the amount of $ 1.3 trillion for damage caused to the republic during World War II.
At the same time, in January 2023, the chairman of the ruling party of Poland "Law and Justice" Yaroslav Kaczynski announced Poland's plans this month to present a plan for the seizure of assets of German companies and a scheme for transferring them to Poland as part of compensation for damage for World War II according to the "Russian" scenario.
2024:42% of Britons are confident Britain contributed the biggest to defeating fascism
- ↑ Keynes Would Recognize Putin's Dollar Dilemma
- ↑ subject of the study was publications distributed in the Russian-speaking segment of social media from 2014 to the present. The volume of messages is more than 4.7 million. It is worth noting that the study of retrospective data over such a long period of time was made possible thanks to the use of the Kribrum Social Media Monitoring and Analysis Platform..
- ↑ The damage from the blockade of Leningrad was estimated at 35.3 trillion rubles