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2019/08/13 21:23:59

Sierra Leone



Main article: Africa



2023: GDP per capita - $460.6

ECOWAS membership

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is a regional organization established in 1975 to strengthen economic cooperation between West African countries .

GDP $496 per capita


2022: Inflation in November - 29.1%

Data for November 2022

Alcohol market

Minimum age to purchase alcoholic beverages

Data for 2018


2023: Fish consumption is higher than meat consumption

The most consumed type of meat (including fish and seafood) according to data available for June 2023.

2019: High rice consumption: 148.5 kg per person per year


2018: Vegetable consumption - 50 kg per capita

Потребление овощей в countries Africa, kg per capita population in 2018


2020: Energy consumption per capita

Energy consumption per capita, including electricity, transport heating in 2019-2020

2019: Electrification

Доступ к электричеству в countries Africa (2019)

Sierra Leone IT Market

2022: More than 1 start-up

Data for 2019-2022

Cooperation in Russia

2019: President Julius Maad Bio meets with Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and Konstantin Malofeev

For more details see Konstantin Valerievich Malofeev

Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and Konstantin Malofeev meet with President of the Republic of Sierra Leone Julius Maada Bio on October 27, 2019.

Foreign trade

2022: China is the biggest export destination

According to data available for August 2023.


Main article: Population of Africa


Overweight among adults in Africa, 2016


2021: Net outflow over 4 years


Number of deaths from opioid use disorders per 100,000 people (2016)

Traffic safety

The number of deaths on the roads per 100 thousand vehicles. Data for 2018


Percentage of people who can read

Data for 2019

Health care

2021: Maternity leave

Число недель оплачиваемого maternity leave countries around the world for 2021


Duration of guaranteed paid sick leave 6 months or more

Data as of September 1, 2020

Part of the population defecates on the street

494 млн людей на To the earth defecate on the street. Share of such population by country for 2020


2024: State of emergency due to the spread of the drug jackpot

In April 2024, Sierra Leone declared a state of emergency due to the spread of drugs.

Excitement is building in West Africa over a drug called jackpot (a mix of synthetic drugs with marijuana) that has been spreading to young people in Sierra Leone and neighboring Liberia for the past four years .

Considered a cheap alternative to marijuana, it turns out to be more deadly - in the country every now and then mass burials of drug addicts are found.

As in the case of the analogue of the same name from the United States, better known in Russian-speaking and British everyday life as "spice," we are not talking about a certain deadly formula for the "killer drug," but about the entire class of cheap synthetic mixtures. They include several highly toxic psychoactive substances, including acetone, synthetic opioids (fentanyl and lighter tramadol), as well as formaldehyde/formalin, which causes hallucinations and provokes outbreaks of aggression and self-harm. There are many variations of "kush" that provoke different states of consciousness: for example, dripping kush, according to one consumer, encourages you to strip naked and rush along the street with a crazy look.

The basis of "kusha" is cheap and low-quality local cannabis (ganja, jamba, maggi), which is often mixed with cigarette tobacco. In this sense, the cocktail resembles nyaope (whoonga), a mixture of tobacco, cannabis, heroin and antiretroviral drugs with a hallucinatory effect common in South Africa.

According to popular beliefs circulated by sensationalist media, the West African jackpot includes crushed human bones and other exotic substances such as gutalin or altaea (Althaea officinalis), but there is no direct confirmation of this - it remains to be assumed that individual representatives of the drug business or consumers believe in the reinforcing effect of bone flour or high concentration of formalin on human remains.

Amid increased drug use and a critical situation, Maad Bio's government imposed a state of emergency.

According to the decree, an anti-addiction department was created. But more serious measures, like the arrests of merchants, have not yet followed.

The problem of drug and substance abuse in West African countries is not new. The UN Population Fund estimates that 20% of the region's youth use narcotic substances. The reason for the quick success of the dish was, in all likelihood, the cheapness of this mixture (about $0.5 per "dose," which can be smoked for 2-3 people), due to which it overtook the "traditional" tramadol in popularity, and an immediate intoxicating effect.

Basically, the jackpot is used by men aged 18-25 years - they are often compared to "zombies," since people take unnatural poses, fall asleep or freeze on the move, ignore traffic and dangerous obstacles, and often die from these and other indirect reasons. In the same way - zongoes - members of the ever-growing community of drug users call themselves not without irony.

Even if the media tend to exaggerate the scale of the epidemic, taking the drug regularly leads to death and loss of capacity. According to the Ministry of Health of Sierra Leone, the number of hospitalizations associated with the use of formula increased by 4000% - from 47 (2020) to 1800 (2023), and now up to 60% of admissions to the Freetown Psychiatric Hospital are accounted for by Kusha victims. From Sierra Leone - the epicenter of narcodemia - the jackpot spread widely through neighboring Liberia, as well as in Guinea, where it penetrated in mid-2022 from Sierra Leone and claimed at least 39 lives by August 2023. Soon - from 2023 - the drug appeared in the Gambia, where its distribution is facilitated by the long-established production of its own cannabis (nyaamo, jamba) and the availability of imported "grass" from Senegal.

2019: Minimum 15 years for rape

The new legislation, adopted in September 2019, provides for imprisonment for at least 15 years for rape. Previously, such a period was the maximum.

The country's president, Julius Maada Bio, declared a state of emergency in February 2019 after police statistics showed cases of sexual and gender-based violence had doubled.

The new law also guarantees free treatment for rape victims.


2019: Minimum age for children to be jailed

Data for 2019

2018: Number of prisoners per 100 thousand citizens

World Prison Brief data for 2018




Female circumcision

Sierra Leone is one of the few African countries where female circumcision is a legal procedure for 2019.

In August 2019, it became known that one village in Sierra Leone refused female circumcision.

The temple in the village of Tavuya, where the brutal rite was held, was demolished by decision of the leader back in 2018.

This is an exceptional case for a country where nine out of ten girls are circumcised to celebrate initiation into a female community known as Bondo.

But the leader's initiative is due not so much to ethics or humanity as to economic gain. The fact is that the initiation ceremony is accompanied by extremely costly celebrations.

Initiations of girls take place several times a year for two weeks. The holiday requires high costs from parents: they must buy new clothes for the child and feed the guests all this time. Abandoning the tradition, the villagers increased food supplies, and a field for crops was organized on the site of the temple.

Ordination of Boys as Members of the Poro Secret Union in West Africa

Initiation (from Latin initiatio - the performance of the sacrament, initiation) is a rite that marks the transition of an individual to a new stage of development within the framework of any social group or mystical society.

In Africa, the transition from one social group to another, as elsewhere, took on a special nature of initiation, after which young men became full adult members of society. Initiations in Africa were carried out mainly by secret societies.

The dedication began with the fact that the young men who were to pass this test allegedly died and were kidnapped by their ancestors: in reality, they were taken with them by disguised members of the secret union to a special place known only to the initiates. Neither the moment of abduction, nor the place where young men will live from now on, nor in general all the activities of the union, women, children and the uninitiated were allowed to see the death penalty on pain.

The rather long (from several months to several years) period of initiation, as well as all the rites and ceremonies associated with it, by the end of training are more and more mystified and adopt a pronounced religious-mystical coloring, which is maintained and strengthened in the most severe way, up to terror.

For example, what was the nature of this peculiar "school" in the secret union of Poro (one of the most common unions in West Africa).

Training began with the simplest types of manual labor. First, the boys were taught to prepare the necessary material, then - to weave ropes and ropes, then they mastered the art of weaving mats, baskets, etc. This was followed by wood carving: the boys had to be able to make a spoon, a crest, a chair... They were also trained to use some things for the purpose of fishing: as, for example, to fish with the nets themselves woven together. Every day, young men practiced running, jumping and climbing trees. They were taught how to set traps, traps, how to build a hut, a bridge, a crossing. In short, in this school, a boy should learn to be a man and behave like a man.

The union also cared about artistic education: songs, dances, playing musical instruments - drum, marimbe (kind of xylophone) were mandatory for study.

In the end, a special place in the system of education and initiation was occupied by the introduction into the secrets of the union itself. After taking a terrible oath of absolute silence on pain of death, the boys were shown masks of their ancestors and taught to make them, introduced to the instrument (buzzer or ratchet), which depicted the voice of the ancestor, taught songs and dances, which had previously been performed only before the consecrated members of the union and which the newly ordained were to perform for the first time at the festival of return.

After completing the entire course, new, now full-fledged citizens of society returned home, staging their "resurrection."

The boys return from a dedication ceremony as members of the Poro, a secret society of parts of Africa, in 1936.

The return of the young men home and their resurrection was given the form of a kind of dramatic performance: returning in a solemn procession, the "newly born" pretended to be supposedly not able to do anything with young children who need to learn to walk, talk, and eat again. In some peoples, a special pantomime was played, which depicted the whole story of the alleged death and resurrection of the initiates. Here the young men demonstrated their art in singing and dancing, which they studied in a secret union.



Map of Africa in 1914

1792: A thousand former slaves establish Freetown around the world's oldest cotton tree

In the capital of Sierra Leone, the world's oldest cotton tree, sacred to the inhabitants of Freetown, grows. Towering in the middle of a vast field, the 73-metre-tall Ceiba pentandra was one of the first objects notable in 1792 for a thousand former black slaves determined to build a "City of the Free." It was around the cotton tree that Freetown's laying ceremony was held on Sunday 11 March 1792, and thanksgiving prayers have been held around it every year since.


2022: The most popular sport is football

Самый популярный вид sport countries of the world to to data June 2022


Какой день считается первым в неделе в countries of the world, 2022