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2022/06/14 10:31:46

Smolensk region



Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

Smolensk region is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the Central Federal District, the area is 49.8 thousand km ². It was founded on September 27, 1937.


Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Administration of Smolensk region




Information Technology

Department of Digital Development of Smolensk Region


Department of Smolensk Region for Culture



Department of Smolensk Region for Education and Science

UNIVERSITIES of the Smolensk region

Health care

Ministry of Health of Smolensk Region

2024:1 billion rubles allocated for the purchase of medical equipment in hospitals in the region

In July 2024, the government of the Smolensk region decided to allocate ₽1 billion for the purchase of medical equipment for hospitals in the region. The funding will be aimed at equipping medical facilities in 2024 as part of a program to develop the health care system. Read more here



1237: Principality of Smolensk

Map of Russia on the eve of the Mongol invasion

882: Joining Kievan Rus'

Main article: Kievan Rus

In 882, Oleg goes on a campaign to Kyiv. On the way, as the chronicler writes, Oleg "took possession" of two cities, putting his governors in them. These cities were not besieged and ruined. Smolensk is a city of Krivichs that occupied the upper Dnieper, Western Dvina and Volga, part of the Neman basin and Lake Ilmen. Krivichi was among those who called for the reign of Rurik and was during the campaign in Oleg's army.

Lubech, which stood on the Dnieper somewhat higher from the confluence of the Pripyat, was a city of glades. Oleg did not want to rob these Russian lands and did not allow any of his soldiers. He only replaced the heads of local administrations.

In the same 882, Oleg came to Kyiv, killed the local rulers Askold and Dir and declared Kyiv the "mother of Russian cities," began to rule in it.

In the same 882, Oleg came to Kyiv, killed the local rulers Askold and Dir and declared Kyiv the "mother of Russian cities," began to rule in it.

Organizations of the Smolensk region