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2019/07/22 10:51:30

Take-off and fall of the Technoserv. What are the largest state contracts of the integrator talking about?

From 2011 to mid-2019. companies that are part of the Technoserv group entered into almost 1,500 contracts with state departments and state-owned companies in the amount of about 100 billion rubles. Their analysis allowed TAdviser to identify the largest integrator customers, as well as assess the group's income dynamics in this market segment.


A story with arrests of the vice chairman of the board Pensionny fondaalekseya Ivanova and the head of department of work with state agencies of the Technoserv company Alexey Kopeykin in July, 2019 generated interest in the contracts of Technoserv consisting over the years with public authorities and state companies.

The analytical center TAdviser prepared, on the basis of open sources of information, a detailed reference on all the main contracts that were concluded between companies belonging to the Technoserv group and customers from the state (authorities) and state-corporate (state-owned company) sectors of the market.

Structure of the Technoserv group

The Technoserv group of companies is a non-strict, from a legal point of view, generalizing the name for several companies in the name of which the word Technoserv is present, and a number of organizations that are legally members of the group, but have names that do not indicate this in any way.

The head and managing company of the entire group is Technoserv Group LLC. This company became (after a series of active transformations that took place in 2016-2018) the founder of Technoserv AS LLC (ownership share - 100%), which, in turn, is the founder of Tekhnoserv A/S JSC (ownership share - 99%). However, LLC Technoserv Group itself does not participate in public procurement and does not conclude state contracts.

JSC Tekhnoserva A/S and LLC Tekhnoserva AS are the two main "production resources" of the Tekhnoserv group. The names of both companies are similar to the degree of mixing, and they are often not distinguished when talking or writing about Technoserv.

The third company, containing in its name the brand brand - Technoserv Consulting LLC, was established by the Austrian company New Frontier Solutions Gmbh. According to open sources, it was not possible to establish how Technoserv Consulting and the other companies of the Technoserv group are legally connected.

All three Technoserv actively work with customers from the state and state-corporate sectors.

Customers and Contracts

The most complete and detailed information about customers and contracts of companies of the Technoserv group is contained in the public procurement EIS. However, this information requires additional processing to obtain, for example, summary figures for customer-specific contract volumes or revenue volumes by year.

Therefore, when preparing this certificate, TAdviser experts used an integrated approach:

  • with the help of the Rusprofile service, the main customers of each of the Technoserva companies and the "scale of the disaster" (approximate number and volume of contracts concluded) were installed;
  • after the initial "reconnaissance," detailed sampling registers for all contracts were already formed on the basis of public procurement EIS data and were subsequently processed to obtain summary tables and generate ratings on contract volumes.

All data have been presented since 2011, since earlier information in the current version of the public procurement EIS has not been preserved.

JSC "TechnoservA/S"

It is Tekhnoserva A/S JSC that is meant when the sensational story with the FIU is discussed - the Pension Fund had the main contracts concluded just with this company of the Technoserv group. However, FIU was not the largest state customer of JSC Technoserva A/S; there was another state structure (though, to date, abolished), which has a total volume of contracts with Technoserv significantly more - the Federal Migration Service of Russia (FMSRossia).

According to Rusprofail, in 2011-2019 JSC Technoserva A/S was a supplier in 668 state contracts for a total amount of 34 537 505 309 rubles.; the total number of government customers is 217. TAdviser analysis (see Table 5 in the section "Summary data and customer rating") showed that during the specified period the total number of contracts concluded amounted to 675 pieces, and their total value exceeded 38 billion rubles. In Table 1 presents data on Top 10 state customers of JSC "TechnoservA/С."

It should be noted that a number of departments had (and have) subordinate organizations that also concluded contracts with JSC Technoserva A/S:

  • In 2011-2013 the FMS of Russia entered into contracts with Technoserva directly, and from 2012 (until the abolition of the FMS in 2016) this function was transferred to the PKU "Main Center for Ensuring the Activities of the FMS of Russia" (FKU "GTSOD FMS of Russia");
  • A similar situation with the Federal Treasury: until 2016, all state contracts were concluded by the Treasury itself, and since 2016 this function has been delegated to PKU "Center for Ensuring the Activities of the Treasury of Russia" (PKU "Central Research Center");
  • The Pension Fund also has a subordinate institution specializing in IT support for all the activities of the fund - the Interregional Information Center (MIC FIU). Both the fund and the MIC had contracts with Technoserv - they are combined in the table.

When forming a customer rating, data on contracts of head offices were combined with data from "summaries."

It is interesting to note that after abolition of FMS of Russia by the successor to FKU "GTsOD FMS Rossii" abolished together with it became "subveda" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - NPO Spetsialnaya tekhnika i svyaz (NPO STiS). However, having inherited the functions of "letting down" the FMS, NPO STiS did not "inherit" with them and one of the largest IT suppliers of the FMS - after 2016, only 1 state contract between Technoserva and NPO STiS for 2.2 million rubles was registered in the public procurement EIS. And the support of the former departmental segment of the FMS of Russia of the state system for the manufacture, registration and control of passport and visa documents of a new generation (GS PVDNP), combined with the departmental segment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is now being carried out by integrators with long-standing and strong ties with the IT structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In a number of media reports appeared that Technoserva's active cooperation with the FIU began from the moment it went to work in the Alexei Ivanov Foundation, that is, in 2016-2017. From Table 1 it can be seen that this is not quite so - contracts have been concluded since 2012. But it was in 2017 that the 3 largest contracts with the FIU for Technoserve were concluded, which were included in the Top 25 of all state contracts of the Technoserv group (see Table 4), and the whole of 2017 was a record for the activities of Technoserv in the FIU - the total volume of contracts with the fund amounted to almost 3.7 billion rubles (almost 62% of the total volume of the Top 10 customers of Tekhnoserva A/S JSC and almost 57% of the total volume of all contracts). For the FIU itself, the volume of contracts for the year 2017 amounted to more than half (51%) of the total volume of all contracts concluded between the FIU and the Technoserv group for all years of their cooperation.

LLC Technoserv AS

The second company from the Technoserv group - Technoserv AS LLC - has a total volume of contracts with government customers even more than the AO almost of the same name with it. According to the EIS of public procurement, in 2011-2019 LLC Technoserv AS was a supplier in 645 government contracts totaling more than 53.3 billion rubles.; the total number of customers of LLC Technoserv AS exceeded 120 organizations.

However, the structure of LLC customers is slightly different - if JSC has 8 authorities in the Top 10 (7 federal and one entity RUSSIAN FEDERATION Moscow), then LLC has equally state structures state-owned companies in the Top 10. Moreover, two of these state-owned companies - Sberbank Russia and the Bank - VTB are holders of billionaire contracts and occupy the first 3 places in the Top 25 Technoservs (see Table 4). And already Sberbank of Russia traditionally it is the largest customer in a wide variety of rankings formed by TAdviser - the amount of its contracts with Technoserv AS amounted to almost 14 billion rubles, and taking into account the contracts concluded with LLC Technoserb (see Consulting Table 6), reached almost 15.5 billion rubles.

LLC Technoserv Consulting

The achievements of the third company - Technoserv Consulting"" - are significantly more modest than those of colleagues. Despite the presence on the market since 2007, for the observed period of time (2011-2019), Technoserv Consulting had a total volume of state contracts of only 4.2 billion rubles (see Table 5). The total number of state contracts is, according to the EIS, 146 pieces, and the number of state customers is a little more than 20. In the list of contracts with a price of more than 100 million rubles, Technoserv Consulting has only 10 contracts (out of a total of 125); the largest contract worth 400 million rubles was concluded with Sberbank (the object of the contract is "Development and modification software of the Unified Front System application in the context of 6 functional areas (lots) for the needs of PJSC Sberbank in 2017-2018 as part of the Unified Front System strategic program and the International Operations and Risks blocks) and did not reach the Top 25 at all, being in 27-m rank.

Such, not very impressive against the background of colleagues in the group, the results of the activity are due to the fact that Technoserv Consulting does not supply "iron," but only provides services for the development and maintenance of software. That is why for this reference, not even the Top 10 customers of Technoserv Consulting were formed, but only the Top 5 - for other customers, the total volume of contracts did not even reach 100 million rubles.

Table 1. Top 10 state customers of JSC Technoserva A/S
TAdviser 2019 Source "
Table 2. Top 10 state customers of LLC Technoserva AS
TAdviser 2019 Source "
Table 3. Top 5 customers of LLC Technoserva Consulting
TAdviser 2019 Source "

Largest contracts

When analyzing the state contracts of all companies of the Technoserv group, TAdviser experts counted a total of 125 contracts with a value of over 100 million rubles (with a total number of all contracts of more than 1460 - see Table 5). In Table 4 are represented by the 25 largest contracts of Technoserv; of this number, only 8 contracts were concluded with state-owned companies, and 17 with state-owned entities. True, of the 8 contracts that came to state-owned companies, 4 contracts occupy the first 4 lines of ranking, and in total (16.88 billion rubles) they amount to almost 54% of the total amount of the Top 25 of 31.5 billion rubles.

It also draws attention to the extremely low percentage of reduction in the initial maximum price of contracts (NMCC) among state customers (column "∆,%") - in only one contract of the Pension Fund (moreover, concluded in 2017, that is, under Alexei Ivanov), the decrease was 4.95%; the usual level of reduction in NMCC among state customers rarely exceeds 2%. A fairly large number of contracts were concluded with Technoserv as a sole contractor - in this case, the initial purchase price did not decrease at all. This situation, in general, is typical for public procurement performed in accordance with Federal Law 44-FZ "On the Contract System."

Table 4. Top 25 largest contracts of the Technoserv group concluded with state customers and state-owned companies
 % Contract register number Customer Supplier NMCC Ledger Amount ∆,% G/L Term Subject Matter/Contract Contents
1[[Sberbank of the Russian FederationSberbank of Russia]]Technoserv AS LLC    8 395 650 000,00    2.20%| IBM Hardware Technical Support Services 2016-2019
2 57707083893160045030000Sberbank of RussiaTechnoserv AS LLC5 286 150 000,002.23%2016-2019 EMC Hardware Support Services 2016-2019
3VTB 24Technoserv AS LLC30,430,000 USD3.64% Supply of equipment manufactured by YADRO with pre-installed software, including components, technical support and installation, installation and commissioning, as well as migration of information systems.
4RusHydroTechnoserva A/S JSC1 562 370 000,0012.31% Implementation of a Unified Automated Information System using SAP ERP, which supports the financial and economic management loop "for the needs of the Executive Office of RusHydro OJSC
51770198434815000041FKU "GTsOD FMS Rossii"JSC Technoserv A/S949,975,228.00949,975,228.000.00%2015Installation and commissioning of processing equipment
6 1770601611817000106Pension Fund of RussiaTechnoserva A/S JSC986 887 359,844.95% Commissioning and Configuration of EGISSO Basic Computing Infrastructure
71771056876016000068FKU "COKR" (Treasury)JSC Technoserv A/S948,000,000.00933,780,000.001.50%2017Services in maintenance and recovery of the equipment of computing subsystems of municipal educational institution and Federal Treasury Department
8Federal TreasuryTechnoserva A/S JSC921 000 000,001.50%2016 Service for Maintenance of System Software of FC Hardware and Software Systems at Goznak Data Center Technology Site
91770198434815000150FKU "GTsOD FMS Rossii"JSC Technoserv A/S849,970,000.00849,970,000.000.00%2016Rendering a complex of services in maintenance and support of functioning of a departmental segment of FMS of Russia of GS PVDNP in 2016.
10[[RostelecomRostelecom]]Technoserv AS LLC840 320 000,004.00%2016-2018 Delivery of Multi-Service Network Equipment and Software Rights
110873100004113000118FKU "GTsOD FMS Rossii"JSC Technoserv A/S790,220,200.002014Services in maintenance and support of functioning of objects of a departmental segment of FMS of Russia of the state system of production, registration and control of passport and visa documents of new generation
120873100004114000112FKU "GTsOD FMS Rossii"JSC Technoserv A/S790,220,200.00790,220,200.000.00%2015Services in maintenance and support of functioning of objects of a departmental segment of FMS of Russia of the state system of production, registration and control of passport and visa documents of new generation
130373100130713000020Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Automated System Pooderzhka IAC PravosudiyeJSC Technoserv A/S777,976,671.00777,976,671.000.00%2013-2014Delivery of program technical means (complexes of audio-video of fixing) with installation and control, objects of automation of state automated system "Justice", necessary for retrofitting
14[[VTB 24 (Biscuit)VTB Bank]] 24Technoserv AS LLC732 267 500,000.00%2018-2020 Granting of software rights to Veritas, delivery of technical support certificates, installation and commissioning of the supplied software and provision of technical support services to Veritas for a period of 3 years
151770601611817000086Pension Fund of the Russian FederationJSC Technoserv A/S742,119,819.60723,041,231.602.57%2017Maintenance of the equipment of components of a subsystem "Infrastructure providing" AIS PFR-2 (II half-year 2017)
16Pension Fund of RussiaTechnoserva A/S JSC679,050,000,00695,018,610,001.00%2017 Equipment Maintenance of Infrastructure Support Components of AIS PFR-2 Subsystem (H1 2017)
170373100130714000027Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Automated System Pooderzhka IAC PravosudiyeJSC Technoserv A/S681,001,396.45674,191,382.491.00%2014-2015Delivery of program and technical sets for state automated system "Justice"
180173100010711000188FMS of RussiaJSC Technoserv A/S550,000,000.00550,000,000.000.00%2012Services in technical support and maintenance of a departmental segment of FMS of Russia of the state system of production, registration and control pasporno - visa documents of new generation
191770601611815000043Pension Fund of the Russian FederationJSC Technoserv A/S495,750,000.00527,660,927.703.00%2015Maintenance of the equipment of information and telecommunication infrastructure of RPF
20 1770601611818000176Pension Fund of RussiaTechnoserva A/S JSC522 885 385,35522 885 385,350.00%2018-2019 Delivery of hardware and software systems for the development of the component "Management of information flows between devices, segments of the information system, as well as between information systems" and work on their configuration
210873100004113000098FKU "GTsOD FMS Rossii"JSC Technoserv A/S519,315,596.34519,315,596.340.00%2014Retrofitting and modernization of objects of territorial level of FMS of Russia of GS PVDNP the equipment and the software, for registration and issue of the international passport of the new generation containing additional biometric signs of owners
22 0173100010711000004FMS of RussiaTechnoserva A/S JSC508 712 307,002011|| Automated information systems based on computer databases (documentary, documentographic, abstract, full-text, documentary - factographic, objectographic, indicator databases, lexicographic, hypertextic
2357707049388150017810000RostelecomJSC Technoserv A/S483,412,715.45483,412,715.450.00%2015-2016Creation of the hardware and software of automatic fixing of traffic offenses with use of means of photovideo fixing in the Novgorod region (for needs of branch in the Novgorod and Pskov regions).
24 57707049388160027600000RostelecomTechnoserva A/S JSC514 422 582,006.14%2016 Creation of an automated system "Safe City Hardware and Software Complex" for pilot municipalities of the Vologda Region: the cities of Vologda, the cities of Cherepovets and Vytegorsky municipal district
250173100003014000012Federal TreasuryJSC Technoserv A/S449,000,000.00441,000,000.001.78%2014-2015Works on ensuring carrying out trial operation of the Subsystem of management and monitoring of infrastructure (PUMI), Subsystem of management and monitoring of services (PUMS) and Subsystem of Management of Operation Processes (SMOP) of SUE FK
TAdviser 2019 Source "

Customer Summary and Ranking

In Table 5 is a summary of all state contracts concluded by the three main production companies of the Technoserv group in 2011-2019. It can be seen that the most successful for the business of the group were 2015-2016 (and, with certain reservations, 2017).

If you compare data on government customers with the published total revenue of the Technoserv group (see TAdviser ranks for 2016-2018), it can be seen that government customers brought Technoserv from a third to half of total revenue:

  • 2015: total revenue - 51.786 billion rubles, revenue for government customers - 22.48 billion rubles (43.4%);
  • 2016: total revenue - 52.442 billion rubles, revenue for government customers - 28.17 billion rubles (53.7%);
  • 2017: total revenue - 50.816 billion rubles, revenue for government customers - 18.85 billion rubles (37.1%).

Of course, the special results of 2016 are due to contracts with Sberbank, which amounted to more than 14 billion rubles.

Table 5. Summary of all state contracts of the Technoserv group
TAdviser 2019 Source "

In Table 6 shows the ratio of the total GC volumes of the largest customers (Top 10/Top 5) in comparison with the total GC volumes of each of their companies of the Technoserv group. It can be seen that formally the largest share of government customers falls on Technoserv Consulting LLC, but this is due to the small total number of customers in this company. In reality, the largest absolute volume of state contracts fell on Technoserv AS, but in the total revenue of this company, state contracts amounted to about 60%.

Table 6. Ratio of GC volumes of major customers to total GC volumes
TAdviser 2019 Source "

In Table 7 presents the absolute ranking of the largest customers of the Technoserv group - an organization whose total volume of contracts with Technoserv exceeds 1 billion rubles. This table also shows customer-specific preferences for specific Technoserv companies. It is difficult to say what exactly these preferences were determined, but one trend was still revealed - contracts denominated in foreign currency were concluded only with Technoserv AS. The main customers who entered into contracts in foreign currency were Sberbank of Russia and Rostelecom.

Rostelecom has also become the absolute leader in the total number of contracts concluded with companies of the Technoserv group: for 2011-2019. more than 250 contracts have been concluded, of which almost 230 are with Technoserv AS LLC. Such indicators allowed Rostelecom to take an unconditional second position among the current customer organizations of Technoserv.

Table 7. Customers of the Technoserv group with contract volumes over 1 billion rubles
TAdviser 2019 Source "


The vast majority of contracts analysed in this article relate to the period when the co-founder of the company was at the helm. Alexey Ananyev In the summer of 2018, the bank acquired 40% of the integrator. In VTB December 2018, Ananyev was removed from the leadership of Technoserv. The reins were accepted by a native of VTB. Dmitry Troshenkov

Ananyev and his team "made a number of gross mistakes, bringing the company to a pre-bankrupt state: delays in paying wages, an increase in accounts payable, an inability to work with bank debt," VTB said then.

In July 2019, before the arrest of Alexei Ivanov and Alexei Kopeikin, searches were conducted at Technoserv. The new leadership associated the conduct of investigative actions with the "predatory style of management of the former leadership."