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2014/02/07 13:14:05

UEC in regions of Russia

Implementation of the universal electronic card (UEC) in scales of the whole country is one of the most ambitious projects of Russia in the field of information technologies. However, so far use of UEC moves ahead slowly, and JSC UEK suggests regions to invest in necessary infrastructure of support of the circulation of maps. On rates of implementation and use of UEC Tula region, Chuvashia, the Tyumen and Astrakhan regions, the Komi Republic are in the lead (for February, 2015).


Основная статья: Universal Electronic Card (UEC)

Authorized organizations in ragiona

In 2011 all regions of the Russian Federation completed the formation of the authorized organizations of subjects (AOS) of the Russian Federation for implementation of UEC.

The agreement on accession to Rules EPSS UEK is signed with 65 authorized organizations of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

"After completion of process of formation of authorized organizations of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation it is possible to note with confidence that now all regions of the Russian Federation are involved in the project, there is a development of infrastructure of "UEC" and preparation for large-scale issue Uekregion", - the vice president of federal authorized organization "UEK" A. Shestakov noted.

According to him, the central place in infrastructure of UEC is taken by federal authorized organization as the binding and coordinating system link. However request processing on regional public, municipal and commercial services belongs to an area of responsibility of authorized organizations of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

"UOS will organize UEC infrastructure on service of citizens and on providing the public and municipal services in the region therefore completion of formation of authorized organizations of subjects in all regions of the Russian Federation – very important stage on the way of development of the project", - A. Shestakov emphasized.

Standard software solutions for regions

In May, 2012 it was announced that the first standard software solutions successfully passed the examination of federal authorized organization "Universal Electronic Card" for a role of the issuer of universal electronic cards.

Standard software solutions are developed, first of all, for expense reduction of authorized organizations of the subjects of the Russian Federation and reduction of terms of release and the beginning of service of universal electronic cards.

Investment program for regions

Process of implementation of universal electronic cards (further – UEC) in the territory of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation is integrated to essential costs, including expenses on production and personalisation of UEC, creation of infrastructure of reception of applications and issues of UEC, creation of information billing/processing systems, creation of infrastructure of service of the applications placed on UEC (transport, medicine, housing and public utilities, etc.) and also current expenses on service of the created infrastructure.

Considering that issue of UEC to citizens is made on a grant basis, JSC UEK, being the federal authorized organization coordinating activity of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation regarding the organization of issue UEC proposes before the territorial subjects of the Russian Federation aimed at the accelerated development of the Universal Electronic Card project.

JSC UEK within implementation of the functions provided by the Federal law of 7/27/2010 No. 210-FZ "About the organization of providing the public and municipal services" (further – Law No. 210-FZ), carries out monitoring of readiness of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation for issue and use of UEC.

Despite the obligation for the organization of release, issue and service of UEC assigned to territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, the most part of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation is not ready to finance issue from means of regional budgets. In this regard JSC UEK developed the investment program directed to financing of separate expenses of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation regarding development of the Universal Electronic Card project.

Within the program of JSC UEK it is ready to co-finance issue of UEC in regions at a sales term of an investment program which means creation of the Uniform center of processing and billing (further - ETSPIB) together with the Government of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation.


The main point of an investment program of JSC UEK is the offer on creation of joint venture – the Uniform center of processing and billing of non-financial transactions (further – ETSPIB) for ensuring issue of UEC and providing to citizens, including their preferential categories, the most significant services, such as:

  • charge and collecting of payments for housing and communal services;
  • transport services;
  • medical services;
  • services in the field of education;
  • other state, municipal and commercial services.

The general scheme of functioning ETSPIB looks as follows:

The concept of creation ETSPIB assumes first-priority development of two directions:

  • Formation in the region of a system on the organization of collecting and payment processing on housing-and-municipal to services (further – the System of housing and public utilities).
  • Formation in the region of a system on the organization of collecting and payment processing from users of transport services (further – the Transport System).

ETSPIB it can also be organized based on the authorized organization of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation operating in the region.

This program assumes creation in regions of joint venture with participation of JSC UEK and Government of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation.

Thus, creation of joint venture – the Uniform center of processing and billing – provides not only fulfillment of requirements of Law No. 210-FZ and decrease in financial loading for the territorial subject of the Russian Federation, but also is an incentive for development in the region of socially important services industries of the population (transport, housing and public utilities, medicine, etc.) and also will allow to increase efficiency and to reduce costs on rendering these services. Besides, activity ETSPIB will allow to strengthen control of providing services and charges on them, including for preferential categories of citizens as ETSPIB will perform functions of the third entrusted party at implementation of calculations for the rendered services.

System of housing and public utilities

The offered system of charge and collecting of payments for housing and communal services (further – the System of housing and public utilities) has several advantages for the region:

  • the approved technology;
  • automation of all business processes of work of ERKTs, UK, condominium (calculation of charges of payments, formation of EPD, splitting of payments, a personal account for the client, the collector of payments and service provider, etc.);
  • transparency of the used settlement schemes for all participants of a System of housing and public utilities. Tracking of charges, payment and other transactions in the System of housing and public utilities in real time. The centralized reporting;
  • accounting of any payment methods (cash in cash desk, write-off from accounts, payment in terminals and ATMs, payment via the Internet and from the mobile phone);
  • possibility of use of UEC as uniform identifier for viewing debt and payment of services of housing and public utilities;
  • terminal operation mode – the minimum requirements to communication channels and jobs of users. The centralized administration and ensuring operability of a System of housing and public utilities.
  • the processing solution in own DPC ETSPIB or in DPC of JSC UEK (SaaS model).

As a result the offered system provides transparency of information on charges both for inhabitants, and for service providers and authorities. At the same time there is a cutting of costs of service providers for formation and delivery of payment documents, operational obtaining exact information for acceptance of management decisions.

Transport system

Service ETSPIB on the example of the transport solution

The accounting system and payments of journey on transport has several advantages for a transport network of the region:

  • revenue growth of transport enterprises for 15-30% at the expense of the improved collecting of payment for journey;
  • compensation of loss of income of the transport organizations for transportation of preferential categories of citizens;
  • 100% journey payment accounting, the personified accounting of trips of preferential categories of citizens and monitoring of a passenger traffic;
  • exception of plunders by personnel of transport enterprises;
  • economy of costs for production of paper tickets for preferential categories of citizens;
  • different versions of cards (rates) for each category of passengers, wide network of points of replenishment.

"UEC" will strike with advertizing regions

At the end of 2013 "UEC" is going to wage a large-scale advertizing campaign in subjects of Russia. The authorized organization sets as its purpose promotion of the UEK project in regions and increase in volume of the submitted card applications by citizens, according to published on the website "UEK".

Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Izhevsk, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo and Cheboksary, and the additional cities - Tula, Astrakhan, Moscow and St. Petersburg should become the main cities of holding a campaign.

It is going to advance UEC on TV using advertizing filmlets, on radio, in the press and also on outside carriers. Economically active group of the population of 18-45 years, users of services of e-commerce will become main "target" of an advertizing campaign.

In UEC calculate that the campaign will provide informing the population on implementation of UEC, will allow to increase the level of loyalty and trust to the universal electronic card and also to increase interest in its receiving.

The director of the department of strategic communications of "UEC" Andrey Nesterov told TAdviser that before large-scale advertizing campaigns at the federal level were not waged. According to him, in all subjects of the Russian Federation the information campaigns together with local authorized organizations explaining possibilities of use of the universal electronic card were conducted. Besides, locally certain regions waged advertizing campaigns in the territory of the subject, for example, the Astrakhan region.

According to "UEC" on the middle of October, 2013, nearly 140 thousand statements for issue of UEC across all Russia are adopted. At the same time at the beginning of 2013 when issue of cards according to petitions from citizens started, plans for release about 3-3.5 million UECs for the first year were read.

According to the president of "UEC"Alexey Popov, "rather small" rates of issue were connected before with the fact that discussions concerning compatibility of the UEC projects and the electronic passport of new generation were conducted long enough.

"Recently the distinct position of the government about the fate of UEC and electronic passports was created. JSC UEK will be responsible for infrastructure of new electronic passports and compatibility of the infrastructure with electronic passports, - he noted. - The digits stated earlier will be reached due to placement on UEC of the policy of compulsory health insurance of a new sample: it is going to issue about 10 million cards, at least, as the carrier of the electronic health policy".

It should be noted that in September, 2013 with the purpose to warm up interest of citizens in UEC the authorized organization also started in regions an action of distribution of free card readers to the persons who submitted the application for obtaining the universal electronic map.

"UEC" will find out, other citizens do not want to make out the electronic card

During the period from November 1, 2013 to February 14, 2014 the authorized organization "UEK" will organize a large-scale sociological research in Russian regions. It will cover, in particular, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Krasnodar, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Stavropol and Khabarovsk.

According to information published on the website "UEK", the research is conducted with the purpose to reveal the relation of citizens to the draft of the universal electronic map, including negative points, to analyze the reasons of unwillingness to make out UEC and also to reveal "the communicative barriers arising in the course of implementation of the card".

The research also sets as the purposes to define the level of development of the market of electronic public and commercial services in Russia, to carry out the UEK brand status assessment (brand audit) and in addition - to hold testing of the advertizing and training rollers for citizens.

In "UEC" told TAdviser that the planned research should define key needs of citizens when holding an advertizing campaign of UEC in regions and as much as possible increase efficiency of a campaign regarding informing citizens on opportunities of use of the universal electronic card.

Audience of a research in "UEC" see the population at the age of 18-65 years, with a scope of all groups by training, to income and by the form employment (the pupils working and pensioners).

It should be noted that in the spring of 2012 survey of the Russian citizens with the purpose to find out their moods concerning introduction of the universal electronic card in eight federal districts was conducted by the Ministry of Economic Development. It showed that more than a half of the polled Russians - 57% - are positively configured concerning UEC, 26% - belong neutrally, and 17% - are negative.

According to the results of poll officials came to a conclusion that fears and barriers to use of UEC are in most cases connected with absence at the population of information on the card, and citizens of the senior age group at the same time also are anxious with complexity of its use.

To the Ministry of Economic Development a similar research, the truth – covered only Moscow, carried out the portal. It showed that nearly 40% of residents were negative to UEC. The threat of information security and to the right to private life was the main concern of respondents concerning this project.

Rating of implementation of the Universal Electronic Card project by the subjects of the Russian Federation

The rating is regularly JSC UEK. The last information is updated 2/16/2015.

The rating is on the basis of a number of key indicators, including: the number of the adopted statements, the issued cards, operating points of reception of applications taking into account the number of inhabitants of the region and also other indicators.

JSC UEK, February, 2015
The complete version of rating is available according to the link

Rating in a tabular style: File:Рейтинг УЭК 16022015.xls

The status of implementation UEC in regions

UEC in Altai Krai

Evident promo-roller (November, 2011)

On April 17, 2013 in Administration of Altai Krai there took place the meeting on project implementation "The universal electronic card".

At a meeting there was a speech about an opportunity creation in the territory of the region of the Uniform center of processing and billing (ETSPIB) which undertakes release of the universal electronic cards (UEC) as an account part, and as profitable — is engaged in providing significant services to the population. Among them — charge and collecting of payments for housing and communal services; transport, medical services; services in the field of education, etc.

According to the vice president of JSC UEK Pavel Roytberg, in the current year it is going to open more than 10 similar centers in the territory of the Russian Federation.

At a meeting the decision to continue work on a specification of conditions of the investment project and to appoint the persons responsible for interaction, from federal authorized organization and from authorized organization of the subject was made.

As of April 17, 2013 residents of the region submit 665 applications for issue of UEC, 350 cards are issued, testing of the transport application of the universal electronic card is successfully held.

Since January 9, 2013 MFC of Altai Krai conducts reception of applications on issue of universal electronic cards[1].

UEC in the Amur region

March 25, 2014: In Priamurye State Budgetary Institution Center of Information Technologies of the Amur Region became the authorized organization implementing the Universal Electronic Card project. During this time in the area about 700 UECs are issued. "The universal electronic card can be shown as an analog of the policy of compulsory health insurance. Also it gives the chance of receiving services in the system of mandatory pension insurance. Contains the banking application. At the request of the citizen the qualified electronic signature which provides access to the Uniform portal of public services and the regional portal of the public and municipal services is entered. The card free of charge is issued. UECs issue in two points of acceptance issue of the cards organized based on Sberbank branches in Blagoveshchensk where it is possible to file a petition on receiving" — the head of the center Sergey Scherbakov told[2].

UEC in the Astrakhan region

In June, 2013 the Astrakhan region was included into ten regions where active distribution of policies of compulsory health insurance (further – the Policy of compulsory health insurance) on universal electronic cards begins (further – UEC). Collection points for applications for UEC will be located now also at offices of insurance companies. In the near future it is going to open points of issue UEC and in city clinics.

For July 4, 2014 in the Astrakhan region owners of UEC are more than 15,000 inhabitants. Now using UEC the following options are available:

  • payment of journey on public transport (buses of Astrakhanpassazhirtrans, the 25th route);
  • use of the card as the policy of compulsory health insurance of a uniform sample as a part of the card in medical institutions of the city;
  • registration on the portal of public services (in the Unified identification and authentication system);
  • use of functionality of the electronic signature[3].

UEC in Buryatia

September 10, 2014: UEC in Buryatia did not get accustomed. Today less than one thousand residents of Buryatia have it, at the same time under these cards there is no infrastructure, and there is no money for project implementation. Today's owners of cards will hardly be able to simplify with their help to themselves life so as far as it was promised the state. And in general, today UEC does not give particular advantages to residents of Buryatia. The reason – lack of the infrastructure allowing to use the electronic card at full capacity. Start of obligatory issue of UEC in Buryatia will cost to the budget 700 million. From them more than three hundred – only on production and delivery of cards. The rest – on infrastructure. Today in MFC of the republic 720 applications for obtaining UEC were typed. About two hundred last year and slightly more than five hundred in present. Today MFC of Buryatia published state procurement on production of 500 cards. Their cost will be 175 thousand rubles. This quantity will be enough to provide with cards already addressed and those who, perhaps, still will come until the end of the year[4].

UEC in the Vladimir region

April 29, 2014: Over 800 universal electronic cards (UEC) with the banking application of Sberbank of Russia are issued for the first quarter 2014 in the Vladimir region. The press service of bank reports about it. Since the beginning of start in 2013 of the federal program "Universal Electronic Card" more than one thousand inhabitants of the region became owners of UEC[5].

UEC in Volgograd area

August 28, 2014: More than 2000 applications are submitted by inhabitants of the region since the beginning of year for design of the universal electronic cards (UEC), from them more than a half already received documents on hands. Work on a design and issue of UEC in the Volgograd region as reports regional committee of information technologies, is conducted since the beginning of 2013. Work on a design and issue of UEC in the Volgograd region as reports regional committee of information technologies, is conducted since the beginning of 2013. To receive the universal electronic card, it is necessary to address to one of collection points for statements. In their our region functions eight, they act in Sberbank branches of Russia. Issue of universal electronic cards is made, on average, in a month after filing of application. Execution of UEC is made for citizens free of charge[6].

UEC in the Vologda region

October 3, 2013: About 600 residents of Vologda received the universal electronic card. As much again UEC prepares for issue. The card can be used as the main documents — passports, the policy, the insurance certificate and also the e-wallet. Further it is going to apply on it special applications, for example, transport and discount. For today in the region there are two collection points and issues of cards. Further they will exist based on the multifunction centers[7].

UEC in the Voronezh region

Now there is step-by-step project implementation of UEC including creation of the corresponding infrastructure. In it the organization of a functional personal account on the уэк-воронеж.рф portal with a wide range of possibilities, deployment of network of self-service terminals, use of the universal electronic card is provided in the uniform discount program and also development of the transport application. Already now using UEC it is convenient to pay utility bills, mobile communication, purchases in shop.

On the first quarter 2013 Voronezh there are more than 1500 citizens who submitted applications for obtaining UEC. In 2013 it is going to issue about 50,000 cards.

Since January 1, 2015 the beginning of release of universal electronic cards to the citizens who did not submit to this term applications for issue to it of the specified card and to UEC which did not file declarations of abandonment of receiving is planned[8].

UEC in the Ivanovo region

February 11, 2014: Issue of UEC in the territory of the Ivanovo region according to petitions from citizens began in 2013. For the expired period about 1000 inhabitants of the region became her holders. Today, in addition to the started transport application, UEC allows to be authorized on federal and regional portals of public services[9].

UEC in Ingushetia

June 27, 2014: in the republic the corresponding regulatory legal acts regulating release, issue and replacement of the universal electronic card are developed and adopted. Now important advantage to inhabitants of the republic is the possibility of obtaining UEC with the qualified electronic signature placed on it. The release of the universal card is also provided in MFC of the republic. In the nearest future UEC in the republic can be used as the ticket by means of activation of the transport application. Moreover, the agreement on information exchange with department of RPF in the republic about use of UEC as the Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account is signed[10].

UEC in the Irkutsk region

October 8, 2014: so far 2 thousand cards are in circulation and 6 thousand applications for their receiving are submitted. In the region 19 collection points for applications for obtaining UEC are already opened, 30 more will appear in the nearest future. Five cities will become pilot territories for start of the transport project "Universal Electronic Map of the Irkutsk Region": Irkutsk, Angarsk, Bratsk, Shelekhov and Usolye-Sibirskoye. Already in the nearest future it will be possible to be calculated in them for travel by city transport by means of the universal electronic card. At the same time possibilities of citizens to use the privileges will be expanded: they will remain also at journey in the neighboring city[11].

UEC in the Kaliningrad region

On February 20, 2012 it became known that issue to the population of universal electronic cards starts in the Kaliningrad region in 2013, "It is the project of the state value", - the chief of staff of the government of the region Evgeny Mikhaylov said.

In the area it is going to organize more than 60 points of issue UEC. The general circulation of cards in the Kaliningrad region for 2013-2015 will be more than 700 thousand. All citizens will receive UEC free of charge. As noted in regional Agency on development of communication and mass communications, start of UEC does not mean liquidation of traditional paper documents. Acting there will be both a passport, and driver's licenses, different certificates. But in everyday life it will be much more convenient and simpler to use UEC which will integrate functionality of all these documents[12].

April 3, 2014: In 2013 such UECs received 1379 people. Since the beginning of this year 308 cards are already issued[13].

Residents of the Kaliningrad region have an opportunity to receive the policy of the compulsory health insurance (CHI) as a part of the universal electronic card[14].

UEC in Kamchatka Krai

In the territory of Kamchatka for July, 2012 all infrastructure which will allow to enact the universal electronic card is already almost created. "Kamchatka Krai became one of the first regions of the Far East which held the main events allowing citizens to receive a certain set of state services without personal presence and without design of a large number of paper documents", - Inga Leontieva, the head of the Agency of informatization and communication of Kamchatka Krai reported. For July, 2012 all executive bodies of the government of Kamchatka Krai and local government authorities of municipal entities are connected to the regional system of interdepartmental electronic interaction. Places of issue of the universal electronic card are defined.

Based on a data processing center the Information system of authorized organization of the subject (IC UOS) supporting maintaining the Register of map holders is created and unrolled. A system is created based on the solution of Sistematika LLC included in the list of the recommended FUO of JSC UEK of information systems. For the protected connection to FUO JSC UEK the secure channel of connection with use of the cryptographic means certified by FSB of Russia is organized. KGAU "information and technology center" is passed check of the IC UOS on compliance to Rules EPSS UEK, a system passed tests, the batch of test cards was released. The agency agreement is signed with FUO on release of 500 cards in 2013. Statistics of UOS for November 24, 2014

It is accepted statements: 3885 It is issued cards: 2797 It is ready to issue: 718 [15]

UEC in the Kemerovo region

In the region the authorized organization for release, issue and service of universal electronic cards - JSC Registr universalnykh elektronnykh kart Kemerovskoy oblasti as which founder the Kemerovo region acted works, and in December, 2011 Uralsib was among shareholders[16].

For 7/19/2013 in the conditions of commercial operation 1161 statements on issue of UEC to residents of the Kemerovo region are adopted. Today 875 cards are manufactured. But also at the same time about 600 letters on failure in release of UEC arrived[17].

November 16, 2014: in the Kemerovo region those who should issue them, and those to whom they are intended also were not ready to mass distribution of cards. In particular, authorities consider, everything rests against the low interest of people in UEC and also in absence in organizations of technical base to service people according to the universal electronic card. In total for today in the Kemerovo region 2000 universal electronic cards are manufactured[18].

UEC in the Kirov region

July 31, 2014: Within the federal program "Universal Electronic Card" (UEC) starting in January, 2013, already more than 3000 residents of the Kirov region received UEC in branches of Sberbank. Only for the last half a year over 1.6 thousand inhabitants of the region submitted applications for obtaining the map at offices of bank, about 1000 from them already became owners of UEC. Universal Electronic Card is issued free of charge, at personal desire of citizens. For obtaining the map it is necessary to fill in the special application form in any of points of a design UEC in the territory of the Kirov region:

  • in the Kirov regional State Budgetary Institution Center of Strategic Development of Information Resources and Management Systems - MFC (Karl Marx St., 54);
  • at offices of Sberbank to the addresses: Karl Marx St., 54; Derendyaev St., 25; Pravdy St., 4; Oktyabrsky Avenue, 155[19].

UEC in Krasnodar Krai

October 22, 2013: Since January 1, 2013 in Kuban issue of the Universal Electronic Cards (UEC) to residents of Krasnodar Krai began. Krasnodar Krai is in number of leading regions on project implementation Universal Electronic Cards and show high rates on issue of UEC. Today in the region 11 collection points for statements and issue of UEC based on the multifunction centers, in departments of JSC Sberbank of Russia partner banks and JSC Uralsib in the cities of Krasnodar, Armavir, Sochi, Novorossiysk are organized. Already now more than 2,300 residents of Krasnodar Krai received the cards from 2500 come to the region. In total, at the moment, more than 3000 residents of the region submitted the application for obtaining UEC[20].

December, 2013: Krasnodar Krai was a part of regions in which there will take place the experiment on implementation of the new simplified procedure of obtaining the policy of compulsory health insurance as a part of universal electronic card. JSC Rosgosstrakh began execution of applications for UEC. April, 2014: In Krasnodar the mobile office for an execution of UEC opened Now the mobile office visits the organizations for mass reception of applications. Further departures in the remote sections of edge for reception of applications at inhabitants of the region are planned. Also mobile office accepts addresses from the companies on production of UEC[21].

UEC in Krasnoyarsk Krai

Residents of Krasnoyarsk Krai can receive the universal electronic card (UEC) in the multifunction centers of providing the public and municipal services (MFC). On October 13, 2014 in the press service of the ministry of informatization and communication of Krasnoyarsk Krai reported that department completed process of connection of edge network MFC of 15 branches to federal network of the accredited centers of issue UEC. Let's note, now in Krasnoyarsk Krai 8.4 thousand universal electronic cards are issued. Most actively residents of Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Minusinsk, Achinsk, Sharypovo make out cards. From existing applications of UEC her holders most often use transport and bank. In Tyukhtetsky, Mansky, Ermakovsky and Kuraginsky districts locals of its use in quality the salary of the bank card[22].

UEC In the Kurgan region

April 10, 2013: The government of the Kurgan region approved an order of issue and replacement of the universal electronic cards (UEC), the press service of the Governor of the Kurgan region reports. Primary obtaining the universal electronic map is free. Today in the region 277 applications for receiving are already submitted and 53 cards are issued. The organization authorized for issue of the card in the Kurgan region is the Multifunction center for providing the public and municipal services[23].

UEC in Kursk region

On March 6, 2013 in Kursk the first universal electronic card was issued. Reported about it to us in Region-Kursk information center where order taking for obtaining this electronic document is conducted. For October 28, 2014 owners of "plastic" are 1,646 residents of the area. The application for obtaining the map was submitted by 3,186 people. It is necessary to tell that today Kursk region is included into the twenty of the best subjects of the country on implementation of the UEK project. In parallel with preparation of start of the transport application in Kursk region there is a work on full implementation of UEC to a health care system. Since April 1, 2014 residents of Kursk region had an opportunity to write the child in kindergarten via the regional portal of the public and municipal services. UEC can also become in it the irreplaceable assistant now. Parents receive notifications on the movement of queue by means of a sms[24].

UEC in the Leningrad Region

August 16, 2013: The Leningrad Region signed the agreement on interaction and cooperation on the UEK project with JSC Ak bars in June, 2011. Issue of cards began in 2013. In the Leningrad Region in 2011-2012 four operofis of Ak Bars bank are opened, the deputy director of Northwest branch Tatyana Ilyasova says. It is possible to issue UEC in three of them — in Vyborg, Vsevolozhsk and Sosnovy Bor, since the beginning of year they adopted about 150 statements, Pivovarov reported[25].

November 3, 2014: In the Leningrad Region UEC was almost not noticed — 174 requests are registered[26].

UEC in the Lipetsk region

By the number of the issued universal electronic cards per thousand of inhabitants the Lipetsk region at the end of 2013 wins first place in Russia. In the region are already created and 30 collection points for applications for UEC function. Over 10 thousand statements are adopted[27].

Issue of the universal electronic cards (UEC) to inhabitants of the region (except for those who wrote failure from receiving) will begin already since the beginning of January, 2015. At the moment in the region more than 14 thousand UECs — for those residents of the Lipetsk region who independently addressed for their receiving are already made, 12 thousand cards are already issued. As specialists note, the majority of addressed — young people, the senior generation treats with mistrust an innovation so far. UEC represents the small plastic card with personal data of the owner. It combines several documents at once: insurance evidence of the national pension insurance, insurance health policy of compulsory insurance of citizens, travel and other identification documents. Also the card can be used for bank payments, with its help it will be possible to pay journey. The card is the white paper, will operate in all subjects of the country. It is made out and issued to citizens of the Russian Federation free of charge since January 1, 2013 [28].

UEC in Mari El

August 21, 2014: department of Mari El of Sberbank issues more than 1700 universal electronic cards (UEC). In comparison with the first quarter 2014 the gain of number of users for the second quarter made nearly 15%. This project started since January 1, 2013. More than 2150 statements for issue of universal electronic cards are at the moment adopted. In the territory of the republic three points of a design UEC work[29].

UEC in Mordovia

July 25, 2014: Sberbank in Mordovia issued more than 3.2 thousand cards since the beginning of action of the federal program "Universal Electronic Card" (UEC) implemented since January 1, 2013. The press center of bank reports about it. Universal Electronic Card is a "key of access" to a broad spectrum of electronic services and services. UEC allows to order, pay and receive remotely public services, integrates on one carrier the electronic passport, the bank card, the health policy and the insurance pension certificate, the electronic signature and so forth personal data. The card is issued to citizens of Russia free of charge according to a personal statement. More detailed information — on the website of Sberbank. Interest in this innovation among residents of Mordovia grows: so, only for the first half of the year of the current year UECs issued about 2 thousand residents of Mordovia - it is almost twice more, than for all last year. The main age of potential users — from 20 to 40 years of ref name= "dd">[82]</ref>.

UEC in Moscow

November 18, 2014: More than 12.5 thousand residents of Moscow submitted applications for issue of universal electronic cards today. About it to the Moscow agency in the press service of JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta» (UEK). "From the moment of the beginning of large-scale issue, i.e. since January 1, 2013, Muscovites submitted 12 thousand 536 applications for their issue to the Russian Federation of universal electronic cards, is manufactured 11 thousand 144 cards. 39 points of issue UEC work in the capital now. Among other cards can be received in the multifunction centers (MFC) of the city", - told in the press service. The universal electronic card provides electronic access to the public and commercial services. UEC contains the federal digital applications providing user identification for receiving public services in the system of compulsory health and pension insurance and also for receiving banking services. UEC is issued with PRO100 payment application[30].

UEC in the Moscow region

  • UEC comprises the pension application with access to services of the Pension fund, the policy of compulsory health insurance, the transport application allowing to pay travel by public transport and also some other applications. Issue of cards began since January 1, 2012.

On January 13, 2012 it became known that information spravochnyuy the JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta Moskovskoy oblasti center concerning issue and service of UEC began work in Moscow area.

The help center works in the test mode on weekdays from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m., the phone number of the center: (498) 601-87-87. For convenience of inhabitants of the region additional phone numbers, including in code 8-800 will appear in the nearest future.

Earlier the minister of information technologies and communication of the region Alexander Sharykin told that UEC in the Moscow region is going to be made for 6.7 million inhabitants. He also noted that for residents of Moscow area everything, as for obtaining UEC, will be free. The staff of the ministry the first will begin to use maps to be influenced by their pluses and minuses.

  • In December, 2012 the Moscow regional Duma adopted the law "About issue and service of universal electronic cards in the territory of the Moscow region.

Since new year each resident of Moscow area will be able to receive the universal electronic card (UEC). UEC is the document certifying the right of citizens to receiving the public, municipal and other services.

The authorized body of the Moscow region which will be defined after signing of the law of the acting the governor of the Moscow region will be engaged in the organization of issue of cards from January 1 to December 31, 2013. Information on an order of filing of application on issue of the universal electronic card, an order of release and delivery of cards, the rights of citizens will extend authorized body in media and the Internet. As the Chairman of the Committee of Moscow regional Duma concerning transport infrastructure, communication and informatization Andrey Vikharev emphasized, obtaining UEC will be voluntary – drew most of deputies on this regulation. According to the adopted law the citizen should not refuse the card in writing: the statement is necessary only for execution of UEC.

The card will not contain personal information about the citizen – thus, it does not pose any threat for information security of its owner. In fact the card is the electronic signature of the citizen allowing it to have access to different databases.

UEC in the Nizhny Novgorod Region

July 21, 2014: More than 3.7 thousand residents of Nizhny Novgorod already issued the universal electronic card (UEC) in Sberbank of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. The press service reports about it[31].

October 1, 2014: The Nizhny Novgorod Region is in the 69th place of rating on rates of implementation of the universal electronic card. Data of "The independent A+ rating agency" demonstrate to it. Let's remind, UEC represents an identity certificate analog in the electronic environment and the payment card at the same time. According to the message, the rating of implementation of the universal card considers the number of the statements adopted from the population and also the number of already issued cards. Now in the Nizhny Novgorod Region more than 5000 statements on issue of UEC are adopted[32].

UEC in the Novosibirsk region

April 8, 2014: From the moment of issue of the first card in February, 2013 in the Novosibirsk region 1441 UEC, the term of issue of cards was issued to those who already submitted the application for its design — the second - the third quarter 2014. In the area issue of the universal electronic cards (UEC) is temporarily stopped. As the vice-president of the Siberian bank JSC Sberbank of Russia Natalya Kochkina reported at an online conference in the press center of NGS.NOVOSTI. Residents of the Novosibirsk region can still submit applications for issue of UEC, specified in the press service of the government[33].

UEC in the Omsk region

In February, 2012 the normative legal documentation on implementation and functioning of UEC was continued to prepare. In the first half of the year 2012 acquisition of the information systems necessary for release and service of cards is planned. The staff of the center will complete training courses of work with UEC. After that in the Omsk region "running in" of technologies of rendering services using the electronic card will begin.

January 14, 2013: Reception of applications began in five city and four regional Sberbank branches. Now only this bank is authorized to adopt the statement from the population of the Omsk region. Obtaining UEC requires the identity document and also it is recommended to have at itself the policy of compulsory health insurance and the insurance evidence of mandatory pension insurance. Execution of the statement takes 10–15 minutes, and production of the card — to 20 days. — The first application for obtaining such map in Omsk was submitted on January 9, and about 10 are at the moment registered already — the press service of the Omsk Sberbank branch of Russia reports[34].

UEC in the Orenburg region

April 2, 2014: For receiving services in electronic form the citizen needs to receive the universal electronic card (further - UEC) is a key of access to a broad spectrum of electronic services. UEC combines the identity document (in the cases established by the law), the policy of compulsory health insurance, the insurance evidence of mandatory pension insurance and also the bank payment card and certifies the rights to other public and municipal services. Authorized body of the Orenburg region on release of UEC is the governor apparatus and the Government of the Orenburg region. Issue of UEC is performed free of charge on the basis of the petition from the citizen[35].

UEC in the Oryol region

November 28, 2013: Collection points for statements and issue of UEC were open based on MFC, Sberbank branches of JSC (Oryol, Shchepnaya Square, 1), JSC Uralsib (Oryol, Oktyabrskaya St., 58). JSC MINB will join them soon, and in the nearest future it is going to open five more such points, including in Livny and Mtsensk. Residents of Oryol already received about 1 thousand UECs, by the end of the year this digit considerably will increase[36].

UEC in the Penza region

November 22, 2013: The universal electronic card is issued in the region within a year. At the moment 894 pieces are issued[37].

August 22, 2014: The acting as the governor of the Penza region Alexey Ryabov signed the resolution on establishment of the amount of a payment for issue of the duplicate of the universal electronic card. According to the document, the payment for issue of the duplicate of the universal electronic card will make 550 rubles[38].

UEC in the Perm region

March 12, 2014: In 2013 2217 residents of Perm Krai submitted the application for obtaining UEC, 1801 persons managed to receive it. For the first two months 2014 nearly 600 statements came to authorized organization "Universal Electronic Card". Interest in the card grows: in 2013 180–200 people a month wanted to receive UEC, in 2014 — 300. This year in Prikamye expect to issue to not less than 3.3 thousand cards[39].

UEC in Primorsky Krai

The number of users of the universal electronic cards (UEC) in Primorsky Krai for the beginning of November, 2014 made about 4 thousand, the press service of regional administration with reference to edge department of informatization and telecommunications reported. Issue of UEC in the region is performed in 7 multifunction centers now. In the message it is noted that since January 1, 2015 the order of obtaining universal electronic maps changes - the card will be manufactured for each resident of the region without fail. Ready universal electronic cards will are delivered in issue points according to a registration address of the citizen. Points are organized based on jobcenters of the population of the cities and the localities of Primorye. Till December 31 of the current year citizens have the right to file the declaration of abandonment in obtaining UEC. All who will not submit the application for issue of UEC till January 1, 2015 and will not file declarations of abandonment in its receiving will automatically receive the card on a free basis. UEC is issued with PRO100 payment application. The technology platform of UEC along with Zolotaya Korona can become a basis for creation in the country of the National Payment Card System[40].

UEC in the Pskov region

February 18, 2014: now in the region 407 statements on issue of maps and 2495 declarations of abandonment of the card were adopted[41].

UEC in the Republic of Adygea

May 27, 2014: In Adygea work on issue of universal electronic cards for the purpose of a possibility of receiving the public and municipal services in electronic form is conducted. The organization of activities for release, issue and service of universal electronic cards is performed by authorized bodies of the government of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation. Such organization in the republic is State Budgetary Institution RA MFC based on which the collection point for applications for issue of UEC is created.

Besides, based on the Adygei Sberbank branch of Russia the collection point for statements and point of issue UEC functions. One collection point for statements and issue of cards based on JSB Moscow Industrial Bank is equipped and is in a status of test issue of UEC. This service is more and more demanded among citizens. If for January 1 of the current year 409 UECs were made, then in May this digit increased to 728[42].

UEC in the Republic Bashkiria

July 10, 2014: The press service of the agency on information technologies at the government of RB reported that submitted nearly 30 thousand applications for obtaining the universal electronic map (UEC). Cards make out in 23 points. Uralsib, Sberbank and "Ak Bars" banks emit the UEK banking application, transport and discount applications work. More than 1.5 thousand people use the monthly social ticket (ESPB). About 2 thousand people use the discount application. The card can be used at employment as it is the document which certifies the rights of the person in the system of mandatory pension insurance. Now manufactured more than 26 thousand cards which can be received in design points[43].

UEC in the Republic of Dagestan

In September, 2011 the I-Teco company and Management of the government of the Republic of Dagestan signed the agreement on joint project implementation of the universal electronic card (UEC) in the territory of the republic on information technologies.

August 19, 2013: Since the beginning of project implementation "The universal electronic card" the Dagestan department of the North Caucasian bank JSC Sberbank of Russia adopts over 900 statements on obtaining UEC from which more than a half are active cards, the others are on production, the press service of bank reports. The universal electronic card contains personal information about the citizen of the Russian Federation and includes data of his main documents and also is used as the bank card. Issue of UEC is performed on a free basis. Today order taking and issue of cards is conducted at five bank offices of Makhachkala. Any citizen of Russia who reached 14 years can receive UEC. On children whose age did not reach 14 years, the card is issued to parents or legal representatives. In total the North Caucasian bank adopts more than 8000 statements on obtaining UEC, is issued – about 3000 cards[44].

September 17, 2013: In the Republic of Dagestan collection points for statements and issue of cards are organized on the basis of the Dagestan branches of Sberbank of Russia. Information on points of acceptance/issue UEC is posted on the website of the Ministry for Communications and Telecommunications of the Republic of Dagestan and also on the website of JSC UEK in the section to Citizens –> Where to receive UEC[45].

UEC in Kabardino-Balkar Republic

March 28, 2013: In the Kabardino-Balkarian department of JSC Sberbank of Russia the republic's first universal electronic card (UEC) is issued, the press service of bank reports. In North Caucasus federal district 15 collection points for applications for the universal electronic card are formed[46].

UEC in the Republic of Kalmykia

May 17, 2013: The Kalmyk department is the first and only center of issue UEC in the republic so far. Until universal electronic cards in Kalmykia received 100 people - reception of applications continues. Issue of UEC is performed on a free basis[47].

UEC in the Komi Republic

June 18, 2014: Komi one of the first regions was ready to release of UEC, the first issue was planned for November, 2011, however it was postponed because the federal organizations were not ready to make everything in time. For example, JSC UEK simply did not manage to issue cards to this date. Began to issue cards to the population since 2013, but the plan for a quantitative index was not implemented – the population reluctantly received cards as they could use in few places. For example, for the first three months 2013 603 applications for obtaining UEC were written, made and 342 cards came to the republic. There was a delay and with implementation of the Usinsk project on use of the card for payment of travel by buses. At the moment in the Komi Republic over 13 thousand statements on obtaining the universal electronic map are adopted. At the same time on hands inhabitants of the republic already have nearly 9.5 thousand cards. Even more than two thousand cards expect the owners in issue points. Also within a pilot project of UEC is implemented on city bus routes of Usinsk as the transport card"[48].

On November 11, 2014 speaking about UEC, Alexander Selyutin gave as an example Usinsk where already in the nearest future it is going to depart from a booking payment system of travel by transport - will pay through universal cards. In total based on UEC four regional supplements are implemented: "Card of the school student" (Ukhta), Transport card (just Usinsk), "Campus application" and "Discount application" (Syktyvkar). In respect of implementation of the UEC Komi Republic is in the second place across Russia, conceding only to Tula region[49].

UEC in the Republic of Crimea

July 9, 2014: Already until the end of the year the government of the Crimea intends to start implementation of the universal electronic cards (UEC) which will allow to order, pay and receive remotely public services, replace the health policy and the insurance pension certificate. Be engaged in issue and service of these cards there will be a state unitary enterprise "Krymsvyaz". Such decision is made at a meeting of Council of Ministers of RK. Supported the idea of introduction in the Crimea of universal electronic cards and in the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection. In the government already held a meeting with bankers without whose participation to implement the project it will not turn out. Also defined what will implement it the state unitary enterprise "Krymsvyaz" which is already registered and opened accounts. Resources on card issue are going to be dug up in the budget of the republic. The cost of one map will be about 50 rubles (on average in the Russian Federation 150 rubles). For Crimeans of the card will be free. In the budget it is going to provide funds and for installation of a readout equipment for equipment by it of transport and other objects[50].

UEC in the Republic of North Ossetia

Authorized organization (UOS) for implementation of the universal electronic card (UEC) in North Ossetia – The State unitary enterprise "Center of Information Technologies" announced the beginning of issue of universal electronic cards in the republic.

Delivery of the first cards took place on March 6, 2013, in the building of the North Ossetian Department of Sberbank of Russia.

At the moment owners of the universal electronic card can use it as replacement of the policy of compulsory health insurance, the pension certificate and a TIN and also as the personal identifier.

Besides, UEC can use as the payment instrument of the Russian system "Missile Defence 100". For the present day, in the Republic Northern Ossetia-Alania more than 20 services electronically are available, their receiving is possible via the regional portal of state services, infomats and bank terminals. During the action the briefing with participation of media of the republic on which it was mentioned took place that the universal electronic card gives the chance to the owners remotely to receive and pay the public, municipal and commercial services in an electronic format. Also it was announced that possibilities of UEC will extend over time, and it will be replenished with new applications. In April, 2013 in the Republic Northern Ossetia-Alania is going to approve the transport application. It will give the chance to pay travel by public transport at first in the pilot mode, and later – in permanent.

Also together with the Ministry of Health of North Ossetia the possibility of remote receiving services in the field of medicine – in particular making an appointment with the doctor using UEC is studied.

In December, 2012 North Ossetia to one of the first in Russia and the first in the North Caucasus provided complete readiness for issue to everyone of universal electronic cards. The project in North Ossetia is successfully implemented according to the federal plan of implementation of UEC under the leadership of the Deputy Prime Minister RSO-Alania of Leonid Keselbrener.

Since August, 2014 residents of North Ossetia will begin to receive UEC with the electronic digital signatures (EDS). By means of the EDS it is possible to be registered on the portal of state services and to submit different applications, signing them remotely. All holders of UEC who received the card till August can address to the Center of information technologies for free record EDS on the card[51].

Since September 10, 2014 Mercade Group became the participant of the federal draft of the Universal Electronic Map (UEC) in the Republic Northern Ossetia-Alania, thus, considerably having expanded commercial functionality of national payment system "Missile Defence 100". Now, each owner of UEC who paid it the bill receives a discount of 10%[52].

UEC in the Republic of Tatarstan

August 28, 2014: Residents of Tatarstan issued in Sberbank about 4.5 thousand cards since the beginning of action of the federal program "Universal Electronic Card" (UEC) implemented since January 1, 2013. The press center of bank reports about it.

The universal electronic card is a "key of access" to a broad spectrum of electronic services and services. UEC allows to order, pay and receive remotely public services, integrates the electronic passport, the bank card, the health policy and the insurance pension certificate, the electronic signature and other personal data on one carrier. The card is issued to citizens of Russia free of charge according to a personal statement. More detailed information — on the website of Sberbank. Participation of Sberbank in project implementation "The universal electronic card" — evident confirmation of its major mission — social.

Now residents of Tatarstan can write the application for release of UEC in nine branches of Sberbank in the republic[53].

UEC in the Republic of Khakassia

October 16, 2014: The government of Khakassia set the amount of a payment for issue of the duplicate of the universal electronic card: the inhabitant of the republic who lost it will lay out 387.5 rubles from the pocket. As the project manager on implementation of the universal electronic card in Khakassia Larisa Kokova explained to the correspondent of Khakassia news Agency: "Till October 1, 2014 it was necessary to pay slightly smaller amount for the duplicate of the lost universal electronic card - 359.78 rubles. According to the new agreement with Goznak production of cards became a little more expensive. As of October 1 2,210 statements on issue of universal electronic cards are adopted, 1,245 cards are already issued. In nine months of the current year 713 cards are already issued". If to correlate number of the issued universal cards — a little more than 1.2 thousand pieces to population of Khakassia — 534.2 thousand[54].

October 31, 2014: as reported, as of October 1 2,210 statements on issue of universal electronic cards are adopted, 1,245 cards are already issued. In nine months of the current year 713 cards are already issued[55].

UEC in the Republic of Chuvashia

As of January, 2014 in Chuvashia the application for obtaining the map was written by 14.3 thousand inhabitants of the republic, and more than 2.8 thousand became its owners human. Two federal applications - identification (the Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account and compulsory health insurance) both bank and one regional act on UEC (transport).

In share taxis of Chuvashia there was an opportunity to pay for journey as using UEC, and the electronic transport card, reported in January, 2014 the Ministry of information policy and mass communications of the republic. The first terminals for cashless payment, in particular, were installed on two lines of share taxis in Novocheboksarsk and on several routes of intercity minibuses.

To pay off using UEC or the transport card on public transport, it is enough to attach the map to the special terminal. The device will issue the check on which are specified fare and also time, date, number of a route and balance on the personal account.

The ministry notes that in April, 2013 Chuvashia among the first regions of the country started the transport application of UEC., and its successful approbation allowed to output the project in commercial operation before the planned term. Using UEC it is possible to pay journey by trolleybus, the bus and long-distance runs in all territory of the republic. At the same time public transport fares at non-cash payment are 1 ruble cheaper.

"Initially for non-cash payment in transport in Chuvashia the transport card - the e-wallet was issued. Started it to prepare the platform for the universal electronic card and without serious consequences to enter the project", - say in regional Mininformpolitiki.

It should be noted that Chuvashia became one of the first regions where, in addition to the main public transport, it became possible to pay for journey with UEC and in minibuses. In 2013, in particular, it was announced installation of the first terminals for payment of UEC in share taxis of Stavropol Krai. In September, 2013 plans to extend the payment system using UEC which is already operating on public transport to minibuses it was announced in the Astrakhan region.

UEC in the Republic of Yakutia

Since July 1, 2013 citizens of the republic can pay journey on passenger transport using the universal electronic card (UEC), reported on the official site of authorities of the republic. For activation of the transport application owners of UEC need to address to departments of JSB Almazergienbank. Fare using the transport application of UEC is similar to fare on the transport card.

September 20, 2013: In Yakutia for implementation in turnover of universal electronic cards is made quite a lot. In particular, own data processing center of the information system UEK in the republic is created. The network of collection points for statements and issue of cards based on MFC of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic" and the Yakut Sberbank branch of Russia is also created. In total are open 41 collection points for statements and issue of cards in all district centers. On this indicator – the number of collection points for statements and issues of UEC – Yakutia takes the firm second place over the country. At the same time as of September 17 of this year only 624 applications from citizens on issue of universal electronic cards came to collection points for statements and issue of maps of Yakutia, at the same time 245 UECs are issued. The low demand of UEC in the republic is explained by its rather small functionality existing so far. At the moment in Yakutia UEC can be used as follows:

  • as the payment instrument what requires activation of the banking application in Sberbank of Russia.
  • for payment of travel by public transport of the city of Yakutsk what requires activation of the transport application in Almazergienbank.
  • for identification of the personality on uniform and regional portals of the public and municipal services. For this purpose placement of the strengthened qualified electronic signature on UEC and a card reader is required if the citizen uses the personal computer[56].

UEC in the Rostov region

On July 31, 2013 the minister of IT and communication of the Rostov region Herman Lopatkin reported that in Rostov-on-Don the transport application of UEC successfully passed test.

According to official monitoring of project implementation of UEC for the beginning of February, 2014, the Rostov region is registered in the three of the lagging most behind regions, taking the 80th place in overall rating. By the specified moment in the area it was issued to about 5.15 thousand cards and about 2 thousand more procurements are ordered. As of February 10 collection points for applications for obtaining UEC, one of which - based on MFC, work in the region. For rendering services in MFC of UEC it is not used yet, it is equal as it is not used also for payment of journey on transport.

On January 4, 2014 the minister of IT and communication of the Rostov region Herman Lopatkin reported that the UEK project to Dona is at a stage of pilot so far. However positive changes are already noticeable. So, for example, in 2013 in the territory of the region only one thousand UECs were issued. But from November to January — in only three months — in the Rostov region 6000 requests for release of these cards are registered. And until the end of the current year the card universal should become even more popular: The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of area is going to issue 22000 copies of UEC[57].

According to him, in the Rostov region there took place "application promoting" of UEC using the electronic digital signature, application of the Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account and health policy and also banking application. Now, the minister notes, the question of the organization of operation of application UEC for payment of services of housing and public utilities is considered, and is going to popularize cards using the organization of a system of incentivization.

"Now we work with the Ministry of Labour a question of application UEC for ensuring preferential categories of citizens with different services", - Lopatkin told.

Herman Lopatkin also reported that the question of implementation of the transport application in Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog is studied. According to him, testing took place successfully, and now these cities "conduct negotiations with investors which will implement further this application, to equip the rolling stock with special appliances, card readers".

UEC in the Ryazan region

November 12, 2013: The authorized organization for release, issue and service of universal electronic cards in the Ryazan region (UOS) for 2013 signs the agency agreement with Sberbank of Russia within which 4 collection points for statements and issue of UEC which are territorially located in the city of Ryazan are organized. The main complexity in the course of preparation of the region for issue of UEC arose when choosing information system UOS, on functionality of the issue of UEC, most suitable for the organization, in the region. As a result the centralized solution of federal authorized organization "UEK" was selected. About 600 applications for obtaining UEC are at the moment submitted. Besides, at the end of 2012 some declarations of abandonment in obtaining UEC, generally for religious reasons arrived. About 410 cards are at the moment issued, expect issue in the points 120 UEK. Until the end of 2013 it is going to issue about 1000 cards[58].

April 15, 2014: In Ryazan six new points of issue of universal electronic cards opened, the website of the regional Ministry of Industry reported. Also now at execution of the electronic policy of compulsory health insurance citizens will be able to receive it as a part of UEC[59].

UEC in the Saratov region

January 29, 2014: In the Saratov region the testing of use of universal electronic cards when rendering the public and municipal services to citizens which is carried out together with Federal authorized organization "Universal Electronic Card" and BFT company successfully came to the end. Testing was held on the MFC Chapel software product according to the scenarios approved by FUO "UEK" within which compliance of the region and an information system to requirements of order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1376 "About the approval of rules of the organization of activity of the Multifunction centers of providing the public and municipal services" was checked. This resolution provides need of providing for MFC since January 1, 2014 of identification of applicants and imposing of the electronic signature of applicants on documents using the universal electronic card (UEC).

The rendering 75 types of service are connected to a centralized system of MFC Chapel in the Saratov region 7 MFC. Setup of administrative regulations, interaction with Territorial Departments of federal authorities, executive authorities and local government, the organizations participating in providing the corresponding public and municipal services is also executed on a centralized basis. Work with FUO "UEK" also is based on the same principle[60].

UEC in the Sakhalin region

June 23, 2014: 7 points of issue of the universal electronic cards (UEC) work at islands. At the moment they are issued according to personal statements. Nearly 2.5 thousand applications are submitted, more than 2 thousand UECs are issued. The regional Ministry of Health purchases the equipment allowing to use these cards in medical institutions[61].

UEC in Sverdlovsk region

Since January 1, 2013 in Sverdlovsk region issue of the universal electronic cards (UEC) began. Points of issue of cards work in the following cities: Karpinsk, Krasnoufimsk, Irbit, Serov, Kamyshlov, Alapaevsk, Kamensk-Uralsky, Asbest, Pervouralsk, Nizhny Tagil and Yekaterinburg, gives management of the press service and information of the government of Sverdlovsk region. For execution of UEC it is possible to address to collection points for statements and issue of cards or to MFC of Sverdlovsk region. Operation of the card extends through the whole country. UEC is issued free of charge, said in the press release.

On December 20, 2013 Sverdlovsk region got on the third place in Russia by the number of the issued universal electronic cards. Since the beginning of 2013 of the application for obtaining UEC arrived from 8 thousand Ural residents, and by the end of 2013 their number will reach 10 thousand. At the same time, each region has the right to apply regional supplements on universal cards, in Sverdlovsk region entered the transport application allowing to pay travel by public transport[62].

On September 29, 2014 based on IK-6 (Nizhny Tagil) implementation of a joint pilot project of Russian Federal Penitentiary Service across Sverdlovsk region and the Multifunction center of providing the public and municipal services of Tagilstroyevsky branch No. 15 of Nizhny Tagil for execution of the universal electronic map by the convict – UEC began. In two days of work of mobile laboratory with applications for execution of UEC 21 condemned addressed[63].

UEC from the Samara region

In February, 2012 for a project startup on issue of UEC by the "pilot" territory the Samara region selected Togliatti from the region. The authorized organization for release, issue and service of UEC – GKU of the Samara region "Regional command center by the state and municipal information systems and resources" is determined. Project startup terms are not called yet. In general across the Samara region 340 thousand users of the social cards operating in the region will become potential users of the first UECs.

Universal electronic cards are issued on the basis of a personal statement of the citizen from January 1 to December 31, 2013. UECs issue free of charge, in collection points for statements even photography is provided not to complicate the procedure. The list of collection points for statements and issue of the card is approved by the order of department of information technologies and communications of the Samara region. Already openly 28 points. Six works in Samara: two in MFC on providing the public and municipal services, four — in premises of Sberbank branches. By summer it is going to bring number of points of issue to fifty. At loss of the card it is necessary to call at once call center where access to it will be blocked and to submit the application for issue of the duplicate to collection point[64].

UEC in St. Petersburg

May 21, 2013: Smolny is sure that will begin to use services of the electronic government more after introduction to use of the universal electronic card (UEC). The project was started at the end of 2012. Now, according to city committee on informatization and communication, about 600 cards are issued, 1.4 thousand more statements are processed. In 2011 it was predicted that by the end of 2013 access to state services in electronic form using the universal electronic card will be had by 2.5 million people. Possibly, plans will not come true. Now the release of UEC is made on the centralized quota in 3 thousand pieces which is financed by the federal budget. Perhaps, additional regional financing, but no more than will be selected for release of 100 thousand UECs. It is interesting that the bank structures offering cards with the electronic signature were connected to development of the electronic government. So far the option is available only to clients of several banks. But it is planned that in the nearest future about 30 banks will begin to issue the card[65].

UEC in Sevastopol

July 10, 2014: The card of a single payment system "Universal Electronic Card" (UEC) will be included into turnover until the end of the current year. About it the minister of domestic policy gave, information and communications of the Republic of Crimea Dmitry Polonsky during the meeting of Council of Ministers. Let's note that UEC not only in the Crimea and Sevastopol, but also across all territory of Russia works. It is possible to receive it free of charge, having independently issued in departments of RNKB. The cost of service of the card is 300 rubles a year. Production time – 10 days[66].

UEC in Stavropol Krai

September 6, 2014: "Today more than 6 thousand statements and about 3 thousand cards are adopted is in the register. At present all regulating documents which allow to develop applications for cards are accepted. One of them - transport which was started in the territory of the region in the test mode earlier", - D. Samatov told. Earlier it was reported that in 2013 the authorities of Stavropol Krai are going to issue to inhabitants of the region more than 10 thousand universal electronic cards (UEC). It was reported also that primary approbation of the transport application for UEC took place successfully. The first UECs were issued in the region in February. Only identification and bank applications act on the first stage. Further in the region the packet of commercial applications for the card will be implemented[67].

UEC in the Tambov region

As of July 14, 2014, 2637 residents of Tambov already became owners of universal electronic cards. In the general complexity on production UEKOV 4589 applications from residents of the Tambov region arrived. The card is issued free of charge. In Tambov there are six points of issue UEC today. One of such points - the regional information and technical center which is engaged in implementation of the card in the territory of the area. Besides, on the cities and the Areas of Tambov region there goes the special mobile crew adopting statements on production of cards. For example, in July of the current year specialists of mobile crew visited May Day, Sosnovsky, Inzhavinsky, Nikiforovsky and Tokarevsky districts. Validity period of UEC makes five years, and it is made within 30 days. The card has special degree of protection as contains the mass of personal data[68].

UEC in the Tver region

June 2, 2014: In the territory of the Tver region the project on implementation of the universal electronic cards (UEC) is implemented. Today about 300 cards are issued to inhabitants of the region. The universal electronic card is the uniform federal standard of identification of the citizen for receiving the public, municipal and other services in electronic form by it. It combines the identity document, the policy of compulsory health insurance, the insurance evidence of mandatory pension insurance, the bank payment card. By means of UEC it is possible to receive services in the field of health care, educations, FMS, housing and public utilities, etc. Authorized organization of the Tver region on release, issue and service of UEC is GAU "MFC". The universal electronic card is issued on the basis of the application submitted at personal visit of collection point for statements on a free basis[69].

UEC in the Tomsk region

September 17, 2013: At filing of application on obtaining universal electronic (UEC) will issue to residents of Tomsk and residents of the area card readers (USB devices for reading of information), capable to accelerate and simplify receiving state services. More than 900 card readers already came to the Tomsk region. "The action will be prolonged till October 16 — the director of MFC told. — We hope that it will increase the interest of inhabitants of the region in UEC, and the flow of persons interested to get them will become more intensively". At the same time in the Tomsk region and now issue of UEC goes, more than 1.3 thousand UECs are issued - it is many times more, than in the neighboring regions. The youngest card holder is six years old, it is a lot of among them and people of the senior generation to whom passed for 80". But nevertheless, according to the director of MFC, interest in the universal card is high first of all in an active youth segment — among students and the scientific personnel in universities and scientific research institute[70].

UEC in Tula region

October 8, 2014: Speaking about implementation of universal electronic cards, Artur Kontrabayev noted that for September, 2014 85079 statements on issue of UEC are adopted. 24753 cards are issued. Average term of obtaining map of 38 days. At inhabitants of the region the transport application enjoys the greatest popularity[71].

For November 9, 2014 more than 110 thousand statements are adopted, the transport application is tested, UECs are used for payment of journey and when rendering services in MFC[72].

UEC in the Tyumen region

October 21, 2014: The third place among regions of Russia on implementation of the universal electronic cards (UEC) is taken by the Tyumen region as of September, 2014. It was said by the head of the region Vladimir Yakushev at a meeting of Council for development of information society which took place in Tyumen. "In the region more than 9 thousand statements on obtaining UEC are already adopted, nearly 6 thousand cards are issued. Twenty points of issue UEC are organized. The register of map holders is created", - the governor reported[73].

November 19, 2014: The UEK project overcame a 10-thousand boundary, reached new level and got support of medical insurance companies. According to the center of information technologies, the universal electronic card slowly strengthens the positions in everyday life of residents of Tyumen. For the last 5 months the number of monthly requests increased by 82%, and the total quantity exceeded 10 thousand. Small recession was observed only in September. Moreover, also the trust to "plastic" grows. Among the last organizations which addressed for services of mobile office for reception of applications, the kindergarten, insurance company, bank and the construction organization appears. Specialists of authorized organization of the Tyumen region visited some of them twice. For the aid to office workers also 2 medical insurance companies which offer the clients departure of mobile office in working time has come[74].

UEC in the Ulyanovsk region

October 29, 2014: The government of the Ulyanovsk region informs that according to the Federal Law "About the Organization of Providing the Public and Municipal Services" in the region since January first, 2015 issue of universal electronic cards will begin. Citizens will receive them free of charge. The release of UEC will be performed on the basis of information on personal data which are available for public authorities, territorial representative offices of federal executive authorities, state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation. Will deliver ready cards in issue points based on departments of JSC Sberbank of Russia, according to a registration address of the citizen[75].

UEC in the Udmurt Republic

October 9, 2013: 1612 applications for obtaining universal electronic maps were written by residents of Udmurtia since the beginning of year. 690 cards are issued at the moment. The press service of the Ministry of informatization and communication of the republic reports about it. Taking into account that in the nearest future in addition 15 collection points for statements and issue of UEC in municipal entities of the Udmurt Republic will open, citizens will have an opportunity to receive the card in the place, comfortable for them[76].

July 28, 2014: Hospitals of Udmurtia began to work with Universal electronic cards. According to the press service of the ministry of informatization and communication of the Udmurt Republic, it is possible to use these UECs for the address in registries of medical institutions now. Now the innovation can use in 10 hospitals of Udmurtia[77].

UEC in Khabarovsk Krai

The ceremony of delivery of the thousand universal card took place in May, 2013 in Khabarovsk. The owner of the card with the lucky number received the reader for use of the electronic signature and a fast input on the website Gosuslug as a gift.

Already now owners of UEC can use it in terminals of Sberbank, provide it instead of the insurance health policy in clinics and hospitals of Khabarovsk, in the future with its help it will be possible to pay utilities, travel by transport, or purchase of goods.

The first statement on issue of such card was adopted in January, 2013, and as reported Vostok-Media in the press service of the governor and the government of Khabarovsk Krai today 1560 such statements are already adopted. Employees of MFC are going to issue the ten-thousand card next year. And by the end of this year according to plans of the edge authorities there will already be seven thousand owners of UEC.

In the territory of the region seven points of issue UEC based on the multifunction centers of rendering the public and municipal services and departments of banks work.

To receive universal electronic, the applicant should show the passport, the insurance evidence of the national pension insurance (Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account), the policy of compulsory health insurance. Card production time - is no more than a month.

Number of the center of support of the population concerning release, issue and service of universal electronic cards in Khabarovsk Krai - 8-800-100-42-12 (a toll free in Russia).

UEC in the Khanty-Mansi joint-stock company Yugra

March 12, 2014: In Yugra new collection points for statements and issue of the universal electronic card opened. Now UEC can be received in Megion, Langepas and Lyantore based on the municipal Multifunction centers (MFC). Let's remind that until recently it was possible to issue and receive UEC only in Khanty-Mansiysk[78].

November 5, 2014: Since November of the current year the citizens wishing to issue the universal electronic card (UEC) can receive it with the installed banking application of the Khanty-Mansi bank. As the senior vice president of the Khanty-Mansi bank Igor Doynikov explained, the bank completed test operations and setup of the equipment for ensuring release and service of UEC. Applications for release of UEC can be submitted through the Multifunction centers of Yugra. For the citizens wishing to issue UEC with the application of the Khanty-Mansi bank two additional collection points for statements and issue of UEC in divisions of bank in Khanty-Mansiysk and Nizhnevartovsk will be organized. Now at the Khanty-Mansi bank more than 900 ATMs function and 3.5 thousand terminals in trade and service companies (shops, refueling stations, drugstores, etc.) by means of which it is possible to perform financial transactions using the UEC cards[79].

UEC in Chelyabinsk region

October 9, 2013: Today in Chelyabinsk region 1300 UECs are made and 1900 statements are adopted[80].

July 4, 2014: According to the compulsory health insurance Federal fund, complaints from the population to failure of the medical institutions working in the field of compulsory health insurance in delivery of health care at presentation of the policy of compulsory health insurance as a part of the universal electronic card come to JSC Universalnaya elektronnaya karta. As reported The Urals — a Press Inform agency in the press service regional FOMSA, in case of refusal in delivery of health care to the patient with UEC in the territory of Chelyabinsk region, it is necessary to address without delay to the medical insurance company which coordinates are specified in the policy, or "is one phone hotter" than the line of TFCMI of Chelyabinsk region 8-800-300-1-003[81].

UEC in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area

October 13, 2014: The department of information technologies and communications of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area selected Zapsibkombank the winner of competition among banks which will provide services within the digital banking application – the universal electronic card since January 1, 2015, the press service of bank reports. At the moment more than 370 requests for universal electronic cards are already accepted bank. Within issue of UEC Zapsibkombank actively cooperates with the Center of information technologies of the Tyumen region[82].

UEC in the Yaroslavl region

In the Yaroslavl region began to issue universal electronic cards. As of April 3, 2013, 95 residents of Yaroslavl received the cards from 249 come to the region. In total, at the moment, more than 410 residents of the area submitted the application for obtaining UEC.

January 31, 2014: According to data of rating of Russian regions on implementation of UEC the Yaroslavl region was included in the top ten on rates of implementation of the universal electronic card with an indicator 23.67 points[83].

April 21, 2014: So far applications for production of UEC were written by a little more than 3700 residents of the area. Such data were provided on committee meeting by the legislation by the director of the department of informatization and communication of the regional government Eduard Lysenko[84].

Readiness of regions

2014: The rating of regions on project implementation of UEC

In January, 2014 "UEC" published the first results of monitoring and the rating of project implementation of the universal electronic card in regions. Monitoring was conducted since December of last year by the parameters which are earlier determined by the government. Treat like those: ensuring placement on UEC on a grant basis certificates and keys of the strengthened qualified electronic signature, use of UEC in the field of health care, including - for making an appointment with the doctor, the organization based on MFC of state services of collection points for statements and issue of UEC and also ensuring acceptance of UEC in each MFC since January 1, 2014.

The rating published by "UEC", in turn, is on the basis of the regular reporting of the Russian subjects under a number of key indicators, including the number of the adopted statements, the issued cards, operating points of reception of applications taking into account the number of inhabitants of the region and some others.

According to monitoring of "UEC", by January 23, 2014 in Russia more than 245 thousand statements for issue of universal electronic cards are adopted and more than 960 collection points for statements are opened.

Among the leaders of the rating of project implementation for this moment on cumulative point the Lipetsk region, Tula region, the Komi Republic, the Chuvash Republic, the Astrakhan region, the Tyumen region, the Sakhalin region, the Republic of Kalmykia, the Yaroslavl region, the Magadan region are in the lead.

The regions Top-20 leading on project implementation of UEC (data for January 23, 2014)

The twenty of regions since the end of rating on project implementation of UEC (data for January 23, 2014)

The greatest number of applications for obtaining the universal map, according to "UEC", at the same time was accepted in the Republic of Bashkortostan (more than 19.5 thousand) and in Chuvashia (nearly 17.5 thousand), and the smallest - in the Jewish Autonomous Region (only 35 statements) which Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (150 statements) follows.

Moscow in overall rating appeared on the 23rd place, however at the same time it is in the lead on number of the ordered volumes of procurements of UEC because at the end of December, 2013 announced competition on delivery of 500 thousand cards. On this indicator it is followed by Chuvashia (over 67 thousand pieces) and Bashkortostan (more than 61 thousand pieces).

The Moscow region in UEC rating is in ten lagging most behind regions and is the only region from provided where as of the middle of January, 2014 any collection point for applications for obtaining UEC does not work. On only one collection point for applications for the same moment works in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of Ingushetia and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The leader in this indicator (94 operating points of reception of applications), according to rating, is Tula region.

2013: data of monitoring

At the beginning of 2012 issue of cards began in pilot regions – the Astrakhan region, Krasnodar Krai, the Republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. For November 21, 2012 applications for obtaining UEC were written by about 8 thousand people, about 5 thousand cards were issued.

Not all subjects of Russia were ready to beginning to implement fully the law in this connection according to the results of a meeting in the government in September, 2012 "UEC" undertook the obligation on start to finance issue of the first 150 thousand cards.

At the same time "UEC" developed and started testing of the centralized cloud solution for processing, transport and safety of personal data which are obtained by point of issue of the card at filing of applications by citizens. Regions when implementing the UEK project could use this solution or create own.

Since January 9, 2013 the card began to be issued in all Russian regions according to the petition from citizens. For summer of 2013 more than 400 points of issue of cards in all territorial subjects of the Russian Federation will be organized. From them are nearly 300 Sberbank branches of Russia. In the Omsk region, for example, such points 37, and in Primorsky Krai - 28. About 80% of total number are Sberbank. Besides, UEC can be received in the multifunction centers in regions and departments of Uralsib and Ak Bars UEK banks shareholders.

By the time of start of the project, according to data of UEC rating, from 83 Russian regions 100 percent readiness was shown only 2 – the Astrakhan region and the Republic of Bashkortostan. Readiness of 11 more regions was estimated at 93.33%, 7 regions - 86.67%. Among outsiders there were a Republic of Kalmykia (readiness of 26.67%), the Magadan region and Altai Republic (33.33%).

Level of readiness of regions for UEC

Image:Uek ready 2013.png

CNews Analytics according to UEC, 2013

In one and a half months, by the beginning of March, the situation changed. 100% readiness showed 10 regions, and its minimum level was 46.67% - only the Magadan region had this indicator.

By April 22, 2013 all planned actions were implemented already to 38 Russian regions, and among outsiders with an indicator of readiness of 60% there was only Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

The payment application of PRO100 system which could be used in acquiring networks of three banks - Sberbank, Uralsib, "Ak Bars" worked at UEC from the first day of its emergence.

Since April 1 in regions testing of the transport application allowing to pay using UEC Drive and buses, trolleybuses and the subway began. Only on one of applications, transport, today 170 enterprises carriers participate in the project, 3,492 card readers are involved, more than 2.5 thousand units of transport are equipped. Integration into the GLONASS navigation system is made for fixing of payment on suburban and long-distance transportations of passengers. It is used also on river passenger transport.

At the same time some regions, aiming to draw attention of citizens to new opportunities, even reduced the price of journey for those who pay it using UEC.

The second application which had to appear on the card, - medical. However its implementation is closely connected with implementation of medical information systems in medical institutions, and like those are not enough so far. Nevertheless, the most active regions were already prepared for start of the medical application. For example, are already ready to such succession of events in Moscow and the Astrakhan region.

The possibility of receiving electronic public services – both federal, and regional, and municipal level should become basic function of UEC for the sake of which in fact it was also created. In June, 2013 the possibility of authorization according to the universal card on the federal portal appeared.

As for regions, their achievements in this direction are strongly differentiated. For example, "in Krasnoyarsk Krai for an input on the regional portal of state services ( the All-Russian Single system of identification and authorization (Unified identification and authentication system) is used. In Bashkiria it is possible to obtain using UEC information on penalties of traffic police in information terminals. And in the Vladimir region it is possible to use readers (they are on free sale) already now and also infomats and terminals of participating banks of the project.

For the beginning of July, 2013 about 100 thousand cards were issued. A part of Russians already officially refused UEC for religious reasons.

2012: data of monitoring

According to the Minutes of the Government commission on information technology implementation in activity of state bodies and local government authorities under the chairmanship of the Vice-chairman of the Commission, the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov of October 02, 2012 No. 8, the federal authorized organization "Universal Electronic Card" provided start of a system of the automated monitoring of execution of the plan of implementation of universal electronic cards in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation.

  • Point 1 of the Plan of the implementation of universal electronic cards in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation approved by the Minutes provides appointment responsible for implementation of the universal electronic card in the territorial subject of the Russian Federation in a rank not below the deputy manager of the supreme executive body of the government of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation. Completion date – on October 05, 2012.
  • Point 3 of the Minutes provides the conclusion authorized organizations of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation of agreements of accession to rules of federal authorized organization. Completion date – on October 05, 2012.
  • On October 19, 2012 the first results of monitoring of readiness of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation for issue and use of the universal electronic card in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation were posted on the official site of FUO. Updating of this information is carried out weekly.
  • The monitoring system of implementation of plans of implementation of universal electronic cards by territorial subjects of the Russian Federation in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation is implemented on the website

Monitoring of implementation of the Plan of the implementation of universal electronic cards by territorial subjects of the Russian Federation in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation approved by the Minutes of the Government commission on information technology implementation in activity of state bodies and local government authorities of October 02, 2012 No. 8 as of October 24, 2012.

payment order No. Subject of the Russian Federation Name of an action
П.1. Назначение ответственного за внедрение универсальной электронной карты в субъекте Российской Федерации в ранге не ниже заместителя руководителя высшего исполнительного органа государственной власти субъекта Российской Федерации (статус выполнено/не выполнено). Срок исполнения - 05 октября 2012 г. П.3. Заключение уполномоченными организациями субъектов Российской Федерации договоров присоединения к правилам федеральной уполномоченной организации (статус выполнено/ не выполнено)
1 Altai Krai it is executed it is executed
2 Amur region It is not executed it is executed
3 Arkhangelsk region it is executed it is executed
4 Astrakhan region it is executed it is executed
5 Belgorod region it is executed it is executed
6 Bryansk region it is executed it is executed
7 Vladimir region it is executed it is executed
8 Volgograd region it is executed it is executed
9 Vologda region it is executed it is executed
10 Voronezh region it is executed it is executed
11 Jewish Autonomous Region it is executed it is executed
12 Zabaykalsky Krai it is executed it is executed
13 Ivanovo region it is executed it is executed
14 Irkutsk region It is not executed it is executed
15 Kabardino-Balkar Republic it is executed it is executed
16 Kaliningrad region it is executed it is executed
17 Kaluga region it is executed it is executed
18 Kamchatka Krai it is executed it is executed
19 Karachay-Cherkess Republic it is executed it is executed
20 Kemerovo region it is executed it is executed
21 Kirov region it is executed it is executed
22 Kostroma region it is executed it is executed
23 Krasnodar Krai it is executed it is executed
24 Krasnoyarsk Krai it is executed it is executed
25 Kurgan region it is executed it is executed
26 Kursk region it is executed it is executed
27 Leningrad Region it is executed it is executed
28 Lipetsk region it is executed it is executed
29 Magadan region it is executed it is executed
30 Moscow It is not executed It is not executed
31 Moscow region it is executed it is executed
32 Murmansk region it is executed it is executed
33 Nenets Autonomous Okrug it is executed it is executed
34 Nizhny Novgorod Region it is executed it is executed
35 Novgorod region It is not executed it is executed
36 Novosibirsk region it is executed it is executed
37 Omsk region It is not executed It is not executed
38 Orenburg region it is executed it is executed
39 Oryol region It is not executed it is executed
40 Penza region it is executed it is executed
41 Perm Krai it is executed it is executed
42 Primorsky Krai it is executed it is executed
43 Pskov region it is executed it is executed
44 Republic of Adygea it is executed it is executed
45 Altai Republic it is executed it is executed
46 Republic of Bashkortostan it is executed it is executed
47 Republic of Buryatia It is not executed it is executed
48 Republic of Dagestan it is executed it is executed
49 Republic of Ingushetia it is executed it is executed
50 Republic of Kalmykia it is executed it is executed
51 Republic of Karelia it is executed it is executed
52 Komi Republic it is executed it is executed
53 Republic of Mari El it is executed it is executed
54 Republic of Mordovia it is executed it is executed
55 Sakha (Yakutia) Republic it is executed it is executed
56 Republic Northern Ossetia-Alania it is executed it is executed
57 Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) it is executed it is executed
58 Republic of Tyva it is executed it is executed
59 Republic of Khakassia It is not executed it is executed
60 Rostov region it is executed it is executed
61 Ryazan region It is not executed it is executed
62 Samara region it is executed it is executed
63 St. Petersburg it is executed it is executed
64 Saratov region it is executed it is executed
65 Sakhalin region it is executed it is executed
66 Sverdlovsk region it is executed it is executed
67 Smolensk region it is executed it is executed
68 Stavropol Krai it is executed It is not executed
69 Tambov region it is executed it is executed
70 Tver region it is executed it is executed
71 Tomsk region it is executed it is executed
72 Tula region it is executed it is executed
73 Tyumen region it is executed it is executed
74 Udmurt Republic It is not executed it is executed
75 Ulyanovsk region it is executed it is executed
76 Khabarovsk Krai It is not executed it is executed
77 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug it is executed it is executed
78 Chelyabinsk region it is executed it is executed
79 Chechen Republic it is executed it is executed
80 The Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia it is executed it is executed
81 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug it is executed It is not executed
82 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area it is executed it is executed
83 Yaroslavl region It is not executed it is executed
84 Total quantity of the subjects of the Russian Federation which executed an action / percentage of a total quantity of the subjects of the Russian Federation 71 / 86 % 79 / 95 %
85 Total quantity of the subjects of the Russian Federation which did not execute an action / percentage of a total quantity of the subjects of the Russian Federation 12 / 14 % 4 / 5 %
86 Total quantity of the subjects of the Russian Federation 83 83

Monitoring of implementation of the Plan of implementation of universal electronic cards by territorial subjects of the Russian Federation of item 1 in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation approved by the Minutes of the Government commission on information technology implementation in activity of state bodies and local government authorities of October 02, 2012 No. 8 (completion date - on October 05, 2012) as of October 24, 2012.

payment order No. Subject Appointment responsible for implementation of the universal electronic card in the territorial subject of the Russian Federation in a rank not below the deputy manager of the supreme executive body of the government of the territorial subject of the Russian Federation
ФИО должностного лица региона Должность должностного лица региона The status (it is executed / it is not executed)
1 Алтайский край Бессарабов Даниил Владимирович Заместитель Губернатора Алтайского края по социальным вопросам it is executed
2 Амурская область Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed
3 Архангельская область Костомаров Александр Константинович Заместитель Губернатора Архангельской области — руководитель администрации Губернатора Архангельской области и Правительства Архангельской области it is executed
4 Астраханская область Маркелов Константин Алексеевич Вице-губернатор-председатель Правительства Астраханской области it is executed
5 Белгородская область Батанова Елена Павловна Заместитель Губернатора Белгородской области – руководитель Администрации Губернатора области it is executed
6 Брянская область Горшков Александр Сергеевич Врио заместителя Губернатора Брянской области it is executed
7 Владимирская область Князев Игорь Федорович Заместитель Губернатора Владимирской области it is executed
8 Волгоградская область Бургучев Алексей Васильевич Первый Заместитель председателя правительства Волгоградской области it is executed
9 Вологодская область Шерлыгин Алексей Игоревич Заместитель губернатора Вологодской области it is executed
10 Воронежская область Гусев Александр Викторович Заместитель губернатора Воронежской области - первый заместитель председателя правительства Воронежской области it is executed
11 Еврейская автономная область Шулятиков Валерий Петрович Первый Заместитель председателя правительства Еврейской АО it is executed
12 Забайкальский край Холмогоров Александр Анатольевич Заместитель председателя Правительства Забайкальского края по инвестиционной политике и развитию инфраструктуры it is executed
13 Ивановская область Коньков Павел Алексеевич Первый заместитель Председателя Правительства Ивановской области it is executed
14 Иркутская область Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed
15 Кабардино-Балкарская Республика Жилов Валерий Хажмуратович Первый заместитель Председателя Правительства Кабардино-Балкарской Республики it is executed
16 Калининградская область Торба Александр Васильевич Заместитель Председателя Правительства Калининградской области it is executed
17 Калужская область Шерейкин Максим Леонидович Заместитель губернатора Калужской области - Руководитель министерства развития информационного общества и инноваций Калужской области it is executed
18 Камчатский край Войтов Алексей Юрьевич Заместитель Председателя Правительства Камчатского края - руководитель Аппарата Губернатора и Правительства Камчатского края it is executed
19 Карачаево-Черкесская Республика Смородин Сергей Александрович Заместитель Председателя Правительства Карачаево-Черкесской Республики - Министр строительства и ЖКХ it is executed
20 Кемеровская область Исламов Дмитрий Викторович Заместитель губернатора Кемеровской области по экономике и региональному развитию it is executed
21 Кировская область Кузнецов Алексей Борисович Заместитель Председателя Правительства Кировской области it is executed
22 Костромская область Алексеев Павел Владимирович Заместитель губернатора Костромской области it is executed
23 Краснодарский край Бутурлакин Николай Владимирович Заместитель главы администрации (губернатора) Краснодарского края it is executed
24 Красноярский край Черников Дмитрий Юрьевич Заместитель министра информатизации и связи Красноярского края it is executed
25 Курганская область Шумков Вадим Олегович Заместитель Губернатора Курганской области – руководитель аппарата Правительства Курганской области it is executed
26 Курская область Бойцов Владимир Анатольевич Заместитель Губернатора Курской области it is executed
27 Ленинградская область Уткин Олег Анатольевич Вице-губернатор Ленинградской области it is executed
28 Липецкая область Никонов Александр Николаевич Заместитель главы администрации Липецкой области it is executed
29 Магаданская область Исаева Татьяна Александровна Заместитель губернатора Магаданской области it is executed
30 Москва Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed
31 Московская область Федоренко Михаил Владимирович Министр государственного управления, информационныхтехнолоний и связи Московской области it is executed
32 Мурманская область Сабуров Игорь Вячеславович Заместитель губернатора Мурманской области it is executed
33 Ненецкий автономный округ Берлин Ян Эрнстович Заместитель главы Администрации Ненецкого автономного округа по вопросам инфраструктурного развития it is executed
34 Нижегородская область Потапов Сергей Александрович Заместитель Губернатора, заместитель Председателя Правительства Нижегородской области it is executed
35 Новгородская область Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed
36 Новосибирская область Струков Алексей Николаевич Первый заместитель председателя Правительства Новосибирской области - министр экономического развития Новосибирской области it is executed
37 Омская область Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed
38 Оренбургская область Левинсон Наталья Лазаревна - Вице-губернатор – заместитель председателя Правительства Оренбургской области по финансово-экономической политике it is executed
39 Орловская область Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed
40 Пензенская область Сатин Вячеслав Алексеевич Вице-губернатор Пензенской области it is executed
41 Пермский край Абузярова Елена Владиславовна Заместитель председателя Правительства - руководитель Аппарата Правительства Пермского края it is executed
42 Приморский край Сухов Алексей Николаевич Вице-губернатор Приморского края it is executed
43 Псковская область Жаворонков Максим Константинович Заместитель губернатора Псковской области it is executed
44 Республика Адыгея Тлехас Махмуд Азметович Министр экономического развития и торговли Республики Адыгея it is executed
45 Республика Алтай Тевонян Сергей Михотарович Первый заместитель Председателя Правительства Республики Алтай it is executed
46 Республика Башкортостан НугумановРауфСамигуллович Первый заместитель Премьер-министра Республики Башкортостан it is executed
47 Республика Бурятия Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed
48 Республика Дагестан Меджидов МухтарМуртузалиевич Первый заместитель Председателя Правительства Республики Дагестан it is executed
49 Республика Ингушетия МержоевАбубакарКурейшевич Заместитель Председателя Правительства Республики Ингушетия it is executed
50 Республика Калмыкия Ланцанов Петр Петрович Первый заместитель Председателя Правительства Республики Калмыкия it is executed
51 Республика Карелия Чмиль Валентин Яковлевич Заместитель Главы Республики Карелия - Министр экономического развития Республика Карелия it is executed
52 Республика Коми Чернов Алексей Леонидович Первый заместитель Главы Республики Коми it is executed
53 Республика Марий Эл Якупов Ильяс Габдрауфович Заместитель Председателя Правительства Республики Марий Эл, министр экономического развития и торговли Республики Марий Эл it is executed
54 Республика Мордовия Мазов Владимир Николаевич Заместитель Председателя Правительства Республики Мордовия- Министр экономики Республики Мордовия it is executed
55 Республика Саха (Якутия) Борисов Александр Ильич Заместитель Председателя Правительства Республики Саха (Якутия) it is executed
56 Республика Северная Осетия-Алания Кесельбренер Леонид Яковлевич Заместитель Председателя Правительства Республики Северная Осетия-Алания it is executed
57 Республика Татарстан (Татарстан) Шайхутдинов Роман Александрович Заместитель Премьер-министра Республики Татарстан - министр информатизации и связи Республики Татарстан it is executed
58 Республика Тыва Козлов Михаил Сергеевич Первый заместитель Председателя Правительства Республики Тыва it is executed
59 Республика Хакасия Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed
60 Ростовская область Гончаров Виктор Георгиевич Заместитель Губернатора Ростовской области it is executed
61 Рязанская область Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed
62 Самарская область Казарин Станислав Валериевич Заместитель председателя Правительства Самарской области – руководитель департамента информационных технологий и связи Самарской области it is executed
63 Санкт-Петербург Дивинский Игорь Борисович Вице-губернатор Санкт-Петербурга - руководитель Администрации Губернатора Санкт-Петербурга it is executed
64 Саратовская область Фадеев Денис Владиславович Вице-губернатор - руководитель аппарата Губернатора Саратовской области it is executed
65 Сахалинская область Братыненко Дмитрий Фёдорович Заместитель Губернатора Сахалинской области - руководитель аппарата Губернатора и Правительства Сахалинской области it is executed
66 Свердловская область Власов Владимир Александрович Первый Заместитель Председателя Правительства Свердловской области it is executed
67 Смоленская область Лопашинов Петр Михайлович Заместитель Губернатора - начальник Департамента по информационным технологиям, связи и обеспечению предоставления услуг в электронном виде it is executed
68 Ставропольский край Шурупов Виктор Александрович Первый заместитель председателя Правительства Ставропольского края it is executed
69 Тамбовская область Сазонов Александр Александрович Первый заместитель главы Администрации Тамбовской области it is executed
70 Тверская область Меньщиков Александр Владимирович Заместитель Председателя Правительства Тверской области it is executed
71 Томская область Рожков Анатолий Михайлович Заместитель Губернатора Томской области по территориальному развитию и взаимодействию с органами местного самоуправления it is executed
72 Тульская область Татарченкова Ольга Николаевна Заместитель губернатора Тульской области - руководитель аппарата правительства Тульской области - начальник главного управления государственной службы и кадров аппарата правительства Тульской области it is executed
73 Тюменская область Заруба Олег Викторович Заместитель Губернатора Тюменской области it is executed
74 Удмуртская Республика Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed
75 Ульяновская область Опенышева Светлана Владимировна Заместитель Председателя Правительства Ульяновской области - Министр информационных технологий Ульяновской области it is executed
76 Хабаровский край Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed
77 Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ Ким Александр Михайлович Первый заместитель Губернатора Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа - Югры it is executed
78 Челябинская область Рыжий Павел Анатольевич Заместитель Губернатора Челябинской области it is executed
79 Чеченская Республика ТумхаджиевИса Абубакарович Первый заместитель Председателя Правительства Чеченской Республики it is executed
80 Чувашская Республика - Чувашия Иванов Александр Степанович Заместитель Председателя Кабинета Министров Чувашской Республики - Руководитель Администрации Главы Чувашской Республики it is executed
81 Чукотский автономный округ Горенштейн Леонид Эдуардович Заместитель Губернатора - руководитель Аппарата Губернатора и Правительства Чукотского автономного округа it is executed
82 Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ Бессонов Анатолий Вениаминович Начальник Департамента информационных технологий и связи it is executed
83 Ярославская область Нет данных Нет данных It is not executed

See Also

The IT overview in regions of Russia 2015
