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Performance indicators
The revenue of Монастырев.рф in 2021 amounted to 8.3 billion rubles, in 2022 - almost 11 billion rubles, and in 2023 - 11.7 billion rubles. For more than seven years, Монастырев.рф has been one of the top thirty largest pharmacy chains in Russia. In 2023, the company took 24th place with 275 points. At the end of 2023, the turnover of Khabarovsk pharmacies amounted to 2.2 billion rubles, and the total volume of commodity balances is estimated at 155 million rubles.
Perm "Planet Health" bought a chain of pharmacies "Монастырев.рф"
In early October 2024, it became known that the Perm network of Internet pharmacies "Planet Health" acquired a 90% stake in LLC "Radnik," the management company of the network of pharmacies "Монастырев.рф." The deal, aimed at strategic partnership, will allow Planet Health to significantly expand its presence in the market, in particular, in the Primorsky Territory.
It is assumed that the founder of "Монастырев.рф" Alexander Monastyrev will retain a 10% stake in the company. Representatives of the "Planet Health" reported that in the near future pharmacies in Primorye will continue to operate under the same brand. Replenishment of inventories in remote areas of the region is planned to be completed by the end of October 2024, and in Vladivostok - even earlier.
Planet Health, owned by Pharmacy Service Plus LLC (ASP) under the control of Alexander Brovartz, already has a significant presence on the Russian market. The network has 2,400 locations in 50 regions of the country, including one pharmacy in Vladivostok.
The acquisition of a stake in Монастырев.рф takes place against the background of the financial difficulties of the latter. In the summer of 2024, Alexander Monastyrev announced the company's debt of ₽3,1 billion, of which ₽2,2 billion was debt to Sberbank. The bank was ready to restructure the debt, subject to the attraction of an anchor investor and additional investments in the amount of ₽0,7 billion.
The financial problems of the management company of the Монастырев.рф pharmacy chain arose due to an aggressive expansion strategy. In 2022-2023, the company opened 200 new pharmacies, but some locations were unprofitable, which led to the closure of 36 points and a violation of the financial balance.
Despite the difficulties, Radnika LLC showed revenue growth in 2023. According to open sources, it is 16.9% more than in 2022.[1]
Pharmacy sale
On June 21, 2024, it became known that one of the leaders Russia of the Монастырев.рф pharmacy market began selling its pharmacies. "Монастырев.рф" is looking for buyers at its points in Moscow, Novosibirsk and, Khabarovsk in total, about 70 objects. The founder and CEO of the company, Alexander Monastyrev, confirmed this information, explaining this decision by financial difficulties and the desire to focus on development in. Primorsky Territory
According to the business publication on healthcare "Vademecum," in the Khabarovsk Territory, "Монастырев.рф" has 56 pharmacies, in Moscow and the Moscow Region - 10 points, and in Novosibirsk - only two. Monastyrev said: "We just want to increase our efficiency and concentrate on work in the Primorsky Territory. The sale of branches is due to our internal financial difficulties, we do not have enough money to purchase goods. "
The company sees large federal operators as potential buyers. Experts familiar with the situation point out that one of the factors that pushed Монастырев.рф to such a step was the tightening of credit policy by leading distributors.
Most pharmacies are registered at Radnika LLC, registered in Vladivostok in 2013. Alexander Monastyrev by June 2024 is the sole beneficiary of the company.