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2024/08/10 10:12:25

Khabarovsk Territory



Main article: Subjects of the Russian Federation

Khabarovsk Territory - a subject of the Russian Federation, is part of the Far Eastern Federal District, the area is 787.6 thousand km ².


Federal authorities

Territorial branches of federal authorities:


Main article: Government of Khabarovsk Krai


Industrial and construction cluster of the Khabarovsk Territory


Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities of Khabarovsk Territory




Ministry of Digital Development and Communications of the Khabarovsk Territory

2022: The largest IT companies of the Khabarovsk Territory are named

The rating of leading IT companies of the Khabarovsk Territory in terms of revenue in 2022 includes system integrators, software developers, telecom operators, as well as suppliers of information security tools. This is stated in the materials of SoftTech, with which TAdviser got acquainted in early August 2024.

It is noted that the largest regional players are concentrated in Khabarovsk. The first place in the ranking is occupied by Lanit-Partner JSC, one of the leading system integrators in the Far East, which belonged to the Lanit IT company from 1997 to 2018. The company's revenue in 2022 amounted to 1.04 billion rubles.

In second place is NPTI LLC with a turnover of about 501 million rubles: this company is engaged in the development and support of software products based on 1C, as well as IT consultations.

Closes the top three LLC "Khabeko-Partner" - another system integrator, which is part of the R.Partner brand group. In 2022, the company showed revenue at 435 million rubles. In addition, the top ten largest IT companies in the Khabarovsk Territory included:

· JSC RedCom is one of the major telecom operators in the Far East, which, in addition to basic telecom services, offers video surveillance and smart intercom services. Revenue - 379 million rubles;

· LLC Maskom-Tekhline is an IT company specializing in solutions in the field of information security and system integration. Turnover in 2022 - 263 million rubles;

· LLC TK Vostoktelekom is a telecom operator in Khabarovsk with a revenue of about 214 million rubles;

· Maxim-Khabarovsk LLC - a branch of the Maxim taxi aggregator - 202 million rubles;

· LLC "Radcom-Roux" - another structure of the operator "Redcom" - 189 million rubles;

· LLC Softinfo is an IT company engaged in the adaptation, modification and maintenance of the ConsultantPlus reference legal system. Revenue - 187 million rubles;

· Aichi-Vostok LLC is a young IT company engaged in the supply of equipment, software and information protection tools, as well as software development. Turnover - 148 million rubles.[1]



Ore extraction

2023: Khabarovsk Territory updates gold mining record and doubles silver mining

Khabarovsk Territory updated the record for annual gold production and doubled silver production. The head of the region, Mikhail Diaghterev, wrote about this in early February 2024 in his Telegram channel.

According to him, in 2023, mining enterprises of the Khabarovsk Territory in 2023 produced 27.9 tons of gold and 83.7 tons of silver. Tungsten mining in the region for 2023 increased by a quarter and reached 100 tons. In addition, more than 9 thousand tons of copper and over 3 thousand tons of tin in concentrate were extracted, Diaghterev noted.

Khabarovsk Territory updated the record for annual gold production and doubled silver production

He also said that by the end of 2023, 41 gold mining companies were operating in the Khabarovsk Territory. Tax revenues to the regional budget for the mining complex for 2023 exceeded 13.4 billion rubles, the governor added.

The Minister of Natural Resources of the Khabarovsk Territory, Alexander Leontyev, previously reported that in 2024 it is planned to confirm the reserves of 5-6 gold deposits, including on the flanks of those already being developed. In 2025, geological exploration work will be completed at the Chulbatkan field in the Polina Osipenko area, he said in an interview with TASS.

Manganese ore shows are waiting for their investors, the minister added. The main consumer of manganese is ferrous metallurgy. Manganese steels are used in the mining industry, wherever the required high strength is required - in the production of crushers, industrial mills, excavator bucket teeth, etc.

There are also potential iron and steel facilities for which licenses were issued this year. In the Tuguro-Chumikan region, where the Pacific Railway is being built rapidly for private investment... So far, even from promising reserves it is clear that this is billions of tons. It is quite possible that the Khabarovsk Territory will develop black metallurgy, "Leontyev said at the end of January 2024[2]


Ministry of Culture of the Khabarovsk Territory

Real estate

2024: Brosko Mall opened in Khabarovsk for ₽11,5 billion

Investments in the construction of the second line of the Brosko Mall shopping and entertainment center in Khabarovsk amounted to ₽11,5 billion, the object officially opened on December 9, 2024. The total area of ​ ​ the new queue reached 29.1 thousand square meters. meters, including the Brosko Volna aquacomplex with an area of ​ ​ 12 thousand square meters. meters. Read more here.


Ministry of Education and Science of the Khabarovsk Territory

Universities of the Khabarovsk Territory

Colleges and organizations of DPO

Health care

Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Territory


Medical centers





Organizations of the Khabarovsk Territory


Main article: History of Russia


A girl in a hat from the newspaper. Forgotten art. Khabarovsk, 1970s e

1916: The largest steel Alekseevsky bridge across the Amur River launched in Eurasia

On October 5, 1916, the first train crossed the Amur River along the largest steel crossing in Eurasia, opening through traffic from Moscow to Vladivostok.

On the opening day of the Alekseevsky bridge over the Amur River. Tsar-Bridge, Primorsky Region in the Far East of the Russian Empire, Khabarovsk Uyezd, Khabarovsk, October 5, 1916

1860: Joining the region to Russia

Territories that departed to Russia under the Aigun Treaty of 1858 and the Beijing Treaty of 1860

200 BC: Evenki