WiseAdvice-IT (Automation - Services and Projects) previously Software Products
Since 2003
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
109029, passage Automobile, house 4, building 1
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WiseAdvice-IT (Automation - Services and Projects LLC) specializes in significant automation projects in terms of volume and complexity.
2023: 9th in TAdviser's "Largest 1C Integrators" ranking
WiseAdvice-IT took 9th place in the ranking "Largest Integrators of 1C Solutions," prepared by TAdviser in November-December 2024 based on the revenue of companies from 1C solution implementation services for 2023. Read more here.
2019: More than 1000 projects implemented
As of December 2019, 1C: Franchisee WiseAdvice (Software Products LLC) has implemented more than 1000 accounting and management automation projects based on 1C programs, as well as its own WA: Financier product line.
The company's specialists have more than 350 1C certificates, and the company has been assigned a number of 1C: CCP statuses, in particular, 1C: ERP Competence Center and 1C:CORP Competence Center.
To confirm the high level of quality of the services provided, the company is regularly audited for compliance with the international standard ISO 9001:2015.
As of December 2021, the company was part of the Wiseadvice group.
2003: Partnership with 1C
Since 2003, it has been an official partner of 1C.