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Баннер в шапке 2

Company "AS"


Information Technology
Since 1992
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
125445, Valdai passage, 16, p. 1, Reception - office 246



AS has been working in the IT sector since 1992 and specializes in software development and the creation of complex software and hardware solutions for managing information resources, as well as the creation of the necessary computing infrastructure.

AS is a Russian software developer and system integrator. AS carries out a full range of work on the creation and implementation of turnkey information systems: consulting and engineering services; software development; Supply and setup of equipment documentation; personnel training and technical support.

Services of the Company "AS"

  • Creation of complex solutions of electronic archives and information library systems, system integration
  • Custom Software Development
  • Creation and maintenance of information infrastructure
  • Development of websites and portals
  • CHPP, DPC and turnkey scan centers
  • Ensuring information security and personal data protection
  • Document scanning and processing
  • Equipment supply



Development of a platform for storing classified documents in conjunction with RAIDIX

The company, "RAIDIX" developer and supplier of domestic software and hardware technology for, and data storage Raidix AS, a system integrator, signed a cooperation agreement on March 30, 2018. The result of cooperation between the parties was a pilot software and hardware solution for the long-term storage of documents with a secrecy stamp. More. here