Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2




2022: Arrest of Andrei Ozerov

In April 2022, the chairman of the board of directors of Aksonbank and ex-State Duma deputy Andrei Ozerov were arrested in Moscow. He is suspected of embezzlement on an especially large scale. In 2011, Ozerov, who headed the regional branch of Just Russia, became a State Duma deputy.

2018: License revocation

In September 2018, the Bank of Russia revoked the license from Kostroma Aksonbank. According to the regulator's website, the corresponding decision was made by the Central Bank due to the fact that the Axonbank business model "was of a pronounced captive nature." According to the reporting data, as  of September 1, 2018, the credit institution ranked 285  in the banking system of the Russian Federation.  Axonbank is a member of the deposit insurance system.


On June 29, 2017, as part of an investigation, investigators seize electronic media, stationary computers and servers at the Aksonbank head office in Kostroma. Investigative actions are carried out as part of the investigation of tax crimes.

According to the portal Ярньюс.ру, the equipment will be sent to an expert institution for the production of forensic computer expertise. According to the investigation, from January 2010 to December 2012, the heads of Obers LLC and Axon Yar LLC, which are part of Axon Holding, deliberately entered deliberately false information in tax returns. Thus, they avoided paying taxes on amounts of over 54 million rubles and over 38 million rubles, respectively.

Investigative bodies of the TFR in the Yaroslavl region are investigating criminal cases of tax evasion on an especially large scale. Investigators continue to identify specific individuals from among the leaders of commercial organizations involved in the commission of tax crimes.