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Association of Heads of Information Security Services of ARSIB


The purpose of the ARSIB is to contribute to the development of the information society, the effective use of technologies and information security tools in all areas of business and social activity.

The Association works to increase the prestige of information security services and the activities of their leaders in business and society, and also provides assistance to members of the Association in methodological issues, qualification and career growth. In addition, ARSIB plans to form its own information security management school, participate in the development of national and international standards and regulatory documents in the field of information security.

At the time of the formation of the Association (April 2011), more than 50 heads and specialists of information security units, including specialists from neighboring states, declared interest in its creation and participation in the work of the ARSIB.

ARSIB participants are key figures in the information security market, heads of information security divisions of organizations operating in various sectors of the economy - in industry, banking, telecommunications companies, etc. The ARSIB may also include representatives of professional associations and state bodies. Personal participation in the work of the Association of persons on whom the strategy in the field of information security at enterprises directly depends significantly distinguishes ARSIB from other information security associations in the Russian market.

The board of the Association included: Dmitry Kostrov MTS (), Viktor Minin (MROO ARSIB), Mikhail Levashov (Infosekyuriti Service), Artem Sychev (), Rosselkhozbank Dmitry Ustyuzhanin (), VimpelCom Alexander Tokarenko (NP DATUM), Dmitry Terentyev (MROO ARSIB).

The structure of the ARSIB has identified six main committees coordinating its activities.

The Committee on Interactions with Government Agencies is responsible for working with government agencies as part of proposals to improve the legislative and regulatory legal framework in the field of information security, to develop state policy in the field of information security development in Russia, to assist in the development and implementation of national and sectoral information security standards.

The task of the Committee on Current Threats is to collect, process and provide ARSIB participants with information about current threats, the most effective ways to eliminate them and minimize risks.

The Expert Review Committee is responsible for participation in the development of industry standards, expertise of information security projects, internal OADs, and the formation of lists of bona fide and unscrupulous service and equipment providers in the security market.

The tasks of the Services and Services Committee include the formation of requirements for outsourcers and recommendations to the heads of information security services for outsourcing information security resources of the organization. This work is aimed at creating conditions for the accelerated development of the information security outsourcing services market in Russia.

The Committee for the Creation of a Certification System for Information Security Specialists should form a national certification system for information security specialists of the Russian Federation, conduct independent certification of information security employees, and coordinate work to improve their professional competencies.

The Personnel Policy Committee is responsible for the formation of a personnel reserve, the creation of a school for the young head of information security, work with leading universities in the country, assistance in the employment of managers and specialists of information security.

In the future, it is planned to create its own social network of professionals in the field of information security.