Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Business Technology




Business Technologies is an organization that provides its services in the following areas:

  • System integration, building solutions using the Oracle platform
  • introduction of corporate information systems (class ERP);
  • development of specialized software, including industry solutions for enterprise management;
  • consulting (financial, human resources, management and IT).

The company has completed projects in various areas of the economy. The customer base of Business Technologies includes mining electropower enterprises, companies in the service and trade sectors, food and industrial industries.


2024: TAdviser interview with Chief Technology Officer Alexander Russkikh

Alexander Russkikh, Technical Director of Business Technologies, answered TAdviser's questions about the history of the Russian ERP, import substitution tasks, industry features and development plans for the Global ERP product in April 2024. Read more here.


Logo in 2023