Main article: media about IT and telecom (Russian market)
- site (closed in summer 2017, resumed in 2018)
Closed and sold assets
- Business magazine (in 2014 came under the control of Infrafond RVC)
- site (transferred to another owner in 2013, closed in 2017)
- CIO Magazine (closed July 2013)
- Journal "Computerra" (closed in December 2009) with a regional version "Computerra +"
- "Home Computer" magazine (closed in 2008),
- GAME EXE magazine (closed in 2006),
- Infobusiness magazine (closed in 2003).
2024: ITGlobal PR Director Dmitry Ishkov appointed Chief Editor of Computerra
In 2024, the PR director of ITGlobalDmitry Ishkov was appointed chief editor of Computerra.
The editors of Computera and ITGlobal are in the same office in St. Petersburg.
The IT-Grad company becomes the founder of the publication
Since December 2018, the Russian IT company IT-Grad LLC has been the founder of the Computerra media ( resumed work
In the spring of 2018, the website of the publication was redone and resumed work. Apparently, with a new owner.
2017: Stopping upgrades and selling domain
In the summer of 2017, the site stopped updating In December 2017, it was announced that Dmitry Mendreluk had sold the domain
2014: "Business Journal" completely comes under the control of "Infrafond RVC"
Since April 14, 2014, Infrafond RVC has become the sole owner of the Business Magazine.
Transfer to another owner
In the spring of 2013, Dmitry Mendrelyuk got rid of the resource, transferring it to the possession of the top manager of CROC Veronika Taraba. Previously, the media manager intended to make it a social network for businessmen, but did not succeed.
The portal "is quite capable of generating income, but Dmitry was most attracted by Zuckerberg's laurels, and the social network of the resource now has more than 3 thousand members, and not more than 3 million," explained Taraba's CNews.
Merging all sites in the domain
In 2013, all individual sites of the Computer ID were merged into a domain As sections, it included the sites of the Computer and
CIO log closed
In July 2013, the publishing house "Computerra" decided to close a print magazine CIO dedicated to the problems of the activities of Chief information officers of enterprises, management IT infrastructure , etc.
"Ididn't like CIO magazine for a long time myself, I didn't study it and only sometimes looked at it," Dmitry Mendrelyuk, founder and head of Computerra Publishing House, told CNews.
The publication, according to Mendreluk, "brought good profits," but "I have neither the opportunity nor, most importantly, the desire to rebuild and develop the paper version."
At the same time, Mendreluk considers the subject matter of CIO to be interesting and says that he will deal with it in a "slightly different paradigm" within the framework of the "large section" on the Computer website.
"Sooner or later, the magazine would no longer be profitable," explains the publisher. - The question is where it is easier to increase profits, in paper or online. I believe that online and therefore closed so as not to spray resources, but focus[1].
The total staff of the editorial office of the publishing house "Computer" decreases in proportion to the closure of paper versions of publications, says Dmitry Mendrelyuk, but "at the same time it is somewhat smoothed out by the increase in the number of employees in the editorial offices of sites."
2011: "Infrafond RVC" invests in "Business Journal"
In December 2011, the board of Infrafond RVC approved the first transaction of the fund: its portfolio company was Business Journal, which now concentrates on venture capital investments.
"Business Magazine" has been published since 2002 by the publishing house "CompueTerra." Infrafond received 37.5% in the company, the fund's investment in the magazine was not disclosed.
"Thefunds invested by Infrafond RVC will be used to implement an investment program aimed at developing the publication's existing media business to a qualitatively new level," explained the founder of the magazine Dmitry Mendreluk, whose words are given in the message.
At the same time, the head of RVKIgori Agamirzyan, speaking about the goals of the fund, said that his primary task is "to make effective investments in businesses that provide technology companies with the necessary set of services and services."
"We expect that the activities of Infrafond RVC will significantly accelerate the creation of the so-called" soft infrastructure "of the technological market," he said[2]
2009: Closure of "Computerra" magazine
In December 2009, the publishing house "Computerra" stopped producing the computer weekly of the same name, published since 1992.
2008: Closing the "Home Computer" magazine
In 2008, the Home Computer magazine was closed.
2005-2006: Attempted sale of a publishing house. Revenue $6.3 million
In April 2006, the publishing house "Computerra" sent several publishing houses an offer to take part in a closed tender for the purchase of publishing house[3].
As it became known to Kommersant, Gameland Publishing House and SK-Press Publishing House confirmed receipt of an offer to take part in a closed tender for the purchase of Computerra Publishing House. And the general director of the publishing house "Ashet Filipaki Shkulev" Viktor Shkulev said that his company received a similar proposal from "Computerra" in 2005.
According to one of the participants in the media market, this year the shareholders of the publishing house reduced the price of it from $10 million to $5 million.
Market participants believe that, despite the good business performance of the Computer Publishing House, it will be difficult for shareholders to sell it. Gameland Publishing House CEO Dmitry Agarunov noted that "so far this is a profitable publishing house, but its profit is declining due to a constant drop in circulation and advertising sales."
In 2005, ID sales amounted to $6.3 million[3].
2003: "Infobusiness" magazine closed
Closed the print magazine "Infobusiness." His receiver was the site Then Mendreluk told CNews that the magazine was "quite cost-effective":
'I believewe need to leave on time. Closing the magazine in a situation where nothing else remains to be done, this is the worst thing to come up with. I had a desire to close the magazine while it is in confident positions. "
1996-2004: Startime "Computers"
The "star" time for "Computer" was the second half of the 1990s - the beginning of the 2000s. The circulation reached 60-120 thousand copies. A number of third-party projects were opened - "Computer," "Infobusiness," Game.EXE, "Weekly Magazine," Home Computer and others (many of them were subsequently closed).
1995: Mendreluk gains full control of the publication
In 1995, Mendreluk bought their stake and became the sole director of the agency.
1992: Founding of the publication
In early 1992, the head of the computer section and a member of the board of directors of the Moscow Commodity Exchange Dmitry Mendreluk created a daily e-mail newsletter with news about the computer market Russia called "Computerra." At that time, a number of computer publications already existed in Russia (Computerworld, PC World, Computer Press, etc.), but they provided only foreign information. The word "Computerra" itself was deciphered as "computer Russian agency," later it began to be understood with the end of the -terra (Latin terra - "earth"). It was possible to sell about 20 mailings for 100, dollars the clients were mainly companies. The low profitability and non-scalability of the model forced the transition from a subscription to an advertising model.
The founders of the newspaper were Steepler, represented by Vladislav Ulendeev, and Computerland, represented by Mikhail Kapyrin (Computerland made only half of the contribution, so it was excluded from the founders).
"Minus the first" issue of the newspaper was published on September 14, 1992 for the founders with a circulation of 20 copies. The number was folded in the office of Intermicro, printed on a printer and multiplied on xerox; it was eight sheets of A3 format held together with a paper clip. And on October 19, 1992, the Moskovskaya Pravda printing house published a "zero" issue of the newspaper with a circulation of 25 thousand, the cost of printing was $300. Some copies of the "zero" issue of "Computera" were distributed free of charge at the "Informatics" exhibition, which was a successful advertising stunt.
At first, the newspaper cost about 200 rubles and was black and white, from April 1993 it became 16-lane, from August 1994 - color, and in August 1995 a magazine of A4 format with a volume of more than 40 pages was published.
See also