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IT-Crimea Technopark



The main investor is the IT-Grad group of companies, a participant in the cloud solutions market in Russia, which has implemented many versatile IT projects, including the construction of a data center.

2018: IT Crimea Technopark to be built in Sevastopol

On May 15, 2018, it was announced the opening of the innovative IT CRIMEA Technopark in the city of Sevastopol. The IT technology park opens with private funds. The total investment volume is more than 1 billion rubles, and the planned payback period is 7 years.

According to Dmitry Gachko, General Director of the IT-GRAD Group of Companies, the IT CRIMEA project will give new opportunities for the development of startup projects by combining the IT industry in a place comfortable for living and working. It will allow you to concentrate research activity around information technologies, provide opportunities for the exchange of experience and the emergence of new knowledge. The technology park will provide IT professionals with the opportunity to be in a high-tech environment, ensuring high productivity of IT teams and will form intangible incentives for development. The creation of the Technopark on the territory of the Crimean peninsula is due to a good climate, personnel potential, a rich history, and a variety of leisure activities.

The project will be implemented in several stages: as part of the first stage in the fall of 2018, it is planned to commission the main building, which is the city dominant (the tallest building in Sevastopol). The following queues are planned behind it, which include additional workspaces, a business incubator, conference rooms, a prototyping laboratory, a sports complex, a swimming pool and apartments for visiting specialists. By the beginning of 2020, it is planned to launch all 4 buildings of the IT CRIMEA Technopark.

Ilya Ponomarev, Deputy Governor - Chairman of the Government of Sevastopol, is convinced that the creation of the Technopark Technopark "IT CRIMEA" will improve the investment climate of the city of Sevastopol, provide jobs for young IT specialists, help in the implementation of the "smart city" program and will contribute to the influx of IT teams from other regions of Russia to Sevastopol, as the most attractive city for the implementation of a professional career.