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Баннер в шапке 2

DI Telegraph



+ Dmitry Valentinovich Kostygin

DI Telegraph — a co-working of Dream Industries company. It is the most part of office of the company where since fall of 2013 there will take place conferences, lectures, demonstrations.

Askar Ramazanov, one of creators "Theories and practician":

And there will be a space which we for ourselves still conditionally call make space — something like a co-working for people who work in the direction, close to us. In general, selecting the place for office, we thought about actions at once. Within "Theories and the practician" we did something earlier, but we had no platform. Now it is, we are going to become more active and hold events regularly.
If to speak about actions which we already managed to make in DI Telegraph — it generally there were lectures. We have no one subject around which all our educational events would be built. We are interested in different areas, but most often they are connected with technologies, innovations, researches — all the most interesting today and how it will influence our life tomorrow.
For example, we together with the Branching Point project organized the lecture "Architectural Robots, Building Site of the Future" at which Pyotr Novikov told about results of own experiments with 3D - printing of buildings and the first 3D method - printing in air. Still we gave the lecture Tronda Tornesa, marketing manager of Phonofile company — "The present and the future of the musical industry: example of Norway". Recently together with Russian Quantum Center gave a lecture of Seth Lloyd, expert in the field of quantum technologies and quantum communication — "Programming the Universe" to which more than five hundred people came.
At the end of July in DI Telegraph the first Moscow lecture within the international project for creative professionals of Creative Mornings took place — the industrial designer Yaroslav Rassadin told about how spaces affect the ideas. We plan that the international educational formats — Creative Mornings, PechaKucha, TEDh — will pass at us regularly.
Still we organized summer school Dream Industries. We decided to find people who do or would like to do startups, selected the most courageous and suggested them to think out and create from scratch something that could exist organically in an ecosystem of our projects. We received many applications from programmers, designers, startups and engineers. As a result selected six children who are every day at us at office, meet our experts, projects and offer the ideas, two of which will be implemented soon"[1].
