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Defense Insurance Insurance Company Cardif Insurance Company CARDIF





2024: Ex-head of Post Bank Dmitry Rudenko with partners bought out "Kardif"

Former head of Post-Bank Dmitry Rudenko with partners bought out the Russian subsidiary of the insurance holding BNP Paribas Cardif - the Cardif company. The change of owners became known in early April 2024.

According to Interfax, citing data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRUL), Rudenko received 40% in IC Kardif, the head of this group Konstantin Kozlov - 15%. In addition, Alla Vainilavichuta, Sergei Kiselev, Dmitry Rudash, Vladimir Tarkhanov and Ruben Sagatelyan each got 9% of the insurance company.

Dmitry Rudenko with partners bought the Russian "daughter" of the insurance holding BNP Paribas Cardif

SC "Kardif" specializes in banking and credit insurance, life and property insurance. The authorized capital of the company by April 2024 is 300 thousand. rubles How much the new owners paid for the purchase of the insurance company is not specified by early April 2024. A source Kommersant in the insurance market says that by 2021 IC "Kardif" could cost 20 billion rubles, taking into account the quality of business and high management standards. However, in the end, the insurance company, like other foreign insurers, was most likely sold at a large discount, the source said. Independent expert Andrei Barkhota believes that the transaction could have passed for only 0.6-0.9 capital.

Barhota also suggested that the new owners of Kardif would improve the group's financial performance in order to prepare for an "injection into a larger structure." According to Vladimir Shur, director of Kept's practice for working with financial sector companies, small foreign insurance companies have experience, IT systems, personnel, and their size makes them more flexible, making it easier to develop in the direction that meets the needs of new shareholders. In addition, such companies are small and relatively inexpensive, which means that investors can recoup their investments faster, Shur added.[1]
