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Digital Documents


Information technologies
Cherie Veli
38536 Alva Drive Cherry Valley, CA 92223




Digital Documents is the American integrator which for nearly twenty years is engaged in implementation of sensing technologies of documents and data entry in the government, financial, medical and educational institutions of North America. Top managers of the company have decades of experience of projects implementation in input pane of data and implementation of information management systems by the enterprises.

Digital Documents has hundreds of customers in North America, including American Medical Response - the leading supplier of the medical equipment in the USA; Claire's Stores, Inc. - one of the largest retail networks in the world selling fashionable accessories and jewelry; Chicago Office Technology Group (division of Xerox) is the major consulting firm in Chicago specializing in document flow optimization; The Center for talented youth of the University of John Hopkins where help to develop capabilities to the most gifted children from around the world.

Purchase of ABBYY company

In September, 2012 the ABBYY company announced Digital Documents acquisition. Transaction amount does not reveal. As specified TAdviser in the press service of ABYYY, the transaction is already closed, in its framework 100% of the stocks which were earlier belonging to several top managers of Digital Documents are purchased.

Sergey Andreyev, the president and the CEO of ABBYY company, said that the parties cooperated long ago, jointly implementing solutions on automation of input of documents and data in the different industries.

According to him, acquisition of Digital Documents not only will open ABBYY access to new clients in the market of the USA and Canada, but also will give the companies competence and a detailed idea of customers needs. He also added that at first the American asset will continue work as independent division.

Let's remind that literally in August, 2012 ABBYY purchased other American company: by means of child ABBYY Language Services she purchased 100% of the American Connective Language Services which will become its product office on East coast of the USA.