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Exactly (service of selection of masters for finishing apartments)



Number of employees
2020 year


"Exactly" - a service for the selection of masters for the decoration of apartments. He connects them with developers who, using the platform, will be able to control the progress of work and financial flows online, and masters will receive tasks through a mobile application without the participation of foremen. You can perform tasks either individually or in a team, connecting to the platform with a team.


2021: Attracting $10 million investment

On May 14, 2021, the company "Exactly" announced the attraction of $10 million in investments from the fund, one of the investors of which is the investment company O1 Properties (one of the largest owners of class A offices in Moscow). The parameters of the transaction, including their participants, are not disclosed. It is only known that we are talking about the Series A round of financing. The funds raised "Exactly" plans to spend on the development of the IT platform and the launch of the HR brand to attract masters.

Taking into account that the volume of construction of housing with finished decoration is increasing, but at the same time developers are often forced to shift the timing of the transfer of apartments to buyers, including due to problems with long chains of subcontractors, we believe that the platform will be in demand, the words of O1 Properties investment director Alexander Erdman are quoted in the message.

Russian service for the selection of craftsmen for the decoration of apartments "Exactly" attracted $10 million

By May 2021, the platform was being tested at one of the facilities in Moscow. By the end of the year, "Exactly" plans to carry out work on 10 construction sites of the capital, and in the second half of 2022 to expand the geography of work throughout Russia.

Publicly, the founders in the startup are not named by May 2021, but they indicate that before that they had worked on creating a platform for the work of masters in the decoration of PIK.Pro. In total, the team had 12 people who had previously worked at Delivery Club, Yandex, Doc +, the company specified. At the start, the founders invested $50 thousand in the project[1]
