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Hobby Games (Hobbi Geyms)



+ World of a hobby (Hobby world)

Hobby Games is a shop of board games and accessories which is official representative office of the Russian producer of board games Hobby World.

Hobby Games is not only online store with delivery worldwide, but also wide network of retail stores which are open in a set of the cities of Russia and in the neighboring countries.


2019: Opening of the 100th shop in Moscow

On November 2, 2019 in Vegas shopping Mall on Kashirskoye Highway in Moscow opening of the 100th Hobby Games shop entering into the Hobby World holding acting as the producer and the distributor of board games in Russia took place.

About Hobby Games retail network and also the director of Hobby Games franchizing Sergey Shishkevich told about features of work on a franchize in Russia in anticipation of opening of the 100th shop.

It seems to me, it is quite profitable — to purchase a franchize in business of board games. First of all, because the segment of board games is very little filled. If, for example, to take segments of clothes and footwear, in any shopping center you will see floors of such shops. And if to speak about board games and about the regional market — it is good if there is at least one specialized shop on all city — the representative of Hobby Games told.

For the last three months at Hobby Games shops across all Russia actively open. According to Sergey Shishkevich, it is connected with a high season, December — the peak. Since August occurs on average in five opening of franchize shops a month. It is possible become the partner opening shops under the Hobby Games brand even without being an ardent fan of board games. Competent professionals from the company for whom games are the hobby bringing money will prompt as it is correct to do franchize business.

Hobby Games offers an extensive packet about franchizing. Since 2016 lump-sum contributions, a royalty are cancelled: actually there are no obligatory payments for a franchize. The thought-over logistics, an Internet show-window on the website, a free weekly delivery and shipment of goods to partners, partial compensation on advertizing, personnel training, scripts of sales, mystery shopping, a single system of loyalty — all this at the expense of Hobby Games, at the same time – the attractive price of start of the turnkey business with further support, the director of Hobby Games franchizing emphasized. The payback of business, according to him, averages 12 months.

Many partners ask what we earn from if we have no lump-sum contribution and a royalty? As we are publishing house, we earn from the edition of board games and as we have a wide range and a permanent exit of new products, for us the broad representation on shelves and fast hit of new products on shelves is basic. This year many repeated franchize shops opened. One of ours of a franchaza opened several Hobby Games shops as in its region they proved as the successful developing network. For example, in Taganrog 5 shops, in Krasnodar 3 shops opened, etc. — Sergey Shishkevich, the director of the franchize Hobby Games added.