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IVS Information systems


Information Systems (IS) group — one of regional system integrators working mainly in Perm Krai and at the Urals.

Gens Philip Georgiyevich - 51%
Fedorishchev Ivan Fedorovich - 49%


Revenue millions

Number of employees
2014 year


+ Gens Philip Georgiyevich

Structure of IVS group

  • Ltd company "Information systems
  • Institute of Information Systems LLC
  • Permcentrservice-Plus LLC
  • Permcentrservice LLC
  • Interior of Digital Equipment LLC
  • Informatsionnye sistemy v obrazovanii LLC
  • Uraltekhkompservice LLC
  • IT-service LLC
  • Soft-Consult LLC
  • Project management Institute LLC
  • Proinfoservice LLC
  • Nevod LLC


IVS implements projects on complex automation of the enterprises, is engaged in IT consulting and implementation of information systems with the subsequent maintenance.

The Mikont design office entering into the IVS group provides services in creation of electronic products (modules, controllers, sensors) for use in the PCS, the onboard systems and management systems.


2015: Control over IVS received Lanit

Since June, 2015 51% in IVS LLC belong to Philip Gens, the son of the owner of the Lanit group Georgy Gens. Other 49% - at the chairman of the board of directors are the IVS groups of Ivan Fedorishchev.

In a similar proportion shares in the "Institute of information systems" entering into the IVS group are distributed.

Philip Gens became the controlling co-owner of IVS

Philip Gens confirmed to TAdviser the transaction on acquisition of control in IVS and explained it with logical continuation of long-term cooperation of Lanit with the Perm company. He refused to tell the transaction amount and the names of sellers, having added that IVS will continue to work under own brand.

From publicly announced joint projects Lanit and IVS it is possible to remember the complete solution "Safe City" presented in 2013. The solution functions in Perm, Yekaterinburg, Kirov, Tyumen, Sukhumi, Khanty-Mansiysk and is intended for automatic photo and video fixing of the facts of traffic offense, control over observance of an order in public places, statistical analysis of quality of a paving and many other.

Besides, IVS is a partner of the LAN ATMservice company entering into Lanit which is engaged in service of ATMs and payment terminals. "As contract organization we perform complex service in the territory of Perm Krai of devices of self-service Rosbank, Otkrytiye Bank, Bank of Moscow, MDM Bank, UniCredit Bank, TRUST Bank, Home Credit Bank, UBRIR, Absolyut Bank, ExpoBank and other organizations", - it is said on the website of IVS.


In 2013 IVS participated in transfer to an electronic form of the public and municipal services of Perm Krai by request of the Ministry of government information communications of Perm Krai and city administration of Perm.

In 2012 the geography of users of a system of electronic diaries and magazines of IVS "Formation of Web2.0" reached Primorsky Krai. In a system more than 500 thousand users from Perm Krai, the Sverdlovsk, Rostov, Kaliningrad regions and other regions of Russia are registered.

In 2011 IVS was engaged in creation of automated information system of ensuring town-planning activities for the order of city administration of Perm.

In 2010 the company became the winner of the 2nd All-Russian competition "The Best 10 IT Projects for a Public Sector" held with assistance of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in the "Best Project on Transfer to an Electronic Form of Public Services in the field of Education" nomination with the system of electronic diaries and magazines.

In 2008 IVS takes active part in the Federal target program "Frontier of the Russian Federation", performing installation and a commissioning of the Complex of security systems of an object on frontier posts in the North Caucasus.

In 2007 "The reference register of the population of Perm Krai" by request of the Ministry of public security of Perm Krai is engaged in creation of the state information resource of personal information about the population of Perm Krai.

In 2006 IVS signed the service agreement of the communication system in Uralkali with transfer of staff of workshop of communication of Uralkali to IVS Group.

In 2005 the company was engaged in development of the design estimates and installation and construction works on creation of the Data processing center of Lukoil company in Perm.

In 2002 participated in creation of an information system for holding the European Boxing Championship and in information support of the championship which was taking place in the city of Perm.

In 2001 the company was included for the first time into the rating of CNews of "Top-100 of the largest IT companies of Russia".


In 1999 IVS developed the end-to-end information system "Altair", using own technology platform. Own technology platform of development is "know-how" of the company, and provides the most effective design process and implementations of custom information systems.

In 1998 - developed the design estimates and carried out installation and construction works on creation of a structured cabling system and the system of the selected power supply of again under construction Main payment processing center of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for Perm Krai.

Since 1996 IVS is a partner of SUN Microsystems in warranty and post-warranty service of technical means of SUN Microsystems as main computer platform of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for Perm Krai.

In 1993 the company was authorized by the leader at that time of time global manufacturer of network softwareNovell companies.

In 1992 the staff of IVS executed installation of a computer network in Construction management of Perm GRES, the largest thermal power plant in Perm Krai.

IVS in 1990 was created by group of research associates of laboratory of network technologies of the Perm NIIUMS. At the first stage the company was engaged in design and installation of local computer networks. Since 1991 IVS is headed by Ivan Fedorishchev.