Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Information technical trance



The Informtekhtrans company is founded in 2000 and works at the market of developers and producers of radio electronics. The command Informtekhtrans is specialists who provide a full stroke from development of KD before serial release of the equipment, with the subsequent warranty and a post warranty service of products. The company implements the innovative technologies in all territory of Russia. Production sites are in Moscow and Cheboksary.

Products & Services

  • system of radio frequency identification of moving objects of railway transport of SAI PS "Palma"
  • the company develops and implements technologies for security and comfort of motorists and pedestrians: a management system for traffic light regulation of traffic, the hardware-software platform for the systems of railway automatic equipment, intellectual rezinobetonny floorings for railway crossings and crosswalks.