Interface Ltd
Since 1990
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
119334, Bardina, 4, building 1
The company keeps projects on automation of the enterprises based on the ERP system of iRenaissanse and the workflow system Product:DocsVision, promotes preparation for certification on the ISO900x and CMM standards, renders consulting services and provides training in information technologies.
The Interfeys company operates on the Russian computer market since 1990. The first several years the company specialized, generally in development and deployment of information systems by orders of the scientific and technology organizations in Germany and the USA. Serious experience of creation of information systems was during this time accumulated, connection with leading manufacturers of development tools of the similar systems and consulting firms is established.
Main activities
- Delivery of the software
- Delivery and implementation of corporate information systems
- Technical support
- Software development
- System integration
- Training
- Certification of IT specialists
- Consulting
- Research activity
- Software localization, transfer of scientific and technical literature