IT-One It1-Holding
It1-Holding (or IT-One) - a company created in November 2020.
TAdviser interview with CEO Irina Sokolskaya
According to the results of the ITFB study, more than 60% of IT specialists note an increase in employers' soft skills requirements. Why this happens and how the search for a balance between different types of employee skills can affect the solution of the issue of personnel hunger, says Irina Sokolskaya, General Director of IT_ONE. Read more here.
Investment in digital accessibility opens up new opportunities for the business of Russian companies
It is economically feasible to adapt software products used in business processes for people with disabilities: to purchase ready-made solutions on the market or to refine it yourself. For developers, this means a significant expansion of the potential audience of their products, and employers are becoming more attractive to applicants. More about this - expert Elena Yermoshina, leading designer of IT_ONE. Read more here.
Possibilities and nuances of Kotlin application in software testing automation
Kotlin is an object-oriented, statically typed programming language that began development in 2010 with the support of JetBrains and has so far earned recognition from global IT giants such as Google. Kotlin JVM is slightly less than fully compatible with Java, but at the same time it is more versatile, laconic, type safe and simple. With it, developers can improve performance and simplify the process of creating software products. About the capabilities of Kotlin in the field of testing automation and the experience of its industrial operation tells QA Automation lead company IT_ONE Alexey Antonov. Read more here.
Good Code Rules: What Patterns Are Needed in Software Development
Patterns programming in and architecture design software are well-established templates, the best proven practices used by specialists to solve typical problems: for example, to speed up the development and testing process, improve the quality of program code, etc. At the same time, the concept of anti-attacks is also widespread - the same established sets of actions that, on the contrary, lead to negative consequences. Stepan Bocharov, lead group leader of IT_ONE, tells more about their impact on the development of high-load applications. Read more here.
Living in an Age of High-Load Information Systems: Basic Approaches to Development
The term "high-load web application" speaks for itself: it is a comprehensive information system that contains huge amounts of information and maintains optimal performance under high load conditions - for example, while accessing hundreds, thousands and even millions of users. Of course, such systems require special approaches in terms of development - to architecture, scaling, storage and processing of data and other characteristics. Stepan Bocharov, leading head of the IT_ONE group, shares his experience in creating and supporting such applications. Read more here.
TAdviser interview with the director of the dedicated center Andrei Lisnevsky
The IT_ONE company in 2023 entered the rating TOP-20 according to the results of the All-Russian study of IT brands of employers. In three years, the number of company employees working throughout the country has grown almost 10 times. Andrey Lisnevsky, director of the dedicated center of the IT_ONE group of companies, told how it is possible to create comfortable working conditions and build effective communications in the context of the constant growth of the distributed team. Read more here.
1st place in the ranking of TAdviser "The largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia"
IT-One took 1st place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of BPM systems in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation/delivery of such solutions in 2023. Read more here.
2nd place in the TAdviser ranking "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia"
IT-One took 2nd place in the ranking "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia," prepared by TAdviser in January 2025 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.
6th place in the ranking of TAdviser "Largest IT suppliers in Russian banks"
IT-One took 6th place in the ranking "The largest IT suppliers in Russian banks," prepared by TAdviser in October 2024 based on the revenue of companies from the implementation of IT projects in Russian banks, received at the end of 2023. Read more here.
2024 should be the year of effective tandems
The structure of the Russian IT market and the distribution of forces on it are fundamentally changing. Domestic vendors master the liberated niches, and initially "non-digital" companies (banks, retail, telecom, development, etc.) create their own services and even complex software platforms. How the market will develop next year and why tandems of vendors and integrators are becoming more and more important - the opinion of IT_ONE CEO Sergei Rezontov. Read more here.
Data outsourcing: how to reduce the project life by 30-50% and what to take into account
Projects for the migration IT infrastructures the Russian of companies to domestic storage platforms analysts data and are one of the consequences of the strengthening of sanctions risks and the movement of business to the side. import substitution At the same time, business often needs additional expertise and acceleration of the implementation of such projects. Development Director ON at IT_One Pyotr Lyovin explains why the company is actively developing its own data practice today and what advantages the customer receives by involving outsourcing a team in the migration process. Read more here [1]
Five trends towards a flexible import substitution strategy
The approach of companies to import substitution is transformed depending on the changing geopolitical situation, the initiatives of Russian regulators, the emergence of new risks and opportunities - in terms of affordable technologies. Over the past year, this approach has overcome the phase when companies were thinking how to "import substitution of everything" for them. Strategies for the transition to technological sovereignty are becoming more, analytical, flexible and selective. This is argued by the president of the IT_One group of companies Yuri Ovcharenko. Read more here.
Myths and reality of import substitution. What should IT customers expect in the near future?
The movement the Russian of companies along the path to technological sovereignty is accompanied by many nuances: to replace everything or partially? Leave "frozen" Western products for a while IT or migrate to less functional domestic ones? How to relate Open source to and developments from "friendly"? countries What new challenges do professional associations face? Experts of companies Rubytech and IT_One Dmitry Basistyi and Dmitry Shilov assess achievements Russian IT market and present a reference model for building an optimal IT landscape. Read more here [2]
4th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest suppliers of custom software development services in Russia"
IT_One took 4th place in the ranking of the largest participants in the custom software development market in Russia, prepared by TAdviser in March 2024 based on the companies' revenue from the relevant services for 2022. Read more here.
10th place in the ranking "Largest IT suppliers in Russian banks"
IT_One took 10th place in the TAdviser rating, prepared on the basis of revenue from the implementation of IT projects in Russian banks in 2022 and published in December 2023. Read more here.
9th place in the ranking "Largest IT suppliers in the public sector of Russia"
IT_One took 9th place in the ranking TAdviser prepared on the basis of proceeds from the implementation IT of projects public sector Russia in 2022 and published in November 2023. Read more here.
TAdviser interview with President Yuri Ovcharenko
The events of 2022 have dramatically affected the development of all sectors economies and the activities of almost all organizations in. There Russia IT are special hopes in the sector today: digital solutions are becoming the basis of more and more, business processes while time Western products pose significant risks. The president of the company IT_One Yuri Ovcharenko talks about the importance of an integrated approach to strategy, import substitution names growth points for IT companies and explains why many IT specialists choose IT_One for career growth. More. here
Membership in three committees of the Expert Council of ANO "Open Code"
The company IT_One on October 24, 2022 announced that it would take an active part in the formation of the Russian segment of Open Source. Representatives of the company were included in several committees of the Expert Council of ANO "Open Code" - a professional community that implements the advisory functions of this organization.
In particular, the IT_One is represented in three committees of the Expert Council. The Technical Committee deals with recommendations on the choice of technologies for creating, supporting and improving the national repository. Educational Committee - the development and implementation of an information and educational strategy and work plan of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization with specialized educational organizations. Both of these divisions included the chief manager of the IT_One program, Alexander Bogutsky, and the director of technological development, IT_One Dmitry Shilov. Alexander Bogutsky also takes part in the work of the organizational and analytical committee of the Expert Council - the structure responsible for recommendations in the field of strategic and tactical plans of the community.
Transition to a technologically independent IT landscape: RE-volution approach IT_One
Dmitry Shilov, director of technological development at the company IT_One tells how to achieve technological sovereignty, how much time and money it will take, who to invite to implement this task. Read more here.
President's appointment of Yuri Ovcharenko
The group of companies IT_One on November 8, 2021 announced to TAdviser the appointment of Yuri Ovcharenko, one of the leading experts in the field of software development in Russia, as president. Read more here.
Creation of joint venture "GPB-IT1" with Gazprombank
Gazprombank, together with IT_One company, on October 28, 2021, informed TAdviser about the creation of a joint venture GPB-IT1, which, according to their idea, should become one of the largest centers for the development of digital and financial services. Read more here.
Announced the launch of a new software developer based on a team from Luxoft
April 2, 2021 officially launched a development company software "It1" under the IT One brand, which TAdviser wrote about in January. The company is a member of GS Invest the and will focus on working with the largest digital transformation projects in Russia. The company's task is to create breakthrough technological platforms that ensure effective interaction between citizens, business and the state, they say in It1-Holding.
The CEO of the company in mid-February was Sergey Yaskevich, who for many years led the direction of the IT service at IBM. Earlier, he also headed the joint venture included in It1-Holding with Rostelecom - It1-Rtk.
IT_One is formed from Luxoft, a global company that provides digital strategy and software development services to customers worldwide. The IT_One team includes specialists with more than 15 years of experience in implementing complex projects in the global IT market.
We plan to apply international experience, including in the field of training and team development, mentoring and transfer of experience. Being essentially a startup with its inherent energy and drive, we rely on the "heritage" of Luxoft in the form of a system of established business processes, the best European practices, "says Sergey Yaskevich. |
As of April 2021, the IT_One team is performing a technological upgrade of the electronic public services platform in partnership with Rostelecom. Within the framework of the project, such electronic services as obtaining a passport of the Russian Federation, obtaining a passport, a certificate of no criminal record, and registration of a marriage were implemented. An updated version of the portal at the end of March was presented to President Vladimir Putin. Another major customer of the IT_One is Russian Post.
The company also plans to become a major player in the fintech project market in Russia, developing both its own innovative solutions and custom software for banks.
IT_One is developing in the areas of machine vision, blockchain, augmented reality, machine learning, big data and data science, the creation and management of highly loaded systems and other innovative areas of IT.
At the beginning of 2021, according to the company, there were 200 people in the state of IT_One, and as of April their number is approaching 500. Development offices are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Omsk. By the end of the year, it is planned to expand the staff to 700-800 employees due to regional expansion, as well as the recruitment of employees for remote project work.
As of January 2021, the founder was the company "GS INVEST" (with a share of 100%).
2020: New IT Holding Set Up
In December 2020, as TAdviser discovered, IT-One included two structures as subsidiaries: It1-Rtk and Luxoft Dubna.
It1-Rtk is a joint venture with Rostelecom The CEO of It1-Rtk was Sergey Yaskevich, who for many years led the direction of IT outsourcing at IBM Corporation.
Until December 2020, Luxoft Dubna was a subsidiary of a custom developer software Luxoft created within the holding IBS and sold to an IT service provider in 2019. DXC Technology
A TAdviser source who heard about the creation of the IT-One holding says its specialization will be software development. The parent structure of both companies - GS INVEST - in 2020 attracted investments from Gazprombank.
Luxoft Dubna was bought from DXC Technology . "Luxoft Dubna" as of the beginning of 2021 is under renaming. According to the database of legal entities Kontur.Fokus, "in 2019 the average headcount of this company was more than 50 people.
And the representative of Rostelecom explained to TAdviser that the joint venture It1-Rtk, in fact, will help their company carry out a technological upgrade of the public services platform with a significant expansion of functionality and improvement of the user experience of citizens. From a partner, the key contribution in this case is the development team, Rostelecom added.