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Баннер в шапке 2

Krastcom Crastcom


Information Technology
Since 2007
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
111033, Zolotorozhsky val, house 32, bldg. 2



Revenue millions Ths. rub

  • KrastCom has been operating in the IT market since 2007, providing customers with services for the creation and support of computing, information and telecommunications infrastructure, IT outsourcing, and the implementation of engineering systems for buildings and data centers.
  • KrastCom has partner statuses of leading global vendors, specializes in the supply and implementation of solutions from IBM, Avaya, Cisco, Oracle, Polycom, NetApp, Symantec, Aastra, Barsum, DIS, Extron, SMS group, Mitsubishi, Kramer Electronics.
  • Among the company's customers are Russian banks and financial organizations, oil companies, state organizations, industrial enterprises.
  • Krastkom specialists supply and integrate computing complexes, create IT solutions for a variety of business tasks of customers, design and implement telecommunication systems, and develop software products from scratch on a turnkey basis.

Performance indicators

2021: Revenue growth by 57.5% to RUB 3,205 million

At the end of 2021, Krastkom's revenue amounted to 3,205 million rubles, an increase of 57.5% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 129th place in the ranking of TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022.


2020: Revenue - RUR 2,035 million

At the end of 2020, Krastkom's revenue amounted to 2,035 million rubles.