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Lokotech Locomotive Technology


Locomotive Technologies LLC offers its customers a wide range of services in the field of repair of locomotives of all types.

Transmashholding (TMX)
Revenue millions

Number of employees
2017 year


+ Transmashholding (TMX)

The company is controlled by the founders of Transmashholding.


Locomotive Technologies LLC manages assets providing maintenance, repair, modernization and leasing of locomotives, production of units and parts for railway engineering enterprises.

The group of managed assets includes (2017):

In 2017, the group of companies includes about 150 business units, including 10 locomotive repair plants and 92 service depots responsible for the maintenance of over 15,000 locomotives throughout their life cycle. The number of staff exceeds 60,000 people.

History and performance indicators

2021: Appointment of Boris Bogatyrev as CEO

On April 14, 2021, LokoTech LLC announced the appointment of Boris Bogatyrev as Director General. In more detail here


Obtaining Certificate of Conformity of TRTS 001/2011 of shunting diesel locomotive TEM31

On January 9, 2020, the LokTech group of companies announced the receipt of a certificate of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union (TRTS 001/2011) of the TEM31 shunting locomotive. The corresponding certificate was received on December 25, 2019.

The certificate gives the right to manufacture and sell shunting diesel locomotives TEM31M by the Yaroslavl Electric Locomotive Repair Plant (YaERZ). At the beginning of January 2020, 5 locomotives were manufactured.

The document confirms that the locomotive meets the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of railway rolling stock." The certificate applies to all countries of the Customs Union and will be valid for 5 years.

The certificate gives the right to use a diesel locomotive on public routes, i.e. on the entire network of Russian Railways and adjacent industrial enterprises with their own railway infrastructure.

Obtaining the TEM31 certificate of conformity means additional competitive advantages for the business of the LokoTech Group in the 1520 gauge space, will increase the pool of commercial orders and attract customers.

TEM31M was created as a replacement for obsolete low-power shunting diesel locomotives. The prototype (TEM31-001) was built in 2009.

The locomotive is designed for light shunting and exit work in the depot, on public railways and on access roads of industrial enterprises with a gauge of 1520 mm. The weight of the locomotive is 46 tons, the design speed is 80 km/h, the maximum traction force when touching from the spot is 10.5 tons.

The diesel locomotive used electric power transmission from a diesel engine to wheelsets, AC and DC. The locomotive has microprocessor control. The principle of axial control of the traction force is implemented, which allows increasing the traction characteristics of the locomotive.

TEM31M is equipped with several digital systems. In particular, it has a local open architecture control network that combines all diesel locomotive control systems, including traction and braking. This allows remote control of the machine via a radio channel.

The technical regulations of the Customs Union (TRTS 001/2011) apply to newly developed (modernized), manufactured railway rolling stock and its components, produced for use on public and non-public railways with a gauge of 1520 mm in the territory of the Customs Union with speeds of up to 200 km/h inclusive.

The technical regulation establishes requirements for railway rolling stock and its components in order to ensure the safety of railway traffic.

Increase in locomotive availability by 1.5% to 0.903

The LokoTech group on June 20, 2019 announced an increase in the availability factor (CGE) of locomotives by 1.5%. According to the results of 5 months of 2019, the main performance indicator of the service company reached 0.903 against 0.89 in 2016. This was told by the general director of LokoTech Alexander Mavrin during the Direct Line with employees of JSC factories "Zheldorremmash" and service locomotive depots LocoTech Service from all over the country.

During the Direct Line, LokoTech executives answered more than 100 questions of interest to employees

The head of LokoTech also noted that by the level of 2016, the number of events related to traffic safety violations decreased by 38%, there were 16% fewer failures of 1.2 categories of technical equipment and 5% - unscheduled repairs of locomotives.

In 2019, LokoTech plans to increase the number of locomotives produced from repair by 41% compared to 2016. The approved repair program by Russian Railways for 2019 is more than 3.4 thousand sections.

The leaders of LokoTech also spoke about plans to optimize working conditions on the network of enterprises. It was noted that the investment program for updating the capacity of locomotive repair plants in 2019 is more than 3 billion rubles. With these funds, it is planned to supply new equipment, repair and reconstruction of sanitary facilities and other measures.

Establishment of LokoTech - EMD and LokoTech - DD branches based on Zheldorremmash

On February 19, 2019, the LokoTech Group of Companies announced that it had created two branches - LokoTech - Electric Machine Division (LokoTech - EMD) and LokoTech - Diesel Division (LokoTech - DD). These structures are based on Zheldorremmash JSC, which is managed by the Group. More details here.

Over 3 billion rubles are planned to be allocated for the development of locomotive repair plants

In 2019, LokoTech Group of companies plans to allocate more than 3 billion rubles to the development of locomotive repair plants of Zheldorremmash JSC. The funds of the investment program will be used to ensure the execution of a growing production order by Russian Railways.

In particular, it is expected that the production investment program of the Ulan-Ude LVRZ will amount to more than 600 million rubles. Chelyabinsk ERZ - more than 200 million rubles, Ussuri LRZ - more than 500 million rubles, Yaroslavl ERZ - more than 400 million rubles, Rostov-on-Don ERZ - more than 60 million rubles.

As part of the 2019 investment program, the implementation of activities that started in 2018 will continue, as well as a number of major new initiatives. In particular, the development of the ED133/EDE133 TED will continue at the Astrakhan TRZ, the development of the middle and overhaul of the TEP70 and 2TE116 locomotives at the Orenburg LRZ, as well as the development of the repair of the D49 diesel engine.

At the Ussuri locomotive repair plant, it is planned to expand the capacity of the locomotive assembly plant, increase the output of electric machines, diesel engines, and wheelsets. At the Chelyabinsk ERZ, the development of repair of the VL80 and 2ES4K series will continue, at the Yaroslavl ERZ - the development of repair of the EP1 electric locomotive, an increase in the output of electric machines, wheelsets.

In addition, a number of initiatives in the field of automation, technological and strategic development are planned at LokoTech plants.

In total, until 2020, as part of the implementation of the investment program, it is planned to implement more than 1 thousand measures aimed at modernizing and increasing the efficiency of the production process of plants.


Revenue 122.2 billion rubles (+ 12 %)

The total revenue of LokoTech under RAS in 2018 increased by 12% to 122.2 billion rubles. compared to 2017. At the same time, the revenue of Zheldorremmash JSC in 2018 amounted to 49.8 billion rubles, which is 20.87% more than in 2017. The revenue of LokoTech-Service LLC reached 72.4 billion rubles, which is 6.63% higher than in 2017, LokoTech reported on May 14, 2019.

At the end of 2018, the amount of taxes paid to budgets of all levels (excluding personal income tax and insurance premiums) amounted to 9.9 billion rubles against 9.8 billion rubles. a year earlier.

LokoTech is implementing a large-scale investment program. In 2019, it is planned to allocate more than 3 billion rubles for the development of locomotive repair plants. The funds will be used to ensure the execution of a growing production order by Russian Railways.

286.9 million rubles allocated to Zheldorremmash for social payments

In 2018, the LokoTech Group of Companies allocated more than 286.9 million rubles for the sale of social benefits and guarantees to employees of Zheldorremmash JSC (part of LokoTech) under a collective agreement, fully fulfilling obligations to employees. More details here.

Investing more than 300 million rubles in the development of "green technologies"

On March 14, 2019, the LokoTech Group of Companies announced that in 2018 it had allocated more than 300 million rubles for the implementation of various measures in the field of environmental development.

According to Pavel Morozov, Managing Director for Industrial Safety and Cooperation with the Control and Supervisory Authorities of LokoTech, the most pressing issue for the group is cooperation in the field of water resources protection and maintenance of treatment facilities. As of March 14, LokoTech Service (part of the LokoTech group of companies) was transferred to the management of 111 treatment facilities. In 2018, their condition was monitored, a plan was drawn up for the repair and reconstruction of a number of facilities.

In addition, in 2018, LokoTech approved an environmental policy. It is developed on the basis of the standard of the GOST R 55834-2013 series (Resource saving. Requirement for documentation in production. Enterprise Environmental Policy) and GOST R ISO 14000-2016 (Environmental Management System. Requirements and Guidelines).

According to the top manager, LokoTech seeks to contribute to the creation of a favorable environmental situation and the best state of the environment. To achieve this goal, the company supports the introduction of an environmental management system and compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

3.4 thousand locomotive sections repaired

In 2018, LokoTech enterprises released about 3.4 thousand sections of locomotives from repair, which is 8% more than in 2017. The largest volume of repairs was carried out by the Ulan-Ude locomotive repair plant (944 sections), the Rostov-on-Don electric locomotive repair plant (564 sections), the Chelyabinsk electric locomotive repair plant (558 sections) and the Ussuri locomotive repair plant (337 sections).

The achievement was the development of medium repairs of locomotives in service locomotive depots (SLD), wheelsets and traction engines of electric locomotives EP1 and 3ES5K on the Ulan-Ude LVRZ.

In 2018, LokoTech-Service branches completed a repair program in the amount of SR (average repair) by 180% - 403 sections were repaired with a plan of 222 sections. This is 240% more than in 2017.

Note that in 2018, the full repair of SR locomotives of the new EP1 series in the Kansk-Ilansky SLD, 2TE116U in the Tyumen SLD, Ershovskoye, Sarepta, ChS4T in the Kirov-Vyatka SLD was mastered. The repair of the SR was mastered with the replacement of the type 10D100 diesel engine with the D49 in the Unech SLD.

The number of failures for LokoTech-Service by 1 million km of mileage decreased by 8%. The number of unscheduled repairs on the company's liability decreased by 9%.

The main indicator - the readiness for operation coefficient (CGE) - for 2018 was fulfilled at the level of 0.895 (89.5%), which corresponds to the planned task. Moskovsky 0.906 (90.6%), Yuzhny 0.905 (90.5%), East Siberian 0.904 (90.4%) and Severny branches 0.904 (90.4%) worked most efficiently.

The maintenance of the fleet operated by LokoTech-Service branches in 2018 increased by 3.4% and amounted to 3,840 sections for diesel locomotives and 8,727 sections for electric locomotives.

Appointment of Alexander Mavrin as CEO

Since October 15, 2018, Alexander Mavrin has been appointed General Director of LokoTech LLC, who previously served as Deputy General Director for Operations. More details here.

Yuri Degtyarev, who was the general director of the company since July 10, 2017, took the post of head of Roslokomotiv CJSC and focused on the formation and strategic development of the locomotive division of the combined Transmashholding and LokTech group.

Received locomotive maintenance point in Ussuriysk after reconstruction

On July 6, 2018, the LokoTech Group of companies announced that it had received control after the reconstruction of the locomotive maintenance point (PTOL) in Ussuriysk. It is assumed that the facility will become part of the Sibirtsevo service locomotive depot (SLD) of the Far Eastern branch of LokoTech-Service.

Construction work was carried out by Bamstroymanization Management Company. More than 800 million rubles of investments of Russian Railways were allocated for reconstruction.

The existing PTOL at Ussuriysk station, built in 1980, was designed to carry out maintenance of TO-2 by 2-section locomotives, and worked at the limit of design capacity. After the reconstruction, the locomotive maintenance point significantly expanded its production cycle and increased the volume of work, said LokoTech Group of Companies.

The main specialization of PTOL is maintenance according to the TO-2 cycle up to 15 thousand 600 sections per year of diesel locomotives of various series, as well as TO-2 electric locomotives of the 3ES5K series up to 1 thousand 800 sections per year with simultaneous equipment.

At the same time, these indicators take into account promising volumes of transportation for freight diesel locomotives serving the Ussuriysk - Grodekovo - Suifenkhe, Ussuriysk - Gvozdevo - Hassan sections, the group of companies explained.

To perform the planned scope of work in accordance with the specifications, three pass-through ditches are provided based on the maintenance of 3 sectional locomotives, two ditches for servicing diesel locomotives and one for combined, for servicing diesel locomotives and electric locomotives.

Thus, PTOL in Ussuriysk will ensure uninterrupted railway communication along the Far Eastern Railway in the face of growing traffic.

Volume of plant investment program increased by 2.5 times

The LocoTech group of companies increased the investment program of the Zheldorremmash plants for 2018 by 2.5 times to 3.1 billion rubles.

Including the volume of the investment program of the Ulan-Ude LVRZ is more than 380 million rubles, Orenburg LRZ - more than 300 million rubles, Chelyabinsk ERZ - more than 150 million rubles, Yaroslavl ERZ - more than 230 million rubles, Rostov-on-Don ERZ - 170 million rubles.

LokoTech increased the volume of plant investment program for 2018 by 2.5 times

With these funds, in particular, it is planned to continue the development of repair of diesel locomotives of the 2TE116 series with a D49 diesel engine(1A-9DG) at the Orenburg LRZ, mastering the repair of electric locomotives of the EP1 series at the Yaroslavl and 2ES4K - at the Chelyabinsk ERZ, increasing the repair volumes of electric locomotives of the EP1 series at the Ulan-Uden LVRZ, starting the development of repairs by the D49 diesel engine(1A-9DG) at the Astrakhan TRZ, continue to increase the production of stalabbit inserts at the Ulan-Ude LVRZ and other measures.

The implementation of a large-scale investment program will allow to re-equip and modernize the production facilities of the plants, which is expected to lead to an increase in the quality of repair work, will contribute to the development of the locomotive repair complex and will have a positive impact on the condition of the fleet of traction rolling stock of Russian railways. In addition, updating equipment will help increase productivity in enterprises by improving working conditions.

In total, until 2020, as part of the implementation of the investment program, it is planned to implement more than 640 measures aimed at modernizing and improving the efficiency of the production activities of plants.


Revenue increased by 14% to 105.2 billion rubles

  • According to Russian Accounting Standards (RAS), LokoTech's consolidated revenue under RAS in 2017 increased by 14% to 105.2 billion rubles. compared to 2016.
  • Including the revenue of JSC Zheldorremmash in 2017 amounted to 41.2 billion rubles, which is 24.47% more than a year earlier. The revenue of LokoTech-Service LLC reached 67.9 billion rubles, which is 8.64% higher than in 2016.
  • At the end of 2017, the amount of taxes paid to budgets of all levels amounted to 9.8 billion rubles against 9 billion rubles. a year earlier.

The volume of the investment program of the plants is 1.3 billion rubles.

The investment program of the plants for 2017 amounted to more than 1.3 billion rubles. With these funds, various modern equipment and defectoscopy facilities were purchased, fire alarm equipment was equipped for plant sites and workshops, roof reconstruction, design work on the modernization of plant-wide treatment facilities, etc.

Record number of locomotives from repairs for 5 years

  • In 2017, the Zheldorremmash plants released 2,988 locomotive sections from repair, which is 18% more than in 2016 (2,451 locomotives). This is a record for the period since 2013.
  • The largest volume of repairs was carried out by Ulan-Uden LVRZ (871 sections), Chelyabinsk ERZ (687 sections), Rostov-on-Don ERZ (467 sections) and Ussuri LRZ (301 sections).
  • An important achievement was the development of repair of EP1, EP1P and E5K locomotives - Ulan-Uden LVRZ, 2TE116 - Orenburg LRZ, 2ES4K - Chelyabinsk ERZ and VL80s - Yaroslavl ERZ.
  • In 2017, the Zheldorremmash plants set several production records at once. So, the Ulan-Uden LVRZ in December released 104 sections of locomotives from repair, setting a new record for production. Chelyabinsk ERZ released 82 sections of electric locomotives from repair in December.

  • In 2017, LokoTech-Service branches also coped with the production program for the repair and maintenance of traction rolling stock. 56,022 sections or 100.5% were produced for diesel locomotives, 51,499 sections or 100.7% of the program were produced for electric locomotives.
  • The repair program of linear equipment was carried out in SLD LLC LokoTech-Service by 100% - 82,135 units were repaired.
  • The number of failures for LokoTech-Service by 1 million km of mileage decreased by 8%. The number of unscheduled repairs on the company's liability decreased by 9%.
  • The main indicator - the readiness for operation coefficient (CGE) - for 2017 for the network of service locomotive depots amounted to 0.894 (89.4%) with a target of 0.870 (87%). The most efficient worked "East Siberian" 0.916 (91.6%), "Moscow" 0.908 (90.8%) and "West" Branches 0.901 (90.1%).
  • The maintenance of the operated fleet by LokoTech-Service branches in 2017 increased by 1% and amounted to 3,777 sections for diesel locomotives and 8,381 sections for electric locomotives.

2015: Revenue - 86 billion rubles

Consolidated revenue of managed assets for 2015 under RAS amounted to 86 billion rubles.

At the end of 2015, Locomotive Technologies was included in the most authoritative ratings in Russia:

  • 80th place in the ranking of "200 largest private companies in Russia" according to Forbes magazine;
  • 126th place in the ranking of "500 largest companies in Russia" according to RBC magazine;
  • 130th place in the rating RAEX of -600 rating agency "Expert."
