For acceleration of technology innovations in the field of information security support and device management of Internet of Things (IoT) the Alcatel-Lucent company purchased in the fall of 2015 the Mformation company specializing in solutions on information security support and device management in mobile networks and IoT devices for mobile operators, service providers and the enterprises.
The Mformation company located in Vudbrizhda (piece of New Jersey) will join the structure of division of IP platforms of Alcatel-Lucent and will be engaged in providing to service providers and enterprises IoT-platforms, safe, scalable, invariant to applications, for control and information security support in the different industries, including automotive industry, health care, the utility sector, manufacturing industry and also in such applications as "the digital house".
When networks become more and more virtualized, wireless devices turn into principal components of the complex mechanisms getting into all corners of our life. The number of self-contained attached devices already almost much exceeds the world population, and questions of information security begin to purchase paramount importance.
Software products of Mformation will be also used for expansion and improvement of opportunities of the solution Alcatel-Lucent Motive Customer Experience Management (CEM) for the purpose of ensuring the end-to-end, integrated and economic device management in home, mobile and corporate networks. These end-to-end opportunities will help to resolve the issues of effective management and information security support coming to the forefront for 70 billion devices which, as expected, will be connected to the Internet by 2020 and also will simplify management of convergent networks which number, according to forecasts, will grow after the exhibitor together with implementation of technologies of fifth generation (5G). The combination of the solutions Alcatel-Lucent Motive to the products Mformation will allow network operators to manage any termination points and gateways, creating in Internet of Things an end-to-end "chain of trust" using the most advanced methods of authentication and information security support of networks and data.