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MicroEM Technologies



The contract producer of electronics MicroEM Technologies specializes in automobile electronics, telecommunication and navigation equipment for systems GSM GPS GLONASS, the equipment for industrial automation and lighting engineering.

2020: A loan in the amount of 10 million rubles on favorable terms

The MicroEM Technologies company received at the beginning of 2020 from the Moscow fund of support of the industry and an entrepreneurship I will jam in the amount of 10 million rubles on favorable terms. The company is going to invest these means in increase in production volumes and hardware upgrade for involvement of new customers.

The Zelenograd company "MicroEM Technologies" is a part of Mikroem group – one of distributors of electronic components in Russia and the CIS countries. Thanks to borrowed funds from the Government of Moscow the enterprise is going to purchase technology equipment for section of washing of printed circuit boards which will allow to increase volumes and to increase quality of the made products.

"The Moscow authorities consistently implement the strategy of support of the hi-tech enterprises focused on expansion of a circle of customers as in Russia, and abroad. The MicroEM Technologies company already not for the first time receives the help of capital Fund of support of the industry and an entrepreneurship so cooperation is mutually advantageous and productive. Within one-three years after start of the new equipment increase in turnovers of the company by 15-20% and the corresponding growth of tax deductions in city budget is expected and also creation of new jobs is planned", – the Head of Department of investment and industrial policy of the city of Moscow Alexander Prokhorov noted.

As a result of project implementation the enterprise will be able to increase an order portfolio, in particular, thanks to cooperation with the companies of a segment of hi-tech producers of the equipment. Besides, the received means will provide to the company participation in import substitution of services of installation of electronic products for the Russian customers, providing them competitive conditions for self-produced transfer back to Russia from the market of Southeast Asia, first of all, from the market of China.

The total quantity of investments into the project will make 14.3 million rubles, at the same time 70% of the necessary amount the company will get supports of the industry and an entrepreneurship from the Moscow fund. A preferential loan is issued for the enterprise for 5 years under 2% that is much lower than a rate of a bank loan for the companies.

The company already the second time gets support from authorities of the capital. So, in 2018 thanks to a loan of the Moscow Fund of support of the industry and an entrepreneurship in the amount of 47 million rubles the enterprise bought the equipment for creation of the new line of surface mount of electronic components that allowed to increase production capacities more than twice.