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Minervasoft Pantheon Aichi




Minervasoft (Pantheon Aichi LLC) - a developer of information systems in the field of conservation and development of intellectual capital, was created in 2019.

The founder of Minervasoft is Alexei Zobnin. He previously worked in different positions in contact centers - from a software developer at the beginning of his career in this area to a technical director.

According to Minervasoft, the team working in the company has been professionally implementing knowledge bases in the customer service for more than 7 years (2021 data).


  • Minerva KMS Knowledge Management System
  • Minerva LMS Mass Personnel Training Management System

According to April 2021, the company is developing and developing a knowledge management system (KMS) and is working on another solution in the field of working with business knowledge - the LMS system (Learning Management System). The latter allows you to manage the training of employees: create training courses, administer the training process, and monitor the level of staff knowledge.

The key task of the developed systems is to preserve the internal knowledge, skills, experience of the organization and provide the opportunity to manage and exchange them between employees.

Performance indicators

According to the database of legal entities Contour. Focus"," the revenue of Pantheon Aichi LLC in the year 2020 amounted to 12.2 million. rubles


2021: Naumen invested in Minervasoft

Naumen acquired a stake in Minervasoft, a Russian developer of the knowledge management system (Knowledge Management System, KMS). TAdviser was told about this in Naumen on April 7, 2021. The size of the acquired stake and the financial details of the transaction in the company are not disclosed, saying only that the majority part remains with the founder and CEO of Minervasoft Alexei Zobnin.

Knowledge Management System allows you to create knowledge bases and enterprise portals, structure and place on them the information necessary for the work of employees. As a result of the deal, Naumen will replenish its portfolio of remote service solutions with a new product - Naumen KMS (more about the solution here), created on the basis of the Minerva KMS solution from Minervasoft.

The product is designed to create knowledge management systems in large and medium-sized companies. According to Naumen, this decision is already working in the contact center of Sovcombank, Qiwi and Ak Bars Bank, and is also in the process of deployment at Uralsib Bank. By the end of 2021, Naumen plans to implement new projects. Target customers: banks, retail companies, telecom providers.

Joining the Naumen KMS ecosystem is the fifth deal in which Naumen includes a technologically mature solution in the product portfolio

Naumen told TAdviser that the parties to the deal will jointly develop the current product for a client service under the Naumen brand. For customers, it will be available both as a separate solution that is freely embedded in any IT infrastructure and as part of Naumen's ecosystem of remote service products.

The company explained that, according to the terms of the partnership, the knowledge management system developed by Minervasoft in the segment of contact centers and customer services will be sold mainly under the Naumen brand, and in other segments sales are possible under both brands.

Alexey Zobnin expects that a partnership with Naumen will help the company develop the product more quickly and provide the opportunity to participate in more large-scale projects where a set of solutions for client service is required. In addition to this investor, the Innovation Promotion Fund funds the scientific work in the field of smart search, which is conducted by Minervasoft.

Naumen has been developing an ecosystem of customer service solutions for 20 years, which are used by more than 500 companies. Joining the Naumen KMS ecosystem is the fifth deal, during which we include a technologically mature solution in the product portfolio, "said Andrey Zaytsev, director of the Naumen contact centers and robotic systems department.

The company recalled that before the deal with Minervasoft, they bought a company that developed dialogue systems based on AI technologies. In addition, Naumen entered the capital of companies developing a solution for managing the workload of employees and a solution from the field of speech technology. And as part of the development of the partner network in foreign markets, Naumen also invested in the German integrator company SoftBCom Berlin.

According to Global Industry Analysts for July 2020, the volume of the global knowledge management system market was estimated at $366.8 billion, and growth was projected to $1.1 trillion by 2027. Global players in this market include Bloomfire, Chadha Software Technologies, Ernst & Young, IBM, KMS Lighthouse. But in Russia, this market has not yet been fully formed.

Business knowledge management is not just about implementing this class of solutions. A significant role is played by the development of a knowledge strategy, the debugging and regulation of information exchange processes, the creation of a culture and methodology for working with business content. Understanding the context and specifics of the business is important here, and it takes time for expertise to appear on the market. In Russia, we are half way, "says Andrey Zaytsev.

Naumen, Director of Contact Centers and Robotic Systems, also believes that demand for knowledge management systems (CPS) in the customer service segment will grow, and especially dynamically, from large companies. This will be influenced by three key factors. The first and main one is to tighten the competition of companies for customers, where the readiness to quickly connect to resolving the issue and close it as quickly and efficiently as possible becomes an advantage. This speed and efficiency directly depends on the knowledge and competencies of the employees with whom the CPS allows you to work.

The second factor is the growth of information and knowledge in companies: large players are constantly expanding product and service portfolios, and employees need to navigate the data array. We need a convenient system that will quickly find the necessary data, and the smoothness of the processes of working with knowledge, "says Andrey Zaytsev.

The third factor appeared last year - this is "remote." According to Zaytsev, in working conditions from home, when employees are turned off from their usual working environment and personal communication is not available, it is critical for teams to consolidate information relevant for work in one source, as well as notify employees of all changes in information.