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Moscow Innovation Agency GBU




+ Moscow Innovation Agency
+ Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of Moscow

The Innovation Agency was established by the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the city of Moscow as a single window for participants in the innovation ecosystem of the capital.

The Innovation Agency was established by the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow with the aim of creating a favorable environment for the introduction of innovative developments and innovative infrastructure for technology parks in Moscow, as well as increasing the attractiveness of Moscow for capital and talents engaged in the economics of innovation, attracting private investment in innovative companies through the development of the venture market, and increasing the number of innovative companies.

Assets and projects

The agency is the operator of the Digital Business Space conference complex in Moscow.

For 2021, the agency implements the following programs:

Moscow Accelerator is the flagship project of the Moscow government aimed at scaling innovative solutions in promising industries in partnership with corporations.

The pilot innovation testing program is a service for technology companies that allows testing the latest solutions in an urban environment.

Engineering Subsidy - reimburses part of the costs associated with the creation of a new product, modernization of an existing product, modernization or expansion of production, subject to the availability of revenue from the sale of such a new product.

2020: Finding and attracting residents to the Demo Center of Moscow

The procedure for attracting technology companies to the 5G Demo Center of Moscow has been determined. This was announced on October 28, 2020 by the DIT of Moscow.

2019: Agreement with AFT and MIK for the development of Moscow's financial infrastructure

On October 30, 2019, the Association for the Development of Financial Technologies (FinTech Association, AFT) announced the signing of a cooperation agreement with the Moscow Innovation Agency and the Moscow Innovation Cluster Foundation (MIK). The key goal of the tripartite agreement is the development of innovative financial infrastructure and financial technologies in the city of Moscow. More details here.