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National command center defense of Russia (NTsUO Russian Federation)




+ Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Defence)

2015: Integration of IT systems of authorities with the NTsUO complex

On November 17, 2015 it became known that IT systems of authorities will be integrated with National command center of defense of Russia (NTsUO). About it journalists were told by the deputy chief of the center major general Igor Solokhov.

According to him, hardware and software system NTsUO represents an organizational basis of a system of interdepartmental information exchange.

InformSystems of the federal authorities integrate with the NTsUO complex
"For the benefit of formation of a common information space concerning defense of the Russian Federation work on integration of information systems of federal executive authorities into a hardware and software system of the National center using the modern information technologies allowing to perform in real time collecting, generalization and information analysis about the situation arriving from the federal executive authorities, first of all, participating in accomplishment of actions of the plan of defense of Russia is carried out" — Solokhov (the quote by Interfax) reported.

He also noted that information exchange between the Ministry of Defence and  federal executive authorities happens  within bilateral agreements in  which obligations of the parties and  questions of their implementation are stated.

The interdepartmental scientific and practical conference in which 128 representatives of federal executive authorities and the organizations will participate will be devoted to a subject of information exchange of the Ministry of Defence and authorities. The Ministry of Defence is going to hold a meeting on November 19.[1]

2014: Creation of NTsUO

On December 1, 2014 there began work the National command center defense of the Russian Federation (NTsUO) created at the initiative of the president of the country Vladimir Putin for the purpose of improvement of a system of centralized operation by the military organization of the state and national economy at problem solving of preparation for the armed protection of the country.

For work of NTsUO created the protected hardware and software system within which the problem of consolidation of information resources of all ministries and departments is solved.
