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New telecom solutions (NTR)





Development plan for GSM/LTE communication base stations for small settlements

In November 2022, Kommersant learned the details of the project of Novye Telecom Solutions LLC (NTR) to develop GSM/LTE communication base stations for small settlements with up to 250 thousand people. NTR intends to invest about 1.7 billion rubles. and get the first minimum viable prototype in March 2023, follows from the passport of the project sent to the Ministry of Digital Science. In the future, NTR expects to produce 10 thousand LTE base stations and 5 thousand GSM + LTE base stations annually. The installation of domestic stations in remote and sparsely populated areas will free up scarce foreign equipment for the development of networks in large cities, experts say.

"The solution is focused on operator-class stations, the growth in productivity and the addition of software functionality will go gradually," the representative of the NTR said to Kommersant.

Anchor customer should become Rostelecom"," the document says. The company's plans to conclude several forward contracts for 20-25 billion rubles. for the purchase of Russian telecommunications equipment on October 26, reported RBC with reference to the senior vice president for technical infrastructure of Rostelecom. Alexey Sapunov Also among the possible customers in the project are named MegaFon",," "" and MTSBeeline. And by Tele2 2030, export sales are planned "in the amount of up to 5 billion rubles. to the countries of South Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, the Middle and, Asia Latin America thanks to the request to eliminate digital inequality in developing countries," the document says.

The ANO Telecommunications Technologies (ANO TT, which includes Rostelecom, Element Group of Companies and Rostec) told Kommersant that the development of stations for small settlements "will free up scarce equipment from foreign suppliers and use it to develop communication networks in large cities."

VimpelCom declined to comment on the NTR project, but assured that "they support domestic developers as much as possible in terms of testing, pilots and the introduction of such solutions." The interlocutor of Kommersant in one of the operators considers the project promising and emphasizes that such equipment "can potentially be used to develop 2G/LTE networks in zones with low and medium network loads." Rostelecom, Tele2, MTS and MegaFon refrained from commenting, the Ministry of Digital Industry did not respond to the request.

At the same time, Kommersant's source in one of the major manufacturers estimates the real export potential of such equipment skeptically: "By 2030, due to the global transition to 5G and 6G, the current equipment of the world's largest vendors will enter the secondary market, and it will be several times cheaper than the new one." The interlocutor adds that in such conditions, Russian base stations will be in demand in export markets only if they turn out to be cheaper than foreign and reliable, taking into account the experience of use in the Russian Federation.

Withdrawal of the company from the I-Teco group

Since October 6, 2022, NTR has not been formally connected with I-Teco: 33.9% of the company is owned by NTR-Invest (100% owned by NTR), 26.01% by Alexei Bosik, 25% by Alexander Yuriev and 15% by Mikhail Golubev. The NTR website says that the company is part of the I-Teco Group of Companies. But the GK "Kommersant" assured that "NTR left the group."

2021: Revenue of 165 million rubles at a loss of 73 million

The revenue of NTR LLC at the end of 2021 amounted to 165 million rubles. with a loss of 73 million rubles.

2014: Establishment of NTR LLC in I-Teco Group

LLC NTR (New Telecom Solutions) is engaged in the production of telecommunications equipment, the development of software for communication networks of the fourth and fifth generations. It is a subsidiary of I-Teco JSC, a player in the system integration market in Russia and the CIS. Ai-Teko owned 99% of the company and 1% was owned by Shamil Shakirov.

In 2014, within the framework of the strategy for business diversification, the management of I-Teco JSC decided to create a separate legal entity for the implementation of projects for the development and production of telecommunication and multimedia equipment, as well as related hardware and software solutions.

The NTR LLC team included specialists in the field of design and construction of communication systems, development and manufacture of radioelectronic equipment, as well as engineers and developers.

As representatives of the I-Teco company specified to TAdviser, the activities of the NTR company at the time of its creation were aimed at internal developments.