Content |
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Venezuela
- Guyana
- Colombia
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Salvador
- Surinam
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Uruguay
- French Guiana
- Chile
- Ecuador
Mean age
Countries in terms of GDP in 2022, according to the IMF forecast in the middle of the year
GDP countries in the world in 2021 according to the estimates of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Foreign trade
2020: Main export item in South American countries
Green - food products:
Orange - non-precious metals/minerals:
Sery - mechanical engineering:
- French Guiana - machinery and transport equipment
- Brazil - transport equipment
Dark gray - oil and oil products:
2019: Mercosur-EU trade agreement
Incomes of the population
2023: Minimum wage
Минимальная оплата труда в countries of the world as of January 2023
2022: Share of citizens with a budget of less than $5.5 per day
Сравнение data for 2012 and 2022
2021: An increase in the number of people with a fortune of more than $30 million
Literacy rate
Health care
- lower respiratory tract infections;
- tuberculosis;
- diarrhoeal diseases;
- malaria;
- measles.
100 million hp: South America seceded from Africa
Main article: The history of the Earth before the appearance of hominids
100 million years ago, South America separated from Africa, in the gap between which the Atlantic Ocean began to form.
150 million hp: The beginning of the collapse of Gondwana in the southern hemisphere
150 million years ago (Mesozoic) Gondwana broke up into two parts: western (Africa, Arabia and South America) and eastern (Australia, Antarctica, Madagascar and Hindustan), the border of which was the Mozambique Strait.