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OTC OTC Markets


OTS Joint Stock Company

RTS tender


OTS Joint Stock Company (until February 25, 2015, OTC Markets CJSC) is the operator of the OTS-tender electronic trading platform.

At the OTS-Tender site, procedures are carried out in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law of 18.07.2011 N 223-FZ "On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities."


ОТС.ru - project of CJSC "OTC Markets" in partnership with LLC "RTS-tender," includes a group of trading platforms for carrying out trade and procurement activities. The ОТС.ru group includes the following electronic platforms:

A site developed on the basis of exchange-traded RTS technologies for the procurement and delivery of goods in accordance with Federal Law No. 223 "On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities," as well. procurement in the corporate sector. More than 70,000 suppliers participating in tenders are accredited at the site. On average, 5-6 suppliers take part in one tender, the price reduction is 10-15%.

In total, more than 210,000 notices of auctions were placed on the site during the work. Including almost 120,000 auctions for 2011 and more than 90,000 auctions from January to June 2012.

Electronic platform for placing free funds of organizations in bank deposits on a competitive basis. More than 25 leading state and commercial banks are accredited at the OTS-finance site, 20 of which are part of the TOP-30.

Electronic platform for procurement in the agricultural sector. OTC-agro is a round-the-clock service for enterprises of the agricultural sector to place and control the execution of commercial orders for the purchase and sale of grain, products of its processing and other goods, material and technical resources and services.

The group of sites is a tool in the market of state and municipal orders, commercial purchases and banking services. The platforms are developed on the basis of exchange-traded RTS technologies, are distinguished by reliability and ease of use.