Assets | Owners |
+ Optima, investment holding |
The presentation of multimedia of Optima holding was at disposal of CNews (date: May, 2010) from which facts are given below. The commercial director of Optima and the adviser to the CEO Nikita Ekaterina Sedinina confirmed to CNews authenticity of the presentation, having refrained from additional comments. The fact of existence of Optima holding was confirmed to the edition and by the CEO of Svyazinvest Evgeny Yurchenko.
According to the presentation, enter into Optima:
- the reseller of Internet traffic Telecom asset (a share of holding of-100%, but the CEO Telecom Asset Dmitry Sutormin disproves it),
- the TV aggregator - and video content Bradbury Lab (it is created on a parity basis with Nikita Mikhalkov, at the same time the company is controlled by Optima),
- provider of mobile content Nikita (73%),
- aggregator of mobile content Content Urals (100%),
- operator of call centers and voice content of "Info content" (70%),
- IP content aggregator Freshstor (100%).
Performance Indicators
In 2009 consolidated revenues of holding were $73.5 million, an indicator of EBITDA - $6.3 million, net profit - $3.8 million. Revenue is planned for the current year at the level of $123.6 million, EBITDA - $20.4 million, net profit - $11.1 million. If Telecom asset manages to sign the agreement on trade in Internet traffic with Rostelecom (currently there is no such agreement), then by 2014 revenue of holding will make $361.3 million, EBITDA - $64 million, net profit - $41 million. Without the agreement about Rostelecom revenue will be at the level of $313.6 million, EBITDA - $50.5 million, is told in the presentation. By this moment shareholders of Optima are going to consider a question of its sale to strategic investors.
Ambitious plans Optima are connected with cooperation with the enterprises of Svyazinvest.
Comments of market participants
Market participants on a miscellaneous estimate effect of implementation of different initiatives of Optima. "Creation of the uniform aggregator of mobile content can be separate reasonablly only when mobile assets of Svyazinvest, - the CEO of ZED Russia content provider Kirill Shramko considers. - For example, it was inconvenient to content providers to be connected to different "daughters" earlier, existence of the uniform aggregator would solve these problems. But after end need for the transfer to any company of exclusive rights on aggregation planned by Svyazinvest of consolidation of mobile operators disappears: for example, operators of "the big three" of all large content providers connect directly".
Transfer to one company of the rights to creation of "operator show-windows" looks, according to Shramko, justified. "It corresponds to practice of the largest mobile operators, for example, at VimpelCom such function is performed by Temafon company, at MegaFon - "VAS of Media", MTS has partly "Inform Mobile", - the expert notes. Evgeny Yurchenko, in turn, skeptically looks at all idea of formation of Optima. "The purpose at this holding one – to sell to Svyazinvest content at inflated price", - the CEO of Svyazinvest considers.