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Papa Jones





Papa Jones is one of the largest pizza chains in the world, which was founded in 1984, in 1985 restaurants began operating under a franchise program.


2021: 21st in US sales: $3.5 billion

2019: Ready Food Delivery Market Share - 3.5%

Market Shares of Leading Players in the Ready-Made Food Delivery Market, 2019 - 2020

2015: Nearly 4,700 restaurants in 35 countries

As of November 2015, the American pizza chain Papa John's brought together about 4,700 restaurants in 35 countries - both as part of the company and franchisees.

2013: 4,000 restaurants in 32 countries

logo in 2013

As of July 2013, the chain had about 4,000 restaurants in 32 countries. At that time, 26 pizzerias in Moscow, 8 in St. Petersburg were successfully operating in Russia, and establishments in Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk were opened. Projects were also being prepared in other cities of Russia.