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Food industry
Since 2004
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
125047, st. 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 21,

Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees


+ Prodo G/L (Prodo Management)

PRODO Group is a group of vertically integrated livestock and meat processing enterprises in Russia (meat processing, poultry and pork).


2025: Purchase of Omskhleboproduct

One of the largest poultry meat producers in the Russian Federation, Prodo, bought Omskhleboprodukt. The companies announced this in February 2025. Read more here

2024: Andrey Gorodilov bought Prodo and became the sole owner of the group

Andrei Gorodilov on December 16, 2024 became the sole owner of the Prodo group, one of the largest producers of meat products in Russia, increasing his share to 100%. He previously owned 75% of the company.

According to Interfax, Irina Panchenko, who was a co-owner of the group for more than ten years, completely left the ownership, reducing her share from 25% to zero. In 2022, the former senator from Chukotka Efim Malkin came out of the owners in a similar way, selling his 25% to Andrei Gorodilov.

One of the largest Russian producers of sausages "Prodo" now has one owner

All three former co-owners are united by experience in Sibneft and related structures during the period when the company was controlled by Roman Abramovich.

According to the publication, the Prodo group is one of the leading Russian producers of meat products. The company's range includes more than one thousand seven hundred items, including poultry products, sausages, semi-finished products and meat delicacies.

The production facilities of the holding are represented by three poultry farms and three meat processing enterprises located in the Central, Siberian, Ural and Volga Federal Districts. The company also owns enterprises for the production of feed and raw materials for poultry farms and meat processing plants.

The group's brand portfolio includes such well-known brands as Klinsky, Omsk Bacon, Troekurovo, Rokoko, Black Boar and Yasnaya Gorka. The change in ownership structure will not affect the operations of the group's entities and the fulfillment of existing contractual obligations.[1]


As of the beginning of August 2023, the Group unites enterprises with a total number of employees of more than 9 thousand people.

2014: Rejection of semi-finished products and loss of important Internet domains

By May 2014, the Daria brand had fallen into disrepair. The Prodo group of companies, owned by a friend and ex-partner of Roman Abramovich David Davidovich, almost lost the site of the Daria dumplings, but missed other Internet domains that represented the company's products on the Web. The production of semi-finished products under the Daria brand has been discontinued.

As of May 2014, a number of sites in zone with the domain names beef, blini, chebureki, cordenblue, polufabrikat, polufabrikaty, pork, tortelini, tortellini, varenik are not active, and the domain names themselves have already been dismantled by cybersquatters for subsequent resale. All these domains belonged to the structures of Prodo Group of Companies and were used as independent sites for the company's products. GC "Prodo" did not sell its domains, but simply stopped paying for them. Domain brokers note that with the loss of domains, the company lost about $100-200 thousand. At the last moment, on May 6, 2014, after calls and requests from Izvestia, Prodo was able to extend the,, and addresses through the registrars and resumed the work of the Daria brand website.

- These are generic words, common. Not to mention the fact that in the list of domains there are names of four letters, which are very rare now and very expensive. All these domains today can cost from $100 thousand, "says broker Pavel Gross-Dneprov.

In his opinion, it would be more rational to leave domains behind a group of companies (extend, having spent a total of several thousand rubles on this) or sell them.

- In the USA, such things are not scattered: even if the company goes bankrupt, then domains are transferred to the general director or investor. But our country has not yet understood this. The company did not buy these domains, but registered itself. But still. The release of such domains to the market is very rare, - notes Gross-Dneprov.

As for the fate of the products presented on the abandoned sites, the North-West branch of Prodo Commerz LLC (the office of the meat processing plant that produced the Daria dumplings) told Izvestia that dumplings and all Daria meat semi-finished products (dumplings, cutlets, dumplings, cordon bleu cutlets) had ceased to be produced. The central office of the Prodo Group of Companies confirmed that the products under the Daria brand have been discontinued. As for the closed sites, the company explained that they were not fully used and it was decided to abandon them.

It is worth noting that, according to Rospatent, the Daria trademarks registered in 2001 are still protected in the interests of Prodo structures. However, if they are not used for 3 years, then their protection may be terminated and the Daria trademarks will share the fate of the domain of the same name.

According to analysts, Prodo Group of Companies has focused its activity on poultry and pork products over the past 5 years, without paying attention to semi-finished products.

- The market of semi-finished products by its nature is highly competitive and saturated with a lot of local players, which cannot be said about the pork and poultry market, - says Narek Avakyan, an analyst at Aforex.

According to him, the extinction of the fame of frozen semi-finished products "Daria" and their departure from the market can be explained by the fact that "Prodo" 5 years ago relied on the production of poultry, eggs and pork and continues to work in this vein.

- In particular, then the company invested up to 1 billion rubles in Ivanovo Broiler. And this year the company announced its intentions to modernize its own pig farms in the Omsk region (Omsk Bacon). About 5.6 billion rubles have been budgeted for the creation of new genetic and breeding centers, says Avakyan[2]

President of the Meat Council of the EEA Musheg Mamikonyan also believes that the rejection of frozen semi-finished products is associated with the optimization of production and the company's focus on strengthening its leadership in the production of finished meat products, as well as the development of poultry and pork production.

In May 2014, according to the estimates of the Meat Council of the Unified Economic Space (EEA), Prodo was one of the five leaders among manufacturers of finished meat products, along with Ostankino Meat Processing Plant OJSC (OMPK OJSC), Cherkizovo Group OJSC, Ostankino Group of Companies and Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant (MMK has been part of Exima Holding since 1998 ).

Dumplings "Daria" is a business started by entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov in 1997 in Pushkin near St. Petersburg. Tinkov admitted that he named dumplings in honor of his daughter, and urged to name businesses in honor of children. However, fatherly feelings did not prevent him in 2001 from selling production and the Daria brand to oligarch Roman Abramovich for $21 million. Thus, the product entered the line of GC "Prodo," managed by Millhouse.


PRODO Group is one of the players in the meat processing, poultry and pork market in Russia.

Areas of activity

Logo in 2012

PRODO enterprises produce all types of sausages, semi-finished products, poultry products. The assortment of enterprises in March 2012 totaled over 1,500 items. Thanks to the technologists of the Group, it is constantly being improved and updated in accordance with the needs of the market.

The brand profile of PRODO includes such well-known brands as Troekurovo, BonBacon, Daria, Rococo, Good Product.

In production, PRODO specialists use cooled and frozen raw materials in accordance with the recipe. Products are manufactured using the best modern technologies at their own enterprises.

PRODO Group enterprises are located in eleven regions of the Russian Federation: in territories rich in natural raw materials, in environmentally friendly zones. A significant part of the raw materials is supplied to production by own farms and poultry farms.


PRODO Group enterprises are managed by LLC PRODO Management through a network of branches.

The Group's products are sold by the trading company PRODO Commerce LLC, interacting with suppliers, local distributors and retail chains through its own branches. The group provides products to the population of almost all federal districts.

The development strategy adopted in the Group envisages further expansion and strengthening of the leading position in the market by increasing the capacity of existing enterprises and acquiring new specialized production facilities in the regions of operation.

As of March 2012, the Group had more than 22,000 employees across Russia. The central office of PRODO Group is located in Moscow.

LLC "PRODO Management" - management company in all enterprises of the Holding

LLC "PRODO Management" becomes a management company in all enterprises of the Holding. To interact with suppliers, local distributors and retail chains through the branch network, PRODO Commerz LLC was formed.

As part of a strategy aimed at further developing the Company and strengthening its market leadership by increasing the capacity of existing enterprises and acquiring new profile facilities in the regions where it operates, the Group acquires several profile facilities:

  • OJSC "Poultry Farm named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR" to increase the production of broiler meat of the Group, along with egg production.
  • Broiler Don LLC to provide a zoning system for poultry farming. Transfer of the reproducer from Agrofirma Priazovskaya OJSC (Rostov Region) to a new site.
  • OJSC "Ivanovsky Broiler" to increase the production of broiler meat of the Group in the Central region of the Russian Federation.
  • OJSC Kalininskaya Poultry Farm to provide a system of zoning of poultry production. Transfer of the reproducer from OJSC Permskaya Poultry Farm to a new site.


In 2004, Abramovich's Millhouse partner David Davidovich bought Prodo Group of Companies.

At this time, the following was carried out:

  • Unification of organizational structures and business processes.
  • Creating and building a matrix management system that contributes to the rapid adoption of new technologies and achieve the greatest economic effect.
  • Sale of non-core assets
  • Forming a vertically integrated business structure.

At this stage, the distribution of PRODO products is carried out by regional traders (PRODO-Ural, -Yug, -Tsentr, -Ufa, -Nizhniy Novgorod, - Tyumen, -Sibir, -Tolyatti).
