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RA Expert


Rating agency

Rating agency "Expert RA" is the largest rating agency in Russia with a 20-year history. Expert RA is a leader in the field of rating, as well as research and communication activities.

Expert RA is included in the register of credit rating agencies of the Bank of Russia.

Expert RA ratings are included in the lists of official requirements for banks, insurers, pension funds, issuers. The agency's ratings are used by the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Moscow Exchange, as well as hundreds of companies and authorities during tenders and tenders.


2020: Cooperation with Interfax to disseminate information on the assigned credit ratings of issuers and issues

On April 7, 2020, it became known that Expert RA, the Russian credit a rating agency, and the Group, Interfax a representative of the Russian information market in the B2B segment, signed a cooperation agreement.

Interfax, according to the document, received the rights to distribute through the platform RU Data information on the credit ratings of issuers and issues assigned by the Expert RA agency. More. here

2019: Support for over 600 credit ratings

As of 2019, the agency maintains more than 600 credit ratings. Expert RA firmly holds leading positions in the ratings of credit institutions, insurance companies, companies in the financial and non-financial sector.

2017: Board of Directors

Expert RA, a credit rating agency included in the register of credit rating agencies of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, announced in February a change in the composition of the Board of Directors. According to the results of the last meeting of shareholders, 4 independent directors joined the Board of Directors. Igor Yurgens, President of the All-Russian Union of Insurers (ARIA), was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors.

At the general meeting of shareholders of the Expert RA credit rating agency held on February 20, 2017, a decision was made to early terminate the powers of the current composition of the board of directors and elect the following persons to its composition:

  • Sergey Yuryevich Belyakov (independent director)
  • Arkady Anatolyevich Krasnikhin (Independent Director)
  • Oleg Aleksandrovich Khodenkov (independent director)
  • Igor Yuryevich Yurgens (Independent Director)
  • Dmitry Eduardovich Grishankov
  • Igor Valentinovich Makarov
  • Oleg Irikovich Mukhamedshin
  • Alexander Dmitrievich Tarabrin
  • Sergey Ivanovich Tishchenko


Expert RA rating agency receives Bank of Russia accreditation

The Expert RA rating agency is included in the register of rating agencies accredited by the Bank of Russia. The inclusion of information about Expert RA in the register of accredited rating agencies means that the agency fully complies with the requirements of N 222-FZ "On the activities of credit rating agencies in the Russian Federation..." as well as other regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation regulating the activities of rating agencies in Russia.

Within the framework of accreditation by the Bank of Russia, the Agency formed share capital, created new corporate governance bodies that exclude conflicts of interest, and brought rating methodologies and procedures to the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in order to improve the quality and transparency of rating ratings.

Bank of Russia confirms application of Expert RA ratings for regulatory purposes

The Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia approved in October a list of rating agencies whose credit ratings should be held by banks, reinsurers, issuers or issues of securities in order to meet the requirements for the placement of reserves and own funds of insurance companies. The requirements for ratings in terms of investing pension savings funds and assets as part of own funds of professional participants in the securities market, NPFs and management companies were also approved.

The use of Expert RA ratings is provided for by all new decisions of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, while in terms of requirements for investing pension savings in bond issues, only Expert RA ratings are provided for (along with international rating agencies).

Expert RA completed the additional issue and approved a new share capital structure

As of July 26, 2016, the shareholders of Expert RA JSC (from 2015 to 2018, the trademark - RAEX) were:

After depositing funds by all participants, the final capital amounted to more than 400 million rubles, which exceeds the current requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the capital of rating agencies.[1]

Globex and VEB Capital sell shares in the agency

In April 2016, it became known that Bank Globex and VEB will withdraw from the authorized capital of the Expert RA rating agency. This was told by the general director of "Expert RA" Sergei Tishchenko.

"Obviously, Globex is getting rid of its package. The relevant registration is underway, but it is not completed, and we as a joint-stock company do not yet have extracts from the register... Somewhere it will be ten days. Therefore, as the general director, I can declare that Globex will not be part of the shareholders, "Tishchenko emphasized
"VEB has also sold its stake before. Therefore, VEB and Globex will cease to be shareholders of the company, "he added[2]

The total share of VEB and Globex structures in the capital of Expert RA was 49.5%, agency representatives said.

After the additional issue, about 40% of the authorized capital of Expert RA will be controlled by private investors who participate in the new issue, 26% will be controlled by the founder of the agency Dmitry Grishankov, 9.9% by Ingosstrakh and 25% by new shareholders who participate in the additional issue, follows from the materials of the agency.

2015: Vedomosti: Deripaska bought a stake in the agency

Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska bought a quarter of the shares of the Expert RA rating agency, Vedomosti writes, citing informed sources[3]

The Expert media holding controlled 24.5% of the shares of Expert RA JSC, another 26% of the shares were owned by its general director Dmitry Grishankov, and the remaining 49.5% were owned by VEB (owns through subsidiaries - the investment company VEB Capital (20% of the shares) and Globex Bank (29.5%). Moreover, Deripaska is familiar with this business - Basel owns 29.3% of the Expert media holding.

The stake in the rating agency was bought by two Cypriot offshore companies associated with Deripaska's companies, says a person close to the agency: but this is not for long - later the asset will be transferred to "one of its Russian structures." According to the interlocutor of Vedomosti, the deal can be paid in part - the media holding has a debt to Bazel.

1997: Establishment of Expert RA Agency

The Expert RA rating agency was founded in 1997.
