Regional perinatal center of the Kaliningrad region
Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
236023, Kashtanovaya Avenue, 145
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
236023, Kashtanovaya Avenue, 145
Public autonomous institution of the Kaliningrad region "Regional perinatal center"
Ministry of Health of the Kaliningrad region
+ Ministry of Health of the Kaliningrad region
The most powerful medical institution of the Kaliningrad region in the system of obstetric aid providing highly skilled medical care in gynecology, conducting pregnancy and childbirth, a neonatology including the newborn who was born in other maternity hospitals of the city and area.
In the perinatal center the modern clinic for adults and comfortable maternity hospital is combined with the individual delivery rooms allowing a message childbirth in the presence of family members and equipped with the ultramodern equipment for rendering the hi-tech help and also children's department for nursing of newborns.