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Баннер в шапке 2






RuSat – the universal operator of satellite communication providing telecommunication services on the basis of own teleport located in Moscow using network of small-size satellite VSAT terminals (Very Small Aperture Terminal). The operator uses the selected resources on five communication satellites: Intelsat 904, Intelsat 15, Intelsat 906, Yamal-402 and Yamal-300K.


In 2009 the company received the solution of State commission on radio frequencies (SCRF) on selection of frequency bands in Ku range for deployment of network of mobile satellite communication using geostationary satellites. Telecommunication services are provided on the basis of own teleport located in Moscow and network of small-size satellite VSAT terminals (Very Small Aperture Terminal). In RuSat network there are 1450 small terrestrial satellite stations.


  • data transmission and high-speed Internet access, including broadband satellite Internet access for private users [1] (KiteNet trademark);
  • creation of corporate networks and distribution via the satellite for the benefit of broadcasters of programs of radio - and telecastings (uplink);
  • organization of TV reports and video conferences,
  • direct Internet broadcastings from places of events;
  • production and leasing of reporting satellite stations; mobile communication on different types of transport (the largest projects with Connexion by Boeing, Panasonic Avionics Corporation, Gogo Inc., the Russian Railway are implemented);
  • lease of capacity of a teleport.

The operator possesses own data processing center (DPC) and the service center (authorization - ViaSat, C-COM, Newtec, Agilis, Ortes).

Performance Indicators


In the first half of the year 2010 turnover of the company grew in comparison with the first half of the year 2009 by 30 million rubles, up to 367 million rubles. Investments into development of the universal operator, into retrofitting of technical base and upgrade of a central station for this period were made by 10 million rubles.

The net profit of the company in 2010 was 87 million rubles, having decreased by 14.7% in comparison with previous year. It is connected with the large volume of investments of RuSat into retrofitting of technical base and also with purchase of considerable volume of a satellite resource. As a result the rented capacity of RuSat reached 337 MHz, having increased in 12 months by 26.7%. In 2010 investments into retrofitting of technical base increased by 2.4 times in comparison with 2009 and made 24 million rubles.

In structure of the customer base of RuSat in 2010 first place was won by the oil and gas industry – 43%, further media – 24%, telecom operators – 19%, banks – 6%, a public sector – 5% and others – 3%.

The share of communication services in structure of turnover of RuSat increased from 54% in 2009 to 70% in 2010. At the same time in communication services in 2010 43% of turnover were the share of providing communication channels, 36% – of data transmission, 21% – of telematic services.


"In the summer of 2010 the issue of introduction of the simplified registration procedure of the VSAT stations working at foreign boards was resolved, – Alymov Sergey, the CEO of RuSat celebrates significant events of the market of satellite communication. – Besides, the list is created from six satellites to which action of the simplified procedure extends. It expands possibilities of the operator on construction of VSAT networks in the conditions of acute shortage of a satellite resource, than we also will try to use. Though it is serious a picture will not change, deficit of a resource will continue to limit market development of VSAT and in 2011. It is quite probable and logical that many operators will be engaged in study and working off of the new directions of the business to create backlogs for growth during the period after the beginning of starts of new communication satellites in 2012".

"Result of the long-term development strategy of the company as universal operator became: in 2009 – provision of services to operators of mobile television, provision of services of a receiving and transceiving teleport, in 2010 – provision of services to broadcasters, development in Russia of services of mobile satellite communication, – Oleg Vatulin, the First Deputy CEO, the director of a teleport of RuSat comments. – The main competitive advantage of RuSat – own technology platform which we develop and we upgrade according to requirements of the market. On its basis we plan further development of such activities of RuSat as provision of services TV and to broadcasters, construction of VSAT networks and provision of services on moving objects of communication".


2011: Partnership with Panasonic Avionics Corporation

On February 16, 2011 in Moscow announced RuSat the conclusion of the long-term agreement with Panasonic Avionics Corporation company (Panasonic, the USA) – the system provider of entertainment and communication in flight (in-flight entertainment and connectivity – IFEC). According to the agreement of RuSat provides Panasonic Avionics Corporation in lease a broadband channel between the terrestrial station of interface (a teleport of RuSat LLC) and the airplanes of the international airlines equipped with the aviation satellite broadband terminals of production of PAC and performing transit flights through the territory of the Russian Federation.

For provision of services for the benefit of Panasonic Avionics Corporation the RuSat company got permission of State commission on radio frequencies (SCRF) for selection of frequency band in the Ku-range on the Yamal-201 satellite.

According to the signed agreement the main objective of RuSat – providing Panasonic Avionics Corporation of a communication channel between the terrestrial station of interface, the being Moscow, and the satellite station aboard (airborne earth station – AES). Entering a coverage Yamal-201, satellite stations by airplanes will automatically switch to the Russian beam.

The Yamal-201 satellite (orbital provision 90 ° EL) has the wide coverage covering all territory of the Russian Federation that completely meets requirements of Panasonic. Use of the satellite was important for Panasonic Avionics Corporation with as it is possible a bigger coverage of the territory of Russia, and today Yamal-201 only conforms to the stated requirements".

Panasonic will be able to connect to the created communication channel via the modem services of other providers, in particular mobile operators, acceptance of television programs, multimedia services.


In 2010 began to provide by RuSat services to many new clients. Among them AKSA Media Gruppa LLC (radio "Pioneer of FM"), Nauka-Sputnik LLC, National Construction Corporation Ltd, JSC Software Vychislitelnaya tekhnika i sredstva avtomatizatsii.

Within the state order the operator continued upgrade of satellite network of Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation using SkyWire technology. RuSat organized supply of equipment and brought together the seventh in Ministry of Internal Affairs network mobile reporting satellite station.

Among the largest projects implemented by RuSat in 2010, the project of Lukoil-Inform LLC on the telecommunications satellite organization on the field of Yu. Korchagin in the Caspian Sea and the project of Orion Express LLC – start of the DTH platform (digital satellite television – Direct-to-Home) on the Intelsat-15 spacecraft using a modern technology platform of RuSat company.