Rusaudit (Rusaudit Assessment and Consulting) formerly Crow SiArES Rusaudit
Since May 30, 2022, the legal entity Crow SiArES Rusaudit LLC has been named Rusaudit Assessment and Consulting LLC.
Since September 9, 2019, the legal entity Crow Rusaudit LLC has been renamed Crow SiArEs Rusaudit LLC.
Since August 9, 2017, the legal entity Baker Tilly Rusaudit LLC has been renamed Crow Rusaudit LLC.
Baker Tilly Rusaudit, a Russian audit and consulting company, was founded in 1992 in Moscow and as of February 2011 was one of the largest companies in Russia in the audit and consulting market.
The company was an independent member of one of the largest international networks in the field of audit and consulting - Baker Tilly International, which at that time united 147 companies from 114 countries.
Baker Tilly Rusaudit - founder and member of the NP Institute of Professional Auditors (IPAR), member of the NP Russian College of Appraisers, NP Community of Valuation Companies SMAO, Russian-German Chamber of Commerce.